Student Housing: Final results (with room allocation and room change arrangement) of PGH Summer Stay 2023
學生住宿:2023年研究生宿舍暑期住宿最後確定名單 (包括房間分配及轉房安排)
Dear Postgraduate Students,
Please be noted that the Final Result (with room allocation and room change arrangement) of PGH Summer Stay 2023 is attached below:
A. PGH Summer Stay Final Result (with room allocation and room change arrangement)
PGH Final Results_Summer Stay 2023 (as at 8 May 2023).pdf
B. PGH Summer Stay Schedule:
Normal summer stay period 2023 |
1 JUN 2023 – 24 JUL 2023*, move-out by 14:00 |
Room Change Period |
Phase 1: 1 JUN 2023 – 7 JUN 2023 Attention: If the newly assigned room is available for move-in earlier than the original room change period, the concerned students will be informed by email to proceed the room change procedure ahead of time. Conversely, if the newly assigned room is not yet available for move-in during the original room change period, the concerned students will be informed by email to postpone the room change procedure. |
Payment period of the Room Difference of Normal Summer Stay Period #1 |
For students who stay in the same room / change to a same room type / new move-in: 23 JUN 2023 – 3 JUL 2023 For students who need to change to a different room type during the room change period: AUG 2023 – SEP 2023 |
Extension of summer stay period #2 |
25 JUL 2023 – 31 JUL 2023 |
#1: For students who have been allocated to Single Room/Suite/Medical Single Room, a debit note of the room rate difference of normal summer stay period will be issued.
#2: Only summer stay residents who have been successfully renewed for 1st semester of AY2023/2024 are eligible to request for extension of summer stay period. Eligible students will receive application information via email in due course.
C. Settling Payment of Room Rate Difference of Normal Summer Stay Period:
- E-debit Note will be issued through the Student Information System (SI). (
- For students who are required to settle the room rate difference for normal summer stay period should settle the payment within the payment period stated in the schedule under Point B.
- If students are assigned to a room type which is different from the one they are currently staying in for Summer Stay 2023, students are required to complete the room change procedure during the room change period stated on the final results, the entire PGH Summer Stay period will be charged based on the room type with HIGHER room rate.
- Payment methods for the E-debit Notes: please refer to FO website (
- Any LATE payment settlement will NOT be accepted, the application will be CANCELLED automatically and NO bedspace will be reserved.
- For students who have paid the PGH Summer Stay Fee and decided NOT to move-into PGH during summer, are required to send a written request to Student Resources Section (SRS) for approval before the summer stay period. For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to “PGH Refund Terms and Conditions”.
- For students who have paid the PGH Summer Stay Fee and decided to move-out of PGH in June, PGH residence fee will be refunded in proportion to students ONLY with reasons of graduation, exchange (with supporting documents), medical issues (with medical certificates from hospitals in Macao). For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to “PGH Refund Terms and Conditions”. No refund will be given to students who moved-out without aforesaid reasons or who moved-out in July.
- For details of the PGH residence fee, refund terms and conditions and other fees, please refer to this link (
D. Procedure for Room Change :
Note: According to the declaration stated on the summer stay application, all applicants have agreed to complete the room change procedure in cooperation with PGH’s overall safety and engineering projects. Students who fail to move to the newly assigned room within the period stated in Point B will be considered as violating the Article 3 of “Postgraduate House Resident Rules” and penalties will be imposed on concerned students.
1) Before performing the room change, student should…
– Remove all personal belongings and garbage, otherwise, Garbage Removal Fee (MOP 370 per person) will be imposed.
– Restore the room to its original condition, otherwise, Cleaning Fee (MOP 420 per room) will be imposed.
– Clear and tidy the common area (eg. bathroom) even the other student in the same room has not moved out.
2) During the room change period…
(a) Student should…
– Approach the Management Company Office# for the newly assigned room, present your student ID to the staff and fill in the Room Change Form.
– Collect the new room key card.
– Check the new room and complete the equipment checklist to confirm the condition of the new room. The checklist must be returned to the Management Company Office# for the newly assigned room within 3 days. If the checklist is not received, it is assumed that the room is in good condition and student should bear the responsibility for any damage or loss of equipment.
– Return the old room key card to the staff of Management Company Office# for the previous room.
– Compensate any damaged or lost property in the previous room.
