UM FST Students go into the Greater Bay Area for learning prefabricated construction techniques




FST Professors and students visited China State Construction Hailong Technology (Hailong)

Professors and students visited the construction site of the Macao Elderly Apartment

Professors and students have discussion and with China State Construction Engineering (Macau) Co., Ltd.

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) of Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of University of Macau arranged a visit for UM students to the prefabricated construction factory in Zhuhai and the construction site of Senior Apartments in Macaulast month . Experts and professional engineers from the China State Construction Engineering Cooperation (CSCEC) Macau shared the benefits of prefabricated construction, BIM applications, successful projects, as well as the history of the corporation.

Intensive discussion on the application of prefabricated buildings and BIM modeling, the efficiency by adapting prefabricated construction was made during this visit. It was shared that this technology is capable to fully construct a 7-story building using prefabricated units within only 7 days as a very good example, which would be impossible if traditional method was adapted. Further discussion on the systemic workflow with the aid of BIM modeling from the start of the project to the end is also a main focus between our fellow students and professors. Students and professors also have the opportunity to see the whole fabrication process of MIC units and elements in the factory.

From the visit to the construction site of Senior Apartments, CEE students have further understood the importance of developing and adopting the technology of prefabricated construction and BIM modeling in real projects in Macau. It is believed that the concept and the knowledge of this technology will be promoted continuously, and further inspire the construction industry to innovate, as well as continue exploring in this field.

澳門大學科技學院土木及環境工程系師生上月參觀了廣東海龍建築科技有限公司裝配式建築廠房及澳門長者公寓工地,是次活動獲得了來自中國建築工程(澳門)有限公司的專家和專業工程師的熱情款待,同時向師生們展示了裝配式建築、BIM 建模的優勢以及多個成功項目。

在參觀厰房的過程中,多位領導向師生們講解了裝配式建築應用的歷史以及未來發展等重要課題。專家和教授們之間重點討論了採用裝配式建築的效率,其中提及到一個成功例子為利用該技術僅在7 天內使用預製單元完全建造一座 7 層高的樓房。師生們更親身觀察到裝配式預制件及預制房單位的生產全過程。
