【IAS】Call for Papers – 3rd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Interdisciplinary Doctoral Forum: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Challenges: Innovation, Aspiration, Solution

【高研院】論文徵集 - 第三屆粵港澳大灣區跨學科博士論壇:以跨學科思維應對全球挑戰:創新、願景與解決方案

The IAS promotional video has been launched! We cordially invite you to watch and help spread the word! 




On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Macau, we would like to express our gratitude for your unwavering support to us. Your involvement and support have helped build a strong foundation for our interdisciplinary research platform and inspired us to keep moving forward. The IAS is excited to carry on our mission, rooted in Macau, by organizing high-quality academic activities that showcase the diversity of academic collaboration.




Dear PhD Student,

We are pleased to call for the submission of papers to our third doctoral forum. This year the forum focuses on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Challenges: Innovation, Aspiration, Solution. Building on the success of the past two years, this forum has established itself as a valuable platform for fostering cross-disciplinary dialogues on pressing global issues. Our objective centres on exploring innovative, interdisciplinary solutions that can address emerging challenges facing our world today. This year, we continue to explore these interwoven challenges through the lens of interdisciplinary research, for further fostering new insights and deeper collaborations. We hope that these collective efforts will lead to more innovative, actionable and profound solutions, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive future.

This forum is designed specifically for doctoral students (PhD in progress or newly graduated) who are conducting innovative research across diverse fields, including the humanities, social sciences, and natural and technical sciences. It offers a unique opportunity for early-career researchers to present their work in a collaborative and supportive environment, where they will receive constructive feedback not only from their peers but also from renowned professors and experts in their respective fields. Beyond the exchange of ideas, the forum facilitates meaningful networking, allowing participants to establish valuable connections with scholars across disciplines. This experience can enhance their research and provide new perspectives, potentially leading to innovative solutions to global challenges. By engaging with a wide range of expertise, PhD students will not only refine their work but also gain insights into how their research can contribute to real-world impact and interdisciplinary approaches to pressing issues.

Conference Tracks and Themes

We encourage submissions on a wide range of topics under the conference’s central theme. The possible thematic areas include but are not limited to:

  • Digital Literacy: Standards and Evaluations
  • Reflection on AI Narratives
  • Women and Gender in the Digital Age
  • Health and Well-being
  • Economic Contributions and Trade Relations
  • New Energy and Environmental Sustainability
  • Innovations in Arts and Humanities
  • Machine Reasoning and Human Reasoning
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Challenges
  • Frontiers of social sciences

Given the wide scope of issues addressed, we will organize panels in both English and Chinese, to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for an international audience.

Guidelines on Paper Submission and Participation

Paper Submission

To participate in the conference, authors are required to submit their abstract and short biography before 31st March:

  1. Abstract (in either English or Chinese, depending on the panel you are applying for):
    • Abstracts in English should be 300 words maximum.
    • Abstracts in Chinese should be 500 words maximum.
    • The abstract should clearly outline the purpose, scope, and objectives of your paper, with a strong connection to the conference theme.
  1. Short Biography (in either English or Chinese, matching the abstract’s language)
    • Please provide a short biography (approx. 150-200 words) including your academic background, research interests, and recent professional achievements.
  1. Confidentiality
    • The Organizing Committee assures confidentiality for all submitted papers.


  1. No Participation Fees
    • This forum is free of charge for all participants.
  1. Outstanding Papers & On-Site Presentation
    • The Organizing Committee will select outstanding submissions and invite their authors to present on-site at the University of Macau.
    • Accommodations and meals will be provided for invited presenters.

Important Deadlines

  • 31st March: Submission Deadline for Abstracts
  • 30th April: Notification of Abstract Acceptance
  • 15th July: Full Paper Submission Deadline
  • 21st – 22nd August: Conference Dates (Forum Day 1, Day 2)

We look forward to your contributions and to a stimulating exchange of ideas at the conference.

For submissions and further inquiries, please contact: ias.phdforum@um.edu.mo.

The Organizing Committee of The Third Guangdong- Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area Interdisciplinary Doctoral Forum
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

University of Macau





歡迎圍繞以下(但不限於) 議題投稿:

  • 數字素養:標準與評估
  • 對人工智能敘事的反思
  • 數字時代的女性與性別
  • 健康與福祉
  • 經濟貢獻與貿易關係
  • 新能源與環境可持續性
  • 人文藝術領域的創新
  • 機器推理與人類推理
  • 應對全球挑戰的跨學科方法
  • 社會科學的前沿問題





1. 論文摘要(可選擇英文或中文)

  • 英文摘要不超過300字。
  • 中文摘要不超過500字。
  • 摘要需與論壇主題緊密相關,並清晰概述其研究目的、研究範疇及預期成果。

2. 個人簡介(語言需與摘要一致,可選擇英文或中文):

  • 請提供150-200字的作者簡要介紹,內容包括作者的學術背景、研究興趣及近期成就。

3. 保密性

  • 組委會承諾對所有提交的論文內容嚴格保密。


  1. 免費參會
  • 本次論壇對所有參與者免費開放,不收取任何參會費用。
  1. 優秀論文評選與現場報告
  • 組委會將評選出優秀論文,並邀請作者在澳門大學進行現場報告。
  • 受邀報告者的在澳住宿及餐食將由組委會負責。


  • 331:摘要提交截止日期
  • 430:摘要錄用通知
  • 715:論文全文提交截止日期
  • 821日至22:論壇舉辦日期


