【Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office】Further Study Insider (9): Effective Strategies for Your Postgraduate Applications

【學生事務部 生涯發展中心】 升學情報(九):研究生申請的高效策略

Applying for postgraduate programmes requires a strategic approach to maximise your chances of acceptance. Here’s how to plan effectively:


Categorise Your Choices

  • Balanced Portfolio: Categorise programmes into reach (2-3 universities), match (3-5 universities), and safety (1-2 universities) to balance ambition with realistic options.

  • Diverse Applications: Apply to a mix of research-intensive and professionally-focused programmes to broaden your opportunities.

Research Each Programme

  • Programme Fit: Investigate the curriculum, faculty, and research facilities to ensure alignment with your academic and career aspirations.

  • Student Insights: Connect with current students or alumni for additional perspectives on the programme.

  • Faculty Publications: Read faculty publications to understand their research interests and mention relevant works in your application.

Manage Your Timeline

  • Set Milestones: Identify deadlines and set preparation milestones. Allow time for gathering materials, writing, and obtaining recommendation letters.

  • Start Early: Begin at least 6-12 months before deadlines to allow ample time for research, drafting, and revising your materials.

Optimise Your Documents

  • Engaging Statements: Use storytelling to make personal statements compelling and reflective of your journey.

  • Regular Proofreading: Continually refine documents with feedback from mentors or peers.

  • Mock Interviews: Practise with mock interviews to boost confidence and presentation skills.


By following these strategies, you can craft a compelling application that effectively highlights your qualifications and commitment to postgraduate success.




  • 構建平衡的組合: 將目標院校細分為夢想達成型 (2-3 所大學)、學術背景和能力相匹配型 (3-5 所大學) 及穩妥備選型 (1-2 所大學),以此平衡雄心與現實考量。

  • 追求申請多元化:結合研究密集型課程與專業實踐課程,拓寬申請範圍,增加成功機會。


  • 全面評估課程契合度:詳細調查各課程的設置、師資力量及研究設施,確保它們與你的學術興趣和職業規劃相契合。

  • 獲取學生真實視角:積極聯繫在校學生或校友以獲取更多資訊,為決策提供更加全面的參考。

  • 研讀教授學術著作:透過閱讀教授的學術成果,深入了解他們的研究興趣,並在申請文件中適當提及其研究項目。


  • 設定明確里程碑:根據各院校的申請截止日期,合理規劃準備階段,確保有足夠的時間收集申請材料、撰寫申請文書及獲取推薦信。

  • 提早啟動準備工作:建議至少在申請截止日期前6至12個月開始籌備,確保有充裕的時間進行深入調研、精心撰寫及反復修改申請材料。


  • 撰寫引人入勝的個人陳述:運用說故事的技巧,讓個人陳述生動有趣,同時反映你的學習歷程。

  • 持續校對與改進:借助導師或同儕的反饋,不斷修改完善申請文件。

  • 進行模擬面試練習:透過模擬面試訓練,提升應對能力,增強自信。