– In case you are unable to change to the new room in person, you may choose to authorize another UM student to perform the room change procedure on your behalf. To perform the authorization process, please fill in the authorization form and attach the ID copies of both parties and hand them to the Management Company during the appointment.
(b) Management Company staff will…
– Check the cleanliness / conditions of the current room according to the equipment checklist.
– Record the electricity and water meter readings for any excess usage.
# Location of the management company in each area:
– S1 to S4: S3-G003
– W32: W32-G003
E. Remarks:
- Following students are required to move-out of PGH on or before 31 May 2023, 14:00:
- PGH residents whose application of PGH Summer Stay 2023 have been accepted but did NOT settle the summer stay fee on time;
- PGH residents who did not apply for PGH Summer Stay 2023;
- PGH residents whose application of PGH Summer Stay 2023 were not approved.
- Move-out procedure: students must reserve the move-out appointment at the PGH Management Company (S3-G003) at least 72 hours (3 days) before the move-out date, if not, a handling fee of MOP500 will be charged. Receipt will be issued by the Management Company after the appointment is made (please keep it for future reference).
E.g. If a student would like to move-out on 31 May (11:00am), he/she shall make the reservation via the Management Company on/before 28 May (11:00am).
– PGH residents must return their room keys or cards and any other UM properties and pay all related fees and fines upon move-out.
– Students are required to remove their personal belongings and garbage in the room before move-out. Otherwise, their belongings in the room will be disposed and the Garbage Removal Fee (MOP370 per person) will be charged.
Move-out procedure: students must reserve the move-out appointment at the PGH Management Company (S3-G003) at least 72 hours (3 days) before the move-out date, if not, a handling fee of MOP500 will be charged. Receipt will be issued by the Management Company after the appointment is made (please keep it for future reference).
- Overstay penalty: For students who did not move-out of PGH by the date stated in Point D-I, their room cards will be deactivated and an eviction order will be issued to overstayed students. Moreover, the student will be charged the residence fee of the relative residence period and an extra overstay penalty (MOP440/suite/per night, MOP220/single room/per night and MOP155/student in a shared room/per night) according to the type of the occupied room until the completion of accommodation application or the move-out procedure.
For those residents who have moved out of PGH WITHOUT performing the move-out procedure, UM shall not only take relevant disciplinary actions, handling fees will also be charged. UM will charge the residence fee and overstay penalty until the move-out procedure is completed.
- According to Article 39 of the Personnel Statue of UM and Article 9 of Chapter 7 of Regulations of the Personnel Affairs of the UM about the attribution of housing subsidy, UM staff is not eligible to receive the housing subsidy when he/she successfully applies for the housing provided by UM or any public entities, including the Student Dormitory (i.e. Postgraduate House).
- Room assignment is arranged by SRS. For any room with vacant bedspace, SRS reserves all rights to assign other students to them at any moment.
- For more information about Postgraduate House, Postgraduate House Resident Rules and Accommodation Fee and Charges, you may refer to the following link:
- SRS has the rights to make the final decision.
- Following students are required to move-out of PGH on or before 31 May 2023, 14:00:
Thank you for your kind attention.
