Service Suspension of Electric Vehicle Charger at Visitor Car Park P6
Dear Students and Colleagues,
The Electric Vehicle Charger at parking lot no. 154 of Visitor Car Park P6 is out of service. The replacement work will take approximately 20 calendar days from 11th December, 2024.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and your understanding will be highly appreciated.
Should you have any queries, please contact Mr. Frank Ko of EMS at 8822 8830. For any emergency during non-office hours, please contact Security Center at ext. 4000.
Best regards,
CMDO – Electrical and Mechanical Section
如有垂詢,請致電8822 8830與本處高先生聯絡,如非辦公時間內遇到緊急事故,請即致電保安中心(內線4000)。
機電處 謹啟