FST Team Achieved Outstanding Results at International Collegiate Programming Contest Asia Region




The UM Team 澳大獲獎團隊

FST Team Achieved Outstanding Results at International Collegiate Programming Contest Asia Region

The student team from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at the University of Macau (UM) competed in the 49th Annual International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Asia Regional Contest (Shenyang Site), also known as the “Huawei Cup,” in 2024. They competed against 320 teams comprising over 900 university students from prestigious institutions across China, including Peking University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Fudan University. With an outstanding performance, the UM team emerged victorious, earning a bronze medal, making them the only university from Macau to receive an award.

The team representing the university consisted of Xiaojian Zhong, Chi Tou Leong, and Chun Ioi Chan. The contest required each team to solve approximately ten challenging programming problems within five hours, aiming to cultivate innovation, teamwork, and problem-solving skills under pressure. Under the meticulous guidance of Professors Xiaowei WU, Ye WANG, Leong Hou U and  PhD students Haolong LI and Zehan LIN from the Department of Computer and Information Science, the team showcased exceptional programming skills, innovative thinking, and seamless teamwork, earning unanimous recognition from the judges. Following their bronze medal win in the 48th contest last year, this marks UM’s second accolade in the competition, highlighting the prowess and technical innovation capabilities of UM students in information science.

Renowned as the “Olympics of Computing,” the ACM-ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery – International Collegiate Programming Contest)  is one of the most influential programming contests for university students worldwide. This latest achievement not only affirms the unwavering efforts and academic excellence of UM students but also underscores the quality of education and success in talent development at the Faculty of Science and Technology. In the future, the faculty will continue to encourage and support more students in participating in national and international competitions, broadening their horizons, stimulating their potential, and enhancing their competitiveness and spirit of innovation.

List of previous winners: https://www.cis.um.edu.mo/icpc.html



代表澳大科技學院參賽的 “銀霜流螢”隊由席躍、高淼悅和麥家俊三位同學組成。比賽要求每支隊伍在五小時內解決約十道高難度編程題目,旨在培養大學生的創新能力、團隊精神以及面對壓力時分析和解決問題的能力。在電腦及資訊科學系教授吳曉偉、王也、和余亮豪以及博士生李浩龍及林澤瀚的悉心指導下,團隊以卓越的編程技術、創新的思維模式以及緊密無間的團隊合作,獲評審一致認可。繼去年奪得第48屆銅獎後,本次獲獎是澳大在該賽事的第二次殊榮,彰顯了澳大學生在資訊科學領域的實力以及在技術創新的水平。

國際大學生程序設計競賽 (ACM-ICPC) 是全球最具影響力的大學生程序設計競賽,被譽為計算機領域的奧林匹克。是次奪佳績不僅肯定了澳大學生不懈的努力和學術水平,也體現了科技學院在教育質量和人才培養上的成果。未來,學院將繼續鼓勵和支持更多學生參與國家級及國際競賽,開拓學生視野,激發他們的潛能,進一步提升他們的競爭力和創新精神。

歷界學生獲獎名單: https://www.cis.um.edu.mo/icpc.html