[External Activity] 2023 Deloitte Webinar about space industry (14:00 | 25 July)

The following information is provided by Deloitte and posted by Student Affairs Office.


Dear students,

Deloitte will organize Tech. Talk, an online webinar series that focuses on emerging technology trends and the upcoming online webinar is scheduled on 25 July.

The topic is on “Space Technologies”, here are some highlights for your reference:

Activity details:

Date: 25 Jul 2023
Time: 14:00
Registration: https://deloitte.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_81QGpKpiSeiJGT6zRsQHiw#/registration
What is Tech. Talk?

  • An online learning series designed for students interested in technology providing them exposure to new and emerging technologies across Asia Pacific regardless of their academic year or specialization.
  • LIVE bimonthly webinars demystifying real-world client solutions and empowering individuals to learn more about leading digital solutions.
  • Connect with Deloitte Space Leaders to learn more about Space Technologies.
  • Engage in a LIVE interaction on a global platform with Deloitte’s leading technology specialists and leaders.
  • Learn more about the work we do across the space industry and the team we work with.
  • Actively engage in sessions and earn a certificate and participation badge.

Best regards,
Career Development Centre
Student Counselling Section
Student Affairs Office