【Annual Event】The UltiMater 2024 – The 3rd UM Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition (2024/11/08; N1-G/F)

【年度活動】澳大極創客2024 —第三屆澳門大學創新創業展,活動將展出80+科創項目!(2024/11/08;N1-G/F)


The UltiMater 2024 – The 3rd UM Innovation and Entrepreneurship Exhibition


極創客(The UltiMater)“創客、極客” 創新鑽研精神為起點,旨在向創業者、企業界、投資者以及公共機構各界展示澳門大學產學研成果,為澳門產業升級、多元化發展、跨產業合作等搭建溝通的橋樑,尋找高新科技的合作伙伴,提升自身的競爭能力。

第三屆極創客以 “創新融合,輝映1+4多元發展” 為主題,展出近80多項澳門科創的創新項目,並邀請了多位嘉賓發表演講,冀“極創客”能凝聚澳門的創新創業力量,爲澳門經濟適度多元化注入科技新活力,促進科技産業等新興産業的發展。

* 出席活動之學生可獲得1粒SAO至叻星。

* 現場將派發創新創業中心製作的紀念品,數量有限,送完即止。

Introduction of the Event

The name of the event ‘UltiMater’ is inspired by the word ‘ultimate’ and implies ‘UM’. This event aims to showcase the latest development of industry-academia collaboration and start-up incubation at the university, create a good atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, and promote the commercialization of the results of innovation and entrepreneurship projects. Also to build a bridge for cross-industry cooperation and development, pair high-tech partners, and enhance the competitiveness of Macau’s industries.

The third UltiMater event, themed “Innovation Integration, Diversified Development”, displayed nearly 80 innovative projects from Macau’s science and technology sector. Additionally, the university invited several distinguished guests to deliver speeches. It is hoped that UltiMater can unite the innovative and entrepreneurial forces of Macau, inject new scientific and technological vitality into the moderate diversification of Macau’s economy, and promote the development of emerging industries such as the technology sector.

*Students attending the event can receive 1 smart point.
*Souvenirs produced by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center will be distributed on-site, available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last.




開幕儀式及主題演講:11月08日 09:00 – 17:30

特邀團體參觀及導賞:11月09日 10:00 – 13:00



多功能廳 G008室、G014室以及G018


Event Date and Time

Event Date and Time: 2024/11/08-09 (Friday and Saturday)

Opening ceremony and themed lectures:11/08 09:00 – 17:30

Invited group visits and guided tours: 11/09 10:00 – 13:00



Multifunction Hall G008, G014, and G018, N1 Guest House, University of Macau.

掃碼報名 Scan the QR code to register



活動詳情 Event details

關注我們 follow us

麥天賜 先生, Mr. James Mak

電話: +853 8822-9219

電郵: tcmak@um.edu.mo

陳廷殷 先生, Mr. Gabriel CHAN

電話: +853 8822-4619

電郵: tengianchan@um.edu.mo