Public Toilet Renovation Works of N1 UM Guest House from Mid-March to Mid-May 2025

N1 聚賢樓將於2025年3月中旬至5月中旬進行地面層公共洗手間翻新工程



        如有垂詢,請聯絡本處先生(電話:8822 8489查詢,如非辦公時間內遇到緊急事故,請即致電保安中心(電話:8822 4000



Dear Students and Colleagues,

Please note that the renovation works of public toilets of N1 UM Guest House will be conducted from Mid-March to Mid-May 2025. Service of the abovementioned toilet will be suspended and enclosed during the works. Please follow sign instructions shown as attached to access the nearby toilet. Besides, generation of dust and noise are expected.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact Mr. Kuong of our section at 8822 8489. For any emergency during non-office hours, please do not hesitate to contact Security Centre at 8822 4000.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your kind attention.

Construction and Facility Maintenance Section (CFM)