[Reminder] Invitation to Macao Symposium on Cloud Computing and Intelligent Driving (CCID 2024) from 5th-7th December 2024
[溫馨提醒] 誠邀出席2024年12月5-7日 2024澳門雲計算與智能駕駛研討會
Dear Colleagues and Students,
This is a warm reminder that Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) will hold the “Macao Symposium on Cloud Computing and Intelligent Driving (CCID 2024) from 5th -7th December 2024 (Thu – Sat). World-leading experts and well-known scholars will be giving keynote speeches and exchanging ideas on the latest advancements in these fields. The symposium brings together academic researchers and industrial practitioners to share and exchange the latest developments in high-performance computing, autonomous driving, Large Language Models (LLM), and Embodied AI.
Please register via the link nelow. We encourage you to share this invitation with colleagues and students who may be interested in the latest advancements in Cloud Computing and Intelligent Driving.
- Date: 5th -7th December (Thu – Sat)
- Time: 9:00-18:00
- Location: Room E11-G015 & Learning Commons, Faculty of Science and Technology, UM
- Website: https://conferences.cis.um.edu.mo/ccid2024/
- Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b15MVuFEqNogQhE
Best Regards,
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau
以下是溫馨提醒,澳門大學科技學院誠摯邀請您參加2024年12月5 – 7日 (週四-週六)舉行的澳門雲計算與智能駕駛研討會。本次研討會匯集了眾多學者和業界代表,共同分享和交流高效能運算、自主駕駛、大型語言模型(LLM)和具身人工智慧(Embodied AI)的最新發展。世界領先的專家和知名學者也一同獲邀發表主題演講,並就這些領域的最新進展與現場學生交流想法。
- 日期:12月5-7日(週四-週六)
- 時間:9:00-18:00
- 地點:澳大科技學院E11-G015及學習共享空間
- 網站: https://conferences.cis.um.edu.mo/ccid2024/
- 註冊: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b15MVuFEqNogQhE