2022-2023 MCMC Talent Show
University of Macau Moon Chun Memorial College held “Infinite Science” Talent show on 1st April 2023, featuring students from different Houses of MCMC, who performed amazing shows that combined art and creativity with science and technology. Each House displayed its own distinctive style and impressed the audiences with their skills and talents. That night was also the finals of Voice of MCMC, all three finalists sang with passion and impressed the audience with their own charisma. After a night’s performance, Mandarin House was the named Champion of the year and Chan Ngan Long the winner of the Voice of MCMC.

Opening Speech by MCM College Master Prof. Kwok-Cheung CHEUNG

Performance by Camões House

Voice of MCMC finalist Hanwen Zhang

Performance by Mandarin House

Voice of MCMC finalist Chan Ngan Long

Performance by Guia House

Voice of MCMC finalist Tong Wu

Performance by St Paul’s House

Performance by Dom Pedro V House

Kizomba Dance

Group Photo
澳門大學滿珍紀念書院於2023年4月1日舉辦了「科技邊界」才藝表演,由不同House的學生一同參與,展示了將藝術創意與科學結合的精彩表演。每個House均表現出自己的獨特風格,並用他們的才華給觀眾留下了深刻的印象。當天晚上也是滿珍之聲的決賽,三位決賽選手充滿激情地獻唱, 釋放自己的魅力感動台下的觀眾。經過一晚的表演,Mandarin House獲得今年滿珍才藝晚會的冠軍,而陳銀龍成為今學年的滿珍之聲。


Camões House的表演


Mandarin House的表演


Guia House的表演


St Paul’s House的表演

Dom Pedro V House的表演

