【Career Assessment Workshop】Navigating Your Career Direction (Application Deadline: 6 April)

【生涯測評工作坊】生涯發展探索工作坊 (截止報名日期:4月6日)


日期 4月9日 (星期三)
時間 14:30 – 17:30 (3小時)
地點 中央教學樓 (具體地點將以電郵方式通知報名者)
語言 普通話
內容 1. 透過 Big Five Model 測試,從而了解自己的人格特質;
2. 透過使用卡片工具,釐清以下三個與生涯規劃息息相關的要素

  • 事業價值觀
  • 推動技能
  • 就業興趣
報名日期 即日起至4月6日(額滿即止)


  1. 報名前請確認是否能出席工作坊。一經報名,缺席或未能全程參加工作坊之學生會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,並需在期限前繳付上述費用。
  2. 全程參加工作坊之學生則無須繳交行政費


以上工作坊已列入「全人發展獎勵計劃」中的「全球競爭力」範疇及「至叻星計劃」,全程參與者可獲予“CS” 及"SP"。

如有查詢,歡迎與學生事務部生涯發展中心聯絡 (電郵:sao.career@um.edu.mo;電話:8822 4839)。

The Career Development Centre is organizing the workshop on “Navigating Your Career Direction” in April to help students to explore themselves and prepare for career planning. Details are as follows:

Navigating Your Career Direction
Date 9 April 2025 (Wednesday)
Time 14:30 – 17:30 (3 hours)
Venue Central Teaching Building (We will email the location of the workshop to the applicants.)
Language Mandarin
Content 1. Complete the Big Five Model, which will help you to understand your personality better; 
2. Using the card sorting tool, explore the following 3 factors that are closely related to career planning,

  • Value
  • Motivated Skills
  • Career Interest
Application Period From now until 6 April 2025 (first-come-first-served basis)
Application Method

Please complete the e-form before the deadline.
The following link or QR code cannot be opened on WeChat, please use a web browser to access the e-form.

Administration Fee
  1. Please make sure you can attend the workshop before registration. Once registered, students who are absent or unable to attend the entire workshop will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. Please settle the payment before the deadline.
  2. Students who attend the entire workshop do not need to pay the administration fee.


The workshops will count towards the Global Competitiveness area of the Whole Person Development Award Programme and Smart Point Scheme. Students who attend the entire workshop are eligible to receive “CS” and “SP”.

For inquiries, please contact the Career Development Centre of the Student Affairs Office at sao.career@um.edu.mo or 8822 4839.