UM App: Launch of new services (Jan-2025)

UM App: 新服務推出簡介(2025年1月)

Dear students,

We are pleased to announce the launch of several new services on UM App.

The new services include:

UM Monthly Parking Pass Application System

This service allows staff and students to apply UM Monthly Parking Pass and settle the monthly parking fee. For details, please visit webpage of CMDO-SFS.

PhD E-leave Application System

This service allows designated PhD students to apply for leave online and corresponding supervisors to approve the leave applications.

UM Library rooms booking system

This service allows staff and students to reserve Library rooms. For details, please visit webpage of Library.

Download of UM App
You can search University of Macau in App Store or Google Play to download and install the UM App.

Should you have any enquiries or feedback, please feel free to email us at or leave your comments through the “Feedback” service in the App.

Thank you for your attention and support for the UM App.

Information and Communication Technology Office

各位同學 :

我們很高興地宣佈,在手機應用程式「UM App」上現已推出多項新服務。








下載 UM App
您可於 App Store 或 Google Play 搜尋 University of Macau 下載並安裝「UM App」。

如有任何查詢或意見,請聯絡資訊及通訊科技部 – 資訊管理處 (電郵 或透過UM App中的 “意見”留下您的建議。

感謝各位關注和支持UM App!
