FAH-ELC ECAC Student Activity Write-up: Communicate with Self Portraits (workshop)

FAH-ELC ECAC Student Activity Write-up: Communicate with Self Portraits (workshop)

What’s the difference between a self-portrait and a selfie?  This question was clearly answered in the 2-session workshop, “Communicate with Self Portraits”, hosted by English Language Centre of Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Senior Instructor of English, Mr. Hugo Teixeira, on the 8th and 15th of February 2023.

Students developed an understanding of the use of English related to contemporary and historical photographic trends.  In the first session, students considered the grammar and vocabulary of photography (i.e. colour, composition, camera functions and movement). They analyzed historic photographs of the pioneers of photography.  Students were also shown self-portraits of contemporary famous photographers and how they use these to communicate ideas and feelings. 

In the second session, students presented their own photographic compositions.  Using the language components as well as techniques of photographic execution they learned in the first session, they exchanged in-depth analyses of each other’s photographs.  They also explained how successful they were in communicating their own ideas and feelings.  At the end of the workshop, students shared that they learned more about photographs, and how to see themselves and others in pictures.  They also expressed that they gained a better insight into methods of how to share their thoughts in a discussion.

1. Mr. Hugo Teixeira introducing vocabulary and grammar of photography 2. Participants applying the language components
3. Discussing photographic compositions 4. Analyzing self-portraits
5. Analyzing photographic messages 6. Participants presenting and discussing their photographic composition under the guidance of Mr. Teixeira
7. Explaining the messages behind their photographic compositions 8. Discussing the feeling behind the compositions
9. Group Photo 


Best Regards,
English Co-Curricular Activities Committee (ECAC)
English Language Centre
Faculty of Arts and Humanities