PhD Oral Defence in the Faculty of Social Sciences, by Ms. Yan TAN, on 08/01/2025 (Wednesday) at 3:45 p.m. at E21-G002

Dear Colleagues and Students,

I am pleased to announce that, Ms. Yan TAN, a PhD candidate in the Department of Communication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, is going to have her oral defence on 8 January 2025 (Wednesday). You are welcome to attend the oral defence.


8 January 2025 (Wednesday)


3:45 p.m.



 Thesis Title:

Reinventing Romance on Social Media: Young Women, Popular Feminism, and Platformized Romance in China


Examination Committee


Prof. Wei PAN, Chair Professor, 
Department of Government and Public Administration, FSS, UM


Prof. Shih Diing LIU, Professor, 
Department of Communication, FSS, UM


Prof. Haiyan WANG, Associate Professor, 
Department of Communication, FSS, UM

Prof. Timothy A. SIMPSON, Associate Professor,
Department of Communication, FSS, UM

Prof. Anthony Ying Him FUNG, Professor, 
School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Kindly note that video and/or audio recording is PROHIBITED while the oral defence is in progress.


Thank you for your kind attention.


Faculty of Social Sciences