2nd Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” (Deadline: 24 February 2025)

第二輪申請(教職員交流):Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project "Merging Voices 2024" (截止:2025年2月24日)

The following information is provided by NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures are to be handled by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

We are pleased to announce the opening of 2nd call for applications (staff mobility) regarding the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” .

The Merging Voices (MV) initiative is a collaboration between four Portuguese institutions: NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA), Universidade do Porto (UP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), and Universidade do Algarve (UAlg).

The 7th edition of the Merging Voices project (2024-2027) builds upon the foundation of previous years, further strengthening cooperation with partner higher education institutions. It also seeks to expand opportunities for students with fewer resources to pursue studies in Portugal.

The MV 2024 aims to:

  • Continue fostering (inter)national collaboration among participating institutions, contributing to the fulfillment of each institution’s internationalization goals.
  • Further increase the international visibility and recognition of the high-quality education offered by Portuguese institutions, both within and outside Europe.
  • Offer students new and enriching mobility experiences beyond traditional destinations, promoting personal and academic growth.
  • Continue providing academic and administrative staff with formative mobility experiences that promote awareness and deepen understanding of partner institutions worldwide.

These objectives will be reached through mobility of students and academic staff. Mobility will continue to play a decisive role in the internationalization strategy of the institutions, and the new Merging Voices aims to reinforce it.

Financial Support

UMOVE(ME) provides the following financial support to the grant holders:

  • Travel allowance
  • Stay allowance (the amount depends on the mobility’s direction); 
  • Visa (where necessary; with an upper limit) 
  • Insurance



Travel distances


Between 100 and 499 km

211 EUR

Between 500 and 1999 km

309 EUR

Between 2000 and 2999 km

395 EUR

Between 3000 and 3999 km

580 EUR

Between 4000 and 7999 km

1,188 EUR

8000 km or more

1,735 EUR

Important Information: the “travel distance” represents the linear distance between the city where the university of origin and the city where the host university are located. This is calculated automatically by a website indicated by the European Commission and cannot be subject to any change. The financial support allocated to the “travel distance” is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Programme and is intended to contribute to the round trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the scholarship holder must find another source of funding.


Stay Allowance

STAFF mobility

(Academic Staff – STA / Administrative Staff – STT)

Mobility periods: 5 days

The per diem amount for Staff:
– From the programme countries to the partner countries: 190 EUR
– From the partner countries to the programme countries: 170 EUR


Visa Allowance

The consortium will reimburse all scholarship holders for visa issuance costs, if necessary and required, up to a maximum of 50€.



Every selected applicant will receive a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period.


Information and Application
Online application is now open until 00:00 CET, 24 February 2025.

Interested staff members are kindly asked to visit the following links to access the online application portal and read the Application Guide with great attention to learn more details about the mobility.
***Please note that the applications are to be submitted by the applicants themselves***

Project Website https://www.up.pt/mergingvoices2024

Available Mobility Programmes

(please check if there is a programme that suits your profile and interest before applying)


Tip on searching for mobility programmes:

Direction: “IN-> to Portugal” 

Type of  Mobility: “Administrative Staff” or “Academic Staff”

Application Portal


Application Guide

Guidelines for Applicants (2nd Call)

Remarks on required documents:

  1. Statement of support (Support letter) from the Home University should be obtained from the applicant’s unit. It is also important to note that the letter should show the full name and title of the signee, and must be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.
  2. Statement of the home institution with a brief description of the applicant’s main activity is also to be obtained from the applicant’s unit, with description of the roles/functions/positions/tasks etc. It is also mandatory that this statement to be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.

Note: The final decision of granting the mobility scholarship will be made by a Selection Committee of the Project Consortium.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.