[Invitation] Development and Outlook on global digital agriculture:An AI-driven tech transformation on 5th March at 14:30
[誠邀參與] 2025年3月5日14:30 - 全球數位農業的發展與展望:人工智慧驅動的技術變革
Dear Colleagues and Students,
We are delighted to invite you to the seminar organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology Students’ Association on 5th March (Wednesday) at 14:30. All are welcome to attend and benefit from this engaging session. No registration is required, we look forward to seeing you there and sharing knowledge and insights together. Thank you.
Introduction of the seminar: Today, the world is undergoing a comprehensive transformation led by artificial intelligence. In this grand historical process, agriculture has become a stage for the large-scale application of AI and robotics. As a globally leading agricultural technology company, XAG has already provided equipment and services in 70 countries and regions around the world. This lecture will systematically introduce the service scenarios of AI and robotics, looking forward to the strong impetus that new technologies bring to global food security and sustainable development. XAG is currently recruiting engineering and technical talents with communication skills in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Students are welcome to submit resumes and inquire on the day of the seminar.
- Topic: Development and Outlook on global digital agriculture:An AI-driven tech transformation
- Date: 5th March 2025 (Wed)
- Time: 14:30 – 15:30
- Venue: E11-G015
Best Regards,
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau
我們很高興邀請您參加2025年 3 月 5 日(下星期三)14:30由澳門大學科技學院學生會舉辦的研討會。歡迎大家參加這次有趣的研討會並從中受益。研討會無需註冊,我們期待與您分享相關的專業知識和看法。
講座介紹: 今天世界正在經歷人工智能引領的全面變革。在這場宏大的歷史進程中,農業已經成為AI和機器人大規模應用的舞台。極飛科技作為全球領先的農業科技公司,已經在全世界70個國家和地區提供設備和服務。本次講座會系統性介紹AI和機器人的服務場景,展望新技術為人類食品安全和可持續發展帶來的強勁推動。極飛科技正在招募具備英語、葡語、西班牙語溝通能力的工程技術人才,講座當天設有投遞簡歷和咨詢服務,有興趣的學生請準備好簡歷。謝謝。
- 題目: 全球數位農業的發展與展望:人工智慧驅動的技術變革
- 日期: 2025/03/5 (三)
- 時間: 14:30 – 15:30
- 地點: E11-G015