HPCC Coral User Forum 2023 Completed Successfully
HPCC Coral 用戶論壇 2023 順利舉行並圓滿結束
ICTO 資訊及通訊科技部
HPCC Coral User Forum 2023 Completed Successfully
In order to promote the use of High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC), and share user experience, “HPCC Coral User Forum 2023” organized by ICTO, was held yesterday (19 April 2023) and completed successfully. We express our sincere gratitude to our invited speakers: Prof. Wang San Ming, Prof. Yan Ru, and Prof. Wong Fai, for their valuable sharing on their successful research stories and experiences using HPCC. Thanks to Prof. Kou Kun Pang, Chairman of Information and Education Technology Committee (IETC) for giving us a speech and supporting this event.
Thank you for all participants. It was a pleasure to have you with us, and we hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with all HPCC users again in the future.
ICTO 資訊及通訊科技部
HPCC Coral用戶論壇2023圓滿落幕
為推廣高性能計算集群(HPCC)的使用,及分享用家體驗,由資訊及通訊科技部舉辦 “HPCC Coral用戶論壇2023” 於昨日(2023年4月19日)舉行並圓滿結束。我們衷心感謝我們的特邀演講者:王山鳴教授、燕茹教授和黃輝教授,分享了他們科研成功的故事,也分享了使用 HPCC 的經驗。 感謝資訊及教育科技委員會 (IETC) 主席高冠鵬教授蒞臨及支持。
感謝所有出席的師生們,期望將來有機會再次與各HPCC 用家交流。