The Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau hosted the second meeting of the FBA Advisory Board 2024-2025
The Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau hosted the second meeting of the FBA Advisory Board 2024-2025
The Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) at the University of Macau (UM) successfully convened the second meeting of the FBA Advisory Board 2024-2025 on 06/11/2024, bringing together a distinguished group of academic and professional leaders to discuss the future development of the Faculty.
The meeting was attended by esteemed Advisory Board members, including Mr. Stanley Chong Kit AU (Chairman, Delta Asia Financial Group), Ms. Linda CHEN (President, Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Wynn Macau, Limited), Prof. Arnoud DE MEYER (Professor Emeritus of Operations Management, Singapore Management University), Prof. Albert IP (Chairman of HKUST Foundation, Senior Advisor to the President, Special Advisor to the Dean of Business and Management, Adjunct Professor and Chairman of Career Development Advisory Council of School of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Prof. Thomas John SARGENT (2011 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, and William R. Berkley Professor of Economics and Business, New York University), Ms. Christina SO (Head, Hong Kong & Greater Bay Area Lead, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), Ms. Akiko TAKAHASHI (Executive Vice President, Chief of Staff to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Melco Resort & Entertainment Limited), and Mr. Yuyin ZHAN (Chairman, E Fund Management Co., Ltd. and E Fund International Holdings Co., Ltd.), along with the FBA management team.
The meeting commenced with welcoming remarks from Prof. Rui MARTINS, Vice Rector (Global Affairs) of UM. Following the speech, Prof. Jun YU, Chair of the FBA Advisory Board and Dean of FBA, presented updates on the follow-up actions taken in response to discussions from the previous meeting, as well as shared the Faculty’s strategic vision for the future. Throughout the session, Advisory Board members offered invaluable insights and recommendations aimed at enhancing various aspects of FBA, including teaching, research, internationalization, staffing, and student admission.
Fueled by a shared commitment to excellence, the FBA Advisory Board is dedicated to solidifying the Faculty’s position as a leading business school on the international stage.
出席會議的工商管理學院顧問委員會成員包括區宗傑先生(滙業財經集團主席)、陳志玲女士(永利澳門有限公司總裁、董事會副主席兼執行董事)、Arnoud DE MEYER教授(新加坡管理大學運營管理學榮休教授)、葉毓強教授(香港科技大學基金主席、校長的資深顧問、工商管理學院院長特別顧問、特約教授和工商管理學院職業發展顧問委員會主席)、湯瑪斯‧薩金特教授(2011年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主和紐約大學威廉‧柏克利經濟和商業講座教授)、蘇可茵女士(英國特許公認會計師公會香港及大灣區事務總監)、高橋明子女士(新濠博亞娛樂有限公司執行副總裁兼首席事務長),以及詹余引先生(易方達基金管理有限公司董事長兼易方達國際控股有限公司董事長)。工商管理學院管理團隊亦作為學院代表參與是次會議。

Group photo

FBA Advisory Board meeting conducted in FBA (E22)