[FED Workshop]: Developing, Writing, and Publishing Research Papers in International Journals – Prof. Yeping LI, Texas A&M University – 18 February 2025 (Tuesday)

[教育學院工作坊]:在國際期刊上撰寫和發表研究論文 — 李業平教授,德克薩斯農工大學 — 2025年2月18日(星期二)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that a workshop on “Developing, Writing, and Publishing Research Papers in International Journals will be organized by the Faculty of Education, the University of Macau on 18 February 2025 (Tuesday). Prof. Yeping LI, Professor at Texas A&M University, is invited to be the speaker of the workshop. Kindly refer to the following information for details:

Date: 18 February 2025 (Tuesday)
Time: 15:00-18:00
Venue: Tin Ka Ping Lecture Hall, Faculty of Education (E33-G021)
Language: English


All are welcome.

Interested parties please feel free to register online through the link: https://go.um.edu.mo/46isfxxt by 17 February 2025 (Tuesday). For enquiry, please contact Mr. Chen of the Faculty of Education at 8822-4575 or e-mail to fed_event@um.edu.mo.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Education


         由澳門大學教育學院主辦  “在國際期刊上撰寫和發表研究論文” 工作坊,將於2025年2月18日(星期二)舉行。是次工作坊邀請了德克薩斯農工大學李業平教授擔任主講嘉賓。詳情請參閱以下資料:

時間:15:00 ─ 18:00
地點:教育學院田家炳演講廳 (E33-G021)




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