CTLE held online survey on Generative AI on UM faculty member’s pedagogical usage
教與學優化中心辦網上問卷調查 澳大老師普遍熟悉並使用GenAI工具進行教學
CTLE recently held an online survey on Generative AI (GenAI) regarding faculty member’s pedagogical usage in UM, including teaching, learning and assessment. Over 100 surveys were received and restaurant coupons were awarded to 3 recipients from the lucky draw.
The survey showed that respondents are familiar with the tools for teaching. Additionally, pedagogical challenge were raised , including the maintaining academic integrity and the need for support in redesigning assessments. Respondents also suggested the need for workshops on writing effective GenAI prompts and developing GenAI-proof assignments.
In the future, CTLE will continue to conduct related pedagogical development events in responding colleagues’ needs. Another survey is planned at the end of this semester to assess the evolution of GenAI tool usage and effectiveness of new assessment strategies.
調查結果顯示,澳大教學人員普遍熟悉GenAI工具,並用作教學用途;在教學挑戰上,同事們表示包括維護學術誠信,以及重新設計評估上均需提供有效支援;他們又建議舉辦關於編寫有效的 GenAI 提示,及注明使用GenAI撰寫作業的研討會。
本中心將在未來開展相關專業發展活動,以回應同事們的需要,並計劃在本學期再次展開問卷調查,以評估老師們使用 GenAI 工具的變化和探討更有效的評估策略。
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