【External Activity】Air Macau will organize a recruitment day on 18 & 19 May


以下資料由 澳門航空 提供,由學生事務部代傳。
This information is provided by the Air Macau and posted by the Student Affairs Office.

Dear students,

Air Macau organize a recruitment day to recruit flight attendants, details are as follows:

  • Date: 18 – 19 May
  • Time: 14:30 – 17:00
  • Venue: Air Macau Head Office (398 Alameda Dr. Carlos D’ Assumpcao, Edf. CNAC 15 Andar, Macau)
  • Remarks: Interested parties are invited to bring along the ORIGINAL and COPIES of Macau identity card, school certificates, and reference letters where applicable, plus a detailed resume with 1 full-size and 1 half-size recent photo to the above venue for an interview.
  • Inquiries: hr@airmacau.com.mo 

Best regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office