Adjustment of epidemic prevention measures




  1. 進入大學時無需出示“澳門健康碼”及測量體溫。
  2. 在對外服務地方,工作人員仍需佩戴口罩。
  3. 工作人員上班前無需進行快速抗原檢測,但若出現疑似新冠病毒感染症狀,則應接受快速抗原檢測。根據教育局的指引,自2022年12月28日起教學人員(於2022年11月28日後曾感染者除外)須於返校參與面授課堂或考試當日,於出門前進行快速抗原檢測,並將結果上載至抗原檢測結果申報平台。
  4. 感染新冠病毒的員工應避免從事公眾接待工作,儘可能在非人員密集的地方辦公。
  5. 因應衛生局取消通過“新冠病毒感染者自我評估及社區門診預約平台”取得《新冠病毒感染證明書》的措施,感染新冠病毒的工作人員有需要時可前住醫療機構就診,並依法取得因病缺勤的證明。

其他防控措施請詳閱衛生局的 《過渡期後新型冠狀病毒感染防控原則》 指引(附件二)。

順頌 時祺

人力資源處 謹啟

(Ref: PPC/HRS/281)

Dear Colleagues,

According to the Guidelines announced by the SAFP, the following measures are adopted from 8 January 2023. Please refer to Attachment 1 for details:

  1. Presenting “Macao Health Code” and measuring body temperature are not required when entering the University.
  2. It is still compulsory to wear a face mask for staff providing services to the public.
  3. Rapid antigen test is not required before going to work except for staff members with symptoms of the novel coronavirus. In accordance with the Guidelines announced by the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DESDJ), all academic staff (except for those who have been infected after 28 November 2022) should perform a rapid antigen test and upload the result to the declaration platform on the day of returning to the University for face-to-face  teaching or examinations.
  4. Staff members who are infected with the novel coronavirus should avoid engaging in external services and should work in non-crowded areas if possible.
  5. As the measure of obtaining the “COVID-19 Infection Certificate” through the “Self-Assessment and Community Outpatient Clinic Appointment Platform” has been cancelled by the Health Bureau, staff members infected with the novel coronavirus can seek medical consultation if necessary, and present the medical certificate as a proof of absence due to illness as required by law.

For other epidemic prevention measures, please refer to the “COVID-19 Prevention and Control Principles After the Transitional Period” (Attachment 2) released by the Health Bureau for details.

Thank you for your attention!

Human Resources Section

(Ref: PPC/HRS/281)