【Sports Volunteer】Activity Review and Sharing on UM Sports Volunteer Programme


Team Building

Moral & Fitness Instructor Course

Sports Activity Planning and Organizing

Athletics Regulations Workshop

Event Etiquette Training

Emcee Training

Basketball Regulations Workshop

Service Activities

UM Sports Volunteer Programme – Bronze Award

UM Sports Volunteer Programme – Volunteer Star of the Year

Fong Hio Lam (FBA/CKYC)








UM Sports Volunteer Programme was held successfully

UM Sports Volunteer Programme (UMSVP) was successfully implemented by Office of Sports Affairs (OSA) in the academic year 2022/2023. The UMSVP aims to cultivate a culture of volunteerism in the sports community and promote the development of skills among volunteers on campus. Through the programme, participants gained valuable experience and skills in both theory and practice.

It is the first year for OSA to launch the programme and it attracts an recruitment of 162 students to take part in 16 trainings and 37 UM or non-UM sports activities for their participation in servicing with a total of 1,536 service hours.

The 16 training courses covering content related to Team Building, Sports Activity Planning and Organizing, Athletics Regulations Workshop, Sports Photography, Sports Venues and Facilities Set-up, Basic Press Release Knowledge, Basic News Video Production, Fundamental News Photography, Basketball Regulations Workshop, Event Etiquette Training and Emcee Training, while 37 activities (Sports Experience, Sports Competitions, Sports Fun Day, Sports Event Opening Ceremony, Sports Award Ceremony, etc) covering service content related to AV control, venue setup, people control, sports referees, assistance to sports instructors, etc.

In order to promote sports volunteer service on campus and thank you for their contribution, UMSVP awards are held on a yearly basis. In 2022/2023, a total of 14 students achieved the Bronze Award for their participation and achievements in the programme, and special recognition was given to the “Volunteer Star” (the longest service hours done for the year), FONG HIO LAM (FBA/CKYC), who contributed 110.25 hours of service hours during 2022/2023.

The success of the Sports Volunteer Programme’s first year demonstrates the university’s commitment to promoting the whole person development (Responsible Citizenship, Global Competitiveness, Knowledge Integration, Teamwork and Collaboration, Service and Leadership, Cultural Engagement, and Healthy Lifestyle). The programme not only benefits the students themselves but also contributes to the wider community by providing support and services to various sports events.

Overall rating, the UM Sports Volunteer Programme’s was a great success running in the first year, providing rich experiences and opportunities for students to develop their skills and make a positive impact in the community. We are proud of the achievements of the participants and look forward to providing such opportunities for students in the near future.





