Student Housing: Accommodation Application Status for NEW Postgraduate Students of the 1st semester of Academic Year 2025/2026


Dear prospective students,

The University can only provide guaranteed accommodation for new postgraduate students of PhD and Master’s Degree Programmes who are in their first year of study and do not have a residence in Macao (excluding students who will be accommodated at Shiu Pong College). Accommodation will not be provided for students in other Doctoral Degree Programmes and EMBA Programme.

The accommodation guaranteed period extends from the semester of initial registration to the end of the immediately following semester. Postgraduate students who exceed the accommodation guaranteed period or enter the second year or beyond of their degree programme will unlikely be offered accommodation. Students who were not offered a bedspace are required to arrange off-campus accommodation by themselves. 

For details of on-campus accommodation application, eligible students who have accepted the offer from UM will be notified by email from the university. Students who need on-campus accommodation should follow the instructions stated in the email and submit the application within the specified period. Late application will NOT be considered.

A. Eligible applicants:

  1. Year-one postgraduate students* of AY2025/2026 who are in their first year of study and do not have a residence in Macao.
  2. Year-one postgraduate students* who will resume studies in AY2025/2026, the student must:

– NOT have a residence in Macao;
– did not complete the registration process but applied for deferment of study in the previous academic year; and
– have been approved for resumption of studies in AY2025/2026.

* Student accommodations are not provided to students at all levels of the following courses:

      • Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
      • Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
      • Doctor of Education (EdD/DED)
      • Doctor of Public Administration (DPA)
      • Doctor of Public Health (DrPH)
      • Postgraduate Certificate / Diploma Programmes

B. Application Status for 1st Semester of AY2025/2026:

Main Campus
  • Students who have accepted offer on or before 18 March 2025: Application has been sent by email.
    Please pay attention to the mailboxes (including junk, spam or other email folders).
  • Students who have accepted offer on or after 19 March 2025: Application is not yet announced.
  • Students who did not complete the registration process but applied for deferment of study in the previous academic year and received approval: Application is not yet announced.
Programmes conducted at the University of Macau Science and Education Base in Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and the Main Campus
  • Students whose accommodation will be offered in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin: Application is not yet announced.
  • Students who did not complete the registration process but applied for deferment of study in the previous academic year and received approval: Application is not yet announced.
  • Students with Macao Resident Identity Card who do not have a residence in Macau: Students are required to send an email to to request for accommodation.


Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office
Tel: 8822 2660





A. 合資格申請者:

  1. 2025/2026學年第一年修讀一年級且在澳門地區沒有住所的研究生*
  2. 將於2025/2026學年復學的一年級研究新生*,且符合以下條件:

– 在澳門地區沒有住所;
– 於上學年未註冊且申請保留學位;
– 已獲批准於2025/2026學年復學。


      • 高級管理人員工商管理碩士學位課程 (EMBA)
      • 工商管理博士學位課程 (DBA)
      • 教育博士學位課程 (EdD/DED)
      • 公共行政博士學位課程 (DPA)
      • 公共衛生博士學位課程 (DrPH)
      • 學士後證書 / 文憑課程

B. 新生第一學期住宿申請進度:

  • 2025年3月18日或之前確認接受錄取之非本地新生:申請已透過郵件方式發出,請留意閣下的電郵信箱(包括垃圾郵件及其他資料夾)
  • 2025年3月19日或以後確認接受錄取之非本地新生:申請尚未發出
  • 於上學年未註冊且申請保留學位並獲批准復學的一年級研究生新生:申請尚未發出
  • 住宿被安排於橫琴粵澳深度合作區之非本地新生:申請尚未發出
  • 於上學年未註冊且申請保留學位並獲批准復學的一年級研究生新生:申請尚未發出
  • 持有澳門特別行政區居民身份證但在澳門地區沒有住所之新生:需要自行發電郵至提出住宿需求。


學生事務部 – 學生資源處
電話:8822 2660