PhD Oral Defence in Faculty of Law by Mr. XUE YU on 5 May 2023

Dear Professors and Students,

We are pleased to announce that PhD student, Mr. XUE YU, is going to have his PhD oral defence on 5 May 2023 with details as follows: 


Date: 5 May 2023

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Venue: E32-G003

Thesis Title: The Concept of Public Interest

Composition of Examination Committee:


Liu Jianhong, Distinguished Professor

Faculty of Law, University of Macau


Wang Chao, Associate Professor

Faculty of Law, University of Macau


Wang Morbey Wei, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Faculty of Law, University of Macau


Shui Bing, Professor

Faculty of Law, University of Macau

Zhai Xiaobo, Associate Professor

Faculty of Law, University of Macau

Zhao Yun, Professor

Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

All interested parties are welcome.

Kindly note that video and/or audio recording is PROHIBITED while the oral defence is in progress. All participants should strictly follow all policies, guidelines and requirements of Macau SAR Government and the University.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Faculty of Law