Macao Cultural Excursion Series: Tracing the Former Residence of Patriot Zheng Guanying – Mandarin’s House
澳門文化之旅系列:愛國者鄭觀應故居尋根之旅 — 鄭家大屋
On Sunday morning, 16th April, 2023, faculty, fellows and members of Moon Chun Memorial College, University of Macau set off on an outbound excursion to retrace the origins of one of Macau’s most famous historic settlement: the former residential complex of patriot, Zheng Guanying.
The Mandarin’s House exhibits typical characteristics of traditional Guangdong’s architecture, yet, it also encompasses a fascinating blend of Western and Asian architectural influence.
According to the couplets found inside the house, our tour guide explained that Mr. Zheng Wenrui, (the family patriarch), initiated the construction of the Mandarin’s House, which might have started in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The mansion was expanded by Zheng Guanying, a merchant, writer and philanthropist, to the form that it is today.
The opulent house occupies a total of 4000m2 on which are buildings and open spaces designed in various architectural styles. The entire complex has more than 60 rooms in total. A private residence for one family of such scale is rare in Macao.
Sometime during the 1950’s to 1960’s, the descendants of the Zheng’s family vacated the mansion and resided in different places. The house was then rented out, with more than 300 tenants crammed inside the complex, constituting to poor living conditions. Today, the Mandarin’s house is fully restored and is listed as one of Macau’s intangible assets: UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Visit to Yuqing Mansion

Appreciation of paintings on the wall

Introduction of windows made of oyster shells

Sharing the deeds of the patriot, Zheng Guanying

Group photo at Ronglu Hallway
2023 年 4 月 16 日(星期日)上午,澳門大學滿珍紀念書院的師生外出遊覽,追溯澳門最著名的歷史聚居地之一:愛國者鄭觀應故居。
導賞員講解說,根據大屋內之楹聯的落款日期,鄭家大屋由鄭文瑞先生(鄭觀應之父)始建,其建築日期最早可追溯至十九世紀下半葉。 其後,這座大屋由商人、作家和慈善家鄭觀應陸續修建,規模不斷擴大。
上世紀五、六十年代,鄭家後人分居各地,各自發展。 鄭家大屋多處空間被分租出去,一度曾有300多人在內居住,居住條件惡劣。 如今,鄭家大屋已全面修復,並被列為澳門的世界文化物質遺產。




