Scholarship Guidelines for Undergraduate Students who joined 2022/2023 exchange programmes (submit academic record by 15 Aug 2023)

獎學金指引-適用於參加2022/2023學年對外交流計劃的學士學位課程學生 (於8月15日前遞交成績證明)


於2022/2023 學年其中一個學期或整學年參與了對外交流計劃的同學,請仔細閱讀以下指引並遵照相關規定,以取得獎學金甄選資格 (由學生事務部負責的獎學金)。相關同學請於2023年8月15日或之前把對外交流的學業成續單遞交至所屬學院。




如有垂詢,請致電學生事務部許小姐(8822 4638)或電郵至。


Scholarships Guidelines
(For undergraduate students who joined outgoing exchange programmes in the academic year 2022/2023)

To be eligible for the scholarship selection (scholarships managed by SAO), students who joined the outgoing exchange programme(s) in either semester or both semesters of the academic year 2022/2023 have to fulfill the requirements mentioned in the attached guidelines. Related students should read through the guidelines and submit the academic record of the exchange semester/academic year to their own faculty on or before 15 August 2023.

Scholarship Guidelines


The selection of the scholarships mentioned in this bulletin and guidelines is mainly based on students’ academic performance. For the list of scholarships, kindly visit SAO website.

Students who did not join the outgoing exchange programmes do not need to submit any document, scholarships will be allocated to eligible students according to their GPA.

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Kaman Hoi of Student Affairs Office at 8822 4638 or

Student Affairs Office