UM Dean of Students Mr. Paul PANG kickstarted fraud prevention events at MLC









楊柳院長(左一) 分享防詐騙心得




學生事務長彭執中先生(右三)在講座後與楊柳院長(右二) 和MLC師生合影



在3月20日,書院邀請了澳門司法警察局舉行 “走進書院”的防詐騙科普活動,在書院學生餐廳與同學們近距離交流,積極開展防騙教育活動,為同學們的財產和身心安全保駕護航。




書院在此提醒各院生:當接到可疑的電話或資訊時,一定要保持冷靜、警惕,不要輕信謊言,遇到不明情況要及時聯繫公安機關或銀行進行核實。 同時也要不斷學習,瞭解最新的防範資訊,提高自身的安全素養和反詐能力。

As fraud cases run rampant these days, in the afternoon of 17 March, in order to raise students’ awareness and enhance their knowledge and prevention techniques of fraud cases, Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College invited Mr. Pang Chap Chong, Dean of Students of the University of Macau, to hold a seminar on scam calls and internet fraud, so that students could have a better understanding of the forms, characteristics, and prevention methods of fraud.

In the opening speech, College Master Professor Yang Liu said that “anti-fraud awareness is important and urgent in our campus life. The frequent occurrence of fraud cases has caused great damage to the safety of students’ property, physical and mental health, as well as the safety of the whole campus. Therefore, we feel grateful to Mr. Pang for taking the time to help analyze fraudulent techniques and build up awareness of fraud prevention among students and teachers at the College.”





Through case studies, experience sharing, and illustrations, such as fake bank calls, counterfeit government agencies, and fabricated distress messages, students will be able to enhance their ability to identify frauds and deal with emergencies.



In addition, the College will launch several publicity measures through student leaders to distribute leaflets and display fraud prevention posters, so that more students can realize the dangers of fraud and detect fraudulent acts immediately. On 20th March,2023, the College invited Macau Judicial Police speak to our students in person to promote anti-fraud awareness during lunch hours. Through these activities the police force strives to protect the safety of students.



The College would like to remind all students to remain calm and alert when receiving suspicious phone calls or messages, and to contact the public security authorities or banks for verification instead of showing trust directly. It is also important to keep up to date with the latest information on fraud prevention and to improve safety awareness.