CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk 1 by Dr. Kuzma STRELNIKOV of Toulouse University Hospital Center

認知與腦科學研究中心 認知神經科學講座 第一場 【主講人:土魯斯大學Kuzma STRELNIKOV博士】


日期 Date: 8 May 2023 (Monday)
時間 Time: 11:00-11:45
地點 Venue: N21-G013
題目 Title: Brain Activities and It’s Spatial Structure as a Window into Human Cognition and Social Behavior
主講人 Speaker: Dr. Kuzma STRELNILOV, Toulouse University Hospital Center
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All staff and students are welcome

報名 Registration:

Click here to register by 6 May 2023 15:00