Friendly Reminder:【Non-local Postgraduate Programme Introduction Session】The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) [28 Mar | 1:00PM | E33-G021]
溫馨提示:【外地研究生課程簡介會】香港科技大學(廣州) [3月28日 | 1:00PM | E33-G021]
香港科技大學(廣州)是一所經國家教育部批准設立的內地與香港合作大學,是《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》及《廣州南沙深化面向世界的粵港澳全面合作總體方案》頒布實施以來成立的首個內地和香港合作舉辦大學,於2022年6月正式成立。香港科技大學(廣州)銳意創新,以發展融合學科為特色,探索創新人才培養模式,以建設成為內地與香港教育融合發展的典範、國際知名的高水平大學為己任,致力於培養面向未來的高水平創新型人才。 為了應對世界和人類社會面臨的日趨複雜的重大挑戰,香港科技大學(廣州)採用全新的、融合學科的學術架構,以樞紐(Hub)和學域(Thrust)取代傳統學科學術架構的學院和學系,推動學科交叉融合,同時大力發展新興學科和前沿學科。這在全球高等教育界是一項創舉。香港科技大學(廣州)下設功能樞紐(Function Hub)、信息樞紐(Information Hub)、系統樞紐(Systems Hub)、社會樞紐(Society Hub),下設16個學域。 |
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Formally established in June 2022, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. |
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In response to the increasingly complex challenges faced by the rapidly changing world, HKUST(GZ) adopts a brand-new and cross-disciplinary academic structure featuring “Hub” and “Thrust” to substitute the conventional one characterized by “School” and “Department”, facilitating cross-disciplinary integration while vigorously developing emerging and frontier disciplines. This is a groundbreaking move in the higher education community across the globe. HKUST(GZ) comprises four Hubs, namely Function Hub, Information Hub, Systems Hub, Society Hub and 16 thrusts. |
科技與政策理學碩士[MSc (TP)]是一個兩年全日制以科技與政策為主導的研究生學位培養項目,是香港科技大學(廣州)社會樞紐下的創新創業與公共政策學域開設的第一個授課型碩士項目。該項目旨在幫助學生全面提升職業能力。在許多領域,公共政策在塑造發展、應用和市場方面發揮著根本性作用。我們致力於培養學生,使他們具備技術領域的前沿知識,成為政府、企業和非政府組織的領導者,以制定技術公共政策,引導和培育改變我們社會的技術。
院校代表: |
日期: | 28/03/2025 (星期五); 1:00 – 2:30 PM |
地點: | 教育學院田家炳演講廳 E33-G021 |
語言: | 普通話及英文 |
簡介會流程: |
報名: | 截止報名日期:27/03/2025 |
研究生課程詳情: |
學生事務部 生涯發展中心關小姐
電話:8822 4916 | 電郵
In this Non-local Postgraduate Programme Introduction Session, the representatives of HKUST (GZ) will introduce the following two postgraduate programmes:
The Red Bird MPhil Programme is a Master of Philosophy Programme designed by HKUST (GZ) to achieve the goal of cultivating “Compound innovative and entrepreneurial talents”. The programme explores a student-centered interdisciplinary education paradigm through guided learning, creating an optimal growth environment for future strategic engineers and scientists to discover themselves, unleash their potential, and continuously improve their abilities. Based on HKUST(GZ)’s cross-disciplinary philosophy, RBM has no limitations on majors for entrance, which is distinct from the traditional model based on disciplinary divisions. Students’ Hub and Thrust Area are determined after six months through a mutual selection process between students and academic supervisors.
The Master of Science in Technology and Policy (MSc (TP)) programme is a 2-year full-time taught postgraduate programme offered by Innovation, Policy and Entrepreneurship Thrust, Society Hub, HKUST(GZ). We seek to train students and equip them with cutting-edge knowledge in technology sectors and bridge the divide between industries and government. The rigorous two-year programme will provide skill-based training in the uses of analytic methods for public policy and the development of expertise in best policy practices, comparable to MSc (TP) degrees offered by leading universities in Europe, the United States. This will be the first programme in Greater China that offers a Master’s programme focusing on technology and policy. Students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence to be leaders in government, business, and NGOs to shape public policies of technology, to guide and nurture technologies that change our society.
Please find below the details:
University Representatives |
Date: | 28/03/2025 (Friday); 1:00 – 2:30 PM |
Venue: | Tin Ka Ping Lecture Hall, Faculty of Education (E33-G021) |
Languages: | Mandarin and English |
Agenda: |
Registration | Registration deadline: 27/03/2025 |
Postgraduate Programmes Details: |
Ms. Kuan from the Career Development Centre, Student Affairs Office
Tel: 8822 4916 | Email:
*Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 1 Smart Point.
** 全程參加活動及準時到達將獲得全人發展獎勵計劃 “全球競爭力” 的15個CS分數。
** Students who attended the WHOLE seminar will be awarded 15 UM Competencies (CS) on “Global Competitiveness” in the Whole Person Development Award Programme.