[Open for Application] 2025 UM FST GBA T&E Career and Internship Fair
接受報名 ! 2025澳門大學科技學院橫琴合作區和大灣區科技及工程就業實習雙選會
Dear Colleagues and Students,
To promote in-depth cooperation between FST and technology and engineering enterprises in the Hengqin Cooperation Zone and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and to help UM students integrate into the development and construction of these areas, FST, Enterprise and Talent Service Centre of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, ZUMRI and ICI will host the “2025 UM FST GBA T&E Career and Internship Fair”.
To provide better services to enterprises and offer more employment opportunities to students, this event will focus on inviting renowned technology and engineering enterprises from the Cooperation Zone and the Greater Bay Area. It aims to build a one-stop centralized service platform to facilitate precise matching between enterprises and talents. We sincerely invite all current students and recent graduates to participate actively.
🔷Time: March 27, 2025 (Thursday) 14:00-17:00
🔷Venue: Opening Ceremony and Entrepreneurship Sharing: Training Room on the 1/F of the Zhuhai UM Science and Technology Research Institute (Block 8, Hengqin Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Valley); Career and Internship Fair: Hengqin Cooperation Zone Enterprises and Talent Service Center (1/F, Block 22B, Hengqin Macao Youth Entrepreneurship Valley).
🔷Details of the Event:https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/event/2025-um-fst-gba-te-career-and-internship-fair/
🔷Application (on or before 26 March). All UM students are welcome: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8f9jHudy3ORpLQq
🔷活動地點:開幕禮及創業分享: 珠海澳大科技研究院一樓培訓室(橫琴澳門青年創業谷8棟);
雙選會: 橫琴合作區企業及人才服務中心(橫琴澳門青年創業谷22棟B座1樓)
🔷報名: 請於2025年3月26日或之前報名,歡迎澳大所有學生參與: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8f9jHudy3ORpLQq
活動亮點 ✅定向邀約:針對澳大人才專業背景和求職意向,精準邀約30家科技及工程類優質企業參會,主要覆蓋科技及工程領域。 ✅職位匹配:提前收集企業和求職者信息,進行雙向匹配,為雙方推薦更合適的崗位和人才。 ✅創業經驗分享 : 橫琴經發局有關負責人和在橫琴就業創業的澳門大學前輩將分享創業經驗,通過分享自身經歷,趣味解讀橫琴人才政策、就業創業扶持政策, 分享在合作區工作的心得體會和職業晉升道路,幫助學生把握發展機遇。 ✅求職咨詢:設置專人區域,提供職業規劃、簡歷優化、面試技巧等方面的專業咨詢服務,幫助學生提升求職技能。 ✅政策推薦:設立政策咨詢區域,為學生提供一對一政策解讀和客詢服務,幫助他們了解並享受相關政策福利。 ✅簡歷指導:專業人力資源專家提供簡歷修改、優化建議等服務,幫助學生打造更專業的簡歷,提升競爭力。