[Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office] Career Insider (13): How to be an excellent intern
[學生事務部 生涯發展中心] 就業情報 (十三):如何成為一位優秀的實習生

Career Development Centre of Student Affairs Office presents 學生事務部 生涯發展中心呈獻
Career Insider (13) 就業情報 (十三)
How to be an excellent intern 如何成為一位優秀的實習生
Summer is a good time to gain work experience, internship is a perfect way to get yourself acquainted before you start working. How to be an excellent intern that employers like?
- Ready to learn: The main purpose of an internship is for you to gain work experience. A good attitude toward learning can help you learn as much at work as possible within a short period of time.
- Be punctual: Punctuality couldn’t be simpler, yet many students fail to do it. Interns shall not only report to work on time, but arriving early for meetings can allow you to arrange for it, leaving a good impression to the employers.
- A good working attitude: Even if the tasks are simple or if there is too much workload, you should keep a professional attitude so that you may finish your work smoothly.
- Manage interpersonal relations at work: If you can maintain a good interpersonal relationship with other interns and colleagues, you may leave a good impression to other people. This can help you with your career advancement.
- 擁有好學的心態:實習的主要目的是累積工作經驗,擁有好學的心態能夠幫助你在短時間內學習到最多工作上的知識。
- 守時:守時最簡單不過了,但許多同學卻難以遵守。實習生不僅需要準時上班,在開會的時候,可以提早到達,幫忙安排相關事宜,給僱主留下好印象。
- 良好的工作態度:無論工作簡單或任務繁重,都應該保持專業的工作態度,這樣才能順利地把工作完成。
- 維持良好的人際關係:與其他實習生及同事之間維持良好的關係,這樣能夠給大家留下好印象,有助於之後的職業發展。