Payment Period of the Progamme-Based Tuition Fees and Other Fees for the 2nd Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025


To Students Enrolled in Programme-Based Tuition Fee Scheme,

Please be informed that the tuition fees and other fees payment period of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes, Master’s Degree Programmes, and Doctoral Degree Programmes for the 2nd semester of the academic year 2024/2025 is scheduled from 3 January 2025 to 15 January 2025.

The student E-Debit Note will be available for download starting from 3 January 2025. You can access the debit note via the SI Web by selecting “Student Account Enquiry” → “E-Debit Note”. Please refer to the IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION on the back of the Debit Note for detailed payment information. The methods of payment are summarized as follows: 

(1) Bank’s Counter Applicable to Banco Nacional Ultramarino and Bank of China Macau Branch.
(2) Online Banking/ Mobile Banking Available for Banco Nacional Ultramarino, Bank of China Macau Branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Limited, and Tai Fung Bank Limited.
**Please note that payment must be completed before 22:00 on the payment due date.**
(3) Online Payment Platform Payment can be made using e-payment methods via the “SI WEB” , “SI APP” or “UM APP”.
(4) Payment from Outside Macau  Please refer to the FO website for payment instructions.

To avoid any disruption to your studies, please ensure that all fees are settled at the earliest. A late payment will incur administrative charges. 

For any enquiries regarding tuition fees, please contact the Registry or the Graduate School. For information on payment methods, please refer to the SI Web by selecting “Student Account Enquiry” → “Payment Instruction” or the “Payment Method” stated on the FO website. For other enquiries, please refer to the “Frequently Asked Questions”.

Thank you for your kind attention!

Best regards,
Finance Office
2 January 2025



  學生可於2025年1月3日起,於學生資訊網上服務網頁內選擇 “學生賬戶查詢” → “電子繳費單” 下載有關費用之電子繳費單。敬請查閱繳費單背頁的重要事項,主要的付款方式總結如下:

(1)  本地銀行櫃檯繳費 適用大西洋銀行中國銀行澳門分行
(2)  網上銀行/手機銀行繳費 適用大西洋銀行中國銀行澳門分行中國工商銀行(澳門)股份有限公司,及大豐銀行
(3)  線上支付 透過“學生資訊網上服務”、“學生資訊應用程式”,或“UM APP”以電子支付工具進行繳費。
(4)  於澳門以外地區繳費 請參閱財務部網頁的繳費指引


  如有任何關於學費的垂詢,請聯絡註冊處或研究生院;而有關繳費方式的資訊,可於學生資訊服務網頁內選擇 “學生賬戶查詢” → “付款說明” 或參閱財務部網頁的 “付款方法”;如有其他疑問,請參閱 “常見問題及答案”。

