Macao Cultural Excursion Series : Tracing the First Western-Style Theatre in China – Dom Pedro V Theatre
澳門文化之旅系列:追溯中國第一座西式劇院 — 崗頂劇院
On 19th March, 2023, Dom Pedro V House of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau organised an excursion to trace the origins of Dom Pedro V Theatre. Upon arrival, Olivia Gan, resident assistant, introduced the historic background of the theatre. Built in 1860, the theatre was the first western-style theatre in China with a seating capacity of 300, used for theatre and concert performances. In the context of the local Macanese community back then, it was regarded as a highly significant cultural landmark and remained a venue for important public events and celebrations. Participants experienced the visual effects of watching a performance. The seats are uniquely designed and arranged in a shell shape. Participants then visited an exhibition hall to learn more about the history and development of the theatre. Finally, participants took a walk around the neighborhood to further explore the local community culture of the community.

Participants learning about the history of Dom Pedro V Theatre

Participants experiencing the visual effects of watching a performance

Participants viewing the old pictures of Dom Pedro V Theatre

Participants learning about the neighbourhood of Dom Pedro V Theatre

Participants taking group photo at the entrance of Dom Pedro V Theatre
2023年3月19日,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院Dom Pedro V House帶領院生參觀崗頂劇院。 抵達後,書院助理甘茜文介紹了劇院的歷史背景。 該劇院建於 1860 年,是中國第一座西式劇院,可容納 300 個座位,供戲劇及音樂會演出之用。在當時的土生葡人社群背景下,它被視為一個非常重要的文化地標,是用作舉行重要活動的場所。參加者體驗了觀看表演的視覺效果,劇院內的座位設計獨特,呈蜆殼形排列。 隨後,參加者參觀了展覽廳,進一步了解劇院的歷史和發展。 最後,參加者在附近漫步,進一步探索社區的在地文化。