PGH Student Housing
Student Affairs Office – Student Resources Section
S3, G/F, Room G002
Tel: 8822-2660
- 2023年研究生宿舍暑期住宿最後確定名單(包括房間分配及轉房安排):
PGH Final Results_Summer Stay 2023 (as at 8 May 2023).pdf
- 暑期住宿時間表:
2023年6月1日 至2023年7月24日* (下午14:00 前退宿)
留原房間 或 轉至同一房型的原住宿申請人 及 新入住申請人:2023年6月23日至7月3日
2023年7月25日 至 2023年7月31日
#2:只有獲批續住2023/2024學年第一學期的原暑期住宿生合資格申請延長暑期住宿期,有關申請詳情將以電郵通知。 - 繳納正常暑期住宿期費用之房價差額:
- 電子繳費單將透過學生資訊系統 ( 發出至學生的帳戶。
- 需繳納正常暑期住宿期費用之房價差額的學生必須在B點時間表中列明的繳費期內完成付款。
- 若學生2023年暑期住宿期間被分配至有別於其當前入住的房型,學生需按照轉房安排完成轉房手續,且整個暑期期間之住宿費將以房費較高的房型收取。
- 繳費方式: 請參閱財務部網站 (。
- 若未能於繳費期內繳納暑期住宿費用,學生的申請將被自動取消,且不獲保留床位。
- 學生若已繳納暑期住宿費但決定暑期住宿期間不入住或不續住,學生應在暑期住宿期開始之前通過書面郵件通知學生資源處取消研究生宿舍的住宿。有關退款事宜,請參閱 《宿費退款條款》。
- 若學生已繳納暑期住宿費後決定六月內遷離宿舍,住宿費用僅退還予因下列原因遷離宿舍的同學:畢業﹑外出交流 (需附相關證明文件)﹑醫療原因 (需附上由澳門醫院發出的健康狀況證明書)。因其它原因遷離宿舍或於七月遷離宿舍的學生,住宿費將不獲退還。
- 有關宿舍費用,宿費退款條款及其他費用,請參閱以下網頁: (
- 轉房手續:
1) 學生必須先…
– 清除所有個人物品和垃圾,否則,將需繳付垃圾處理費(每人澳門元370元)。
– 將原房間恢復原狀,否則,將需繳付清潔費(每間客房澳門元 420元)。
– 即使同一房間中的另一個宿生沒有搬出,亦需清潔公共區域(例如浴室)。2) 在轉房期間:
(a) 學生必須…
– 前來新房間所屬大樓的管理公司#向職員出示學生證並填妥轉房表。
– 拿取新的房間鑰匙卡。
– 檢查新房間,在設備清單上確認宿舍設備是否整備,並在入住三天內將清單交予新房間的管理公司#,不如期或沒有交還則視作默認房間狀況良好。如果有任何遺漏或損壞,將於退宿時收取相關費用或罰金。
– 將原房間匙卡交還給原房間所屬大樓的管理公司#的職員。
– 賠償原房間內任何損壞或遺失的物品 (如有)。
– 如果宿生無法親自轉房,則可以授權另一名澳大學生辦理轉房手續。 請宿生先行填妥授權書並附上雙方身份證的副本,並在轉房期間將授權書交予管理公司。(b) 管理公司職員將…
– 根據設備清單檢查當前房間的清潔度/狀況。
– 記錄電錶和水錶的讀數是否有超額用量。# 各區管理公司位置:
– S1至S4:南三座地面層003室(S3-G003)
– W32:西三十二座地面層003室(W32-G003) - 備註:
- 下列學生需於2023年5月31日14:00或之前完成退宿手續:
- 申請獲受理但未能在繳費期內支付暑期住宿費之宿生;
- 沒有提交2023年暑期住宿申請之宿生;
- 2023年暑期住宿申請不獲受理或被排除之宿生。
- 遷離宿舍手續:宿生在正式遷離研究生宿舍前,須至少提前三天於管理公司預約遷離手續及填寫研究生宿舍遷離宿舍表。否則,學生將被徵收澳門元500元行政費。
– 宿生必須在遷離研究生宿舍時,必須歸還房間鑰匙或門卡以及任何其他澳門大學 財產,並支付所有相關費用和罰款。
– 學生應於退宿日前清除房間內所有個人物品及垃圾,否則房間裡的物品將被丟棄,且須繳付垃圾處理費 (澳門元370元/每人)。 - 逾期遷出費用:如果宿生未能在D-I點規定的日期或之前離開研究生宿舍,宿生持有的房卡將被停用,且宿生將被勒令立即遷離宿舍。此外,該宿生將徵收該住宿期相應的住宿費用,且需額外按其佔用的房間類型繳付逾期遷出費 (澳門元440元/套房/每晚,澳門元220元/單人間/每晚和澳門元155元/雙人間/每晚/每人)直至相應遷離宿舍手續辦妥為止。
- 按照《澳門大學人員通則》第三十九條及《澳門大學人事管理規章》第七章第九條,澳門大學工作人員若於享有由澳大或任何公共實體所提供的房屋(包括學生宿舍,如研究生宿舍則無權享有房屋津貼)。
- 房間分配由學生資源處安排。對於任何空置床位,學生資源處保留任何時候分配床位之最終決定權。
- 有關宿舍費用、宿費退款條款及其他費用,請參閱以下網頁:(。
- 學生資源處保留最終決定權。
- 下列學生需於2023年5月31日14:00或之前完成退宿手續:
學生事務部 – 學生資源處