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15 2024-10

2024-2025 Huawei ICT Competition Roadshow


Huawei Poster

Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Institute of Collaborative Innovation – Centre for Data Science would like to invite you to join the event “2024 – 2025 Huawei ICT Competition Roadshow” on 16/10/2024 (Wednesday)

2024 – 2025 Huawei ICT Competition Roadshow
Date: 16/10/2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:00 – 16:00
Language: Chinese
Venue: E4-G051 (Tai Fung Lecture Hall)

For enquiries:

Tel: 8822 4600
Email: anasou@um.edu.mo

Best Regards,
Institute of Collaborative Innovation – Centre for Data Science

2024-2025 Huawei ICT Competition Roadshow2024-10-15T11:59:30+08:00
2 2024-08

University of Macau and Hong Kong Metropolitan University holds the 17th International Conference on Blended Learning and 10th International Symposium on Educational Technology to promote innovation on pedagogies and educational technology


The Centre for Data Science (CDS) under Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) of the University of Macau (UM), and the Hong Kong Metropolitan University, held the “The 17th International Conference on Blended Learning and the 10th International Symposium on Educational Technology” from 29th July to 1st Aug. The conferences focused on several hot topics, including Blended Learning, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), Chatbot, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and their applications in education, attracting over 100 researchers and students from around the world, providing a platform for academic, pedagogical, and technological innovation exchange.

The three-day conference was held at Andaz Macau. The conferences were co-organized by City University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKCT Institute of Higher Education, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong Society for Multimedia and Image Computing, Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), IEEE Education Society Technical Committee on Learning Sciences. The conference sponsored by the Springer and Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation, with several international experts serving as keynote speakers, including Prof. Ray Cheung from the City University of Hong Kong, Prof. Josep M. Duart from the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Prof. Junjie Shang from the Peking University, Prof. Katrine Wong from the University of Macau and Prof. Di Wu from the Central China Normal University. Professors and Students from Hong Kong, Macau and China also participated in the conference.

In addition, the workshop “Educational Technology in Higher Education : New Challenges and Opportunities” organized by the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE) was held concurrently with the conferences. ETHE is a renowned SSCI-indexed journal in the field with an impact factor of 8.6, and it aims tofacilitate the dissemination of critical scholarly works and exchange of information from a variety of cultural perspectives for researchers, professionals and practitioners in the technology enhanced and digital learning fields in higher education; contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge regarding the human and personal approach to the use of technology in higher education; and inform readers about the latest developments in the application of digital technologies in higher education learning, training, research and management.

澳門大學協同創新研究院數據科學研究中心聯同香港都會大學於7月29日至8月1日舉辦 “第17屆國際混合學習會議 暨 第10屆教育技術國際研討會”。內容聚焦多個熱門議題包括混合式學習、生成式人工智慧、聊天機器人、虛擬實境、增強實境及其教育應用等領域,兩會議共吸引近100多名來自世界各地的學術研究人員及師生,會議為促進學術、教學法和科技創新交流提供平台。

一連四日的研討會於澳門安逹仕酒店舉行。研討會由香港城市大學、香港理工大學、港專學院、東華學院、香港多媒體及影像計算學會、香港中文大學學習科學與科技中心及IEEE Education Society Technical Committee on Learning Sciences協辦。研討會由Springer和香港培華教育基金贊助。 多位國際專家擔任主講嘉賓,包括香港城市大學教授張澤松,《國際高等教育科技期刊》的Prof. Josep M. Duart,北京大學教授尚俊傑,澳門大學教授王嘉祺及華中師範大學吳砥。來自內地、香港及澳門的師生亦有參會。

此外,由《國際高等教育科技期刊》(ETHE)主辦的「高等教育科技:新挑戰與機遇」研討會與會議同步舉行。ETHE 是一本在該領域中具有8.6影響因子的著名SSCI索引期刊,旨在促進來自不同文化角度的研究人員、專業人士和從業者之間的關鍵學術作品傳播和信息交流,以提升高等教育中科技的人性化和個性化應用的科學知識,並向讀者介紹高等教育學習、培訓、研究和管理中數字技術應用的最新發展。

Group Photo

Keynote Speaker – Prof. Ray Cheung

Keynote Speaker – Prof. Josep M. Duart

Keynote Speaker – Prof. Junjie Shang

Keynote Speaker – Prof. Katrine Wong

Keynote Speaker – Prof. Di Wu

University of Macau and Hong Kong Metropolitan University holds the 17th International Conference on Blended Learning and 10th International Symposium on Educational Technology to promote innovation on pedagogies and educational technology2024-09-01T00:03:10+08:00
30 2024-07

The 17th International Conference on Blended Learning (ICBL 2024) cum the 10th International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET 2024)



主辦單位 協同創新研究院數據科學研究中心
類別 會議 / 研討會
日期 2024年7月29日至8月1日
時間 09:00 – 18:00
地點 澳門安逹仕酒店
語言 英語


名稱 蘇小姐
電話 8822 9634
電郵 anasou@um.edu.mo
The 17th International Conference on Blended Learning (ICBL 2024) cum the 10th International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET 2024)2024-08-02T00:00:00+08:00
24 2023-08

The 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research


Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) is organizing the first “International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research” at UM in September 2023. This event aims to gather experts from academia, government, and society to discuss the latest trends and challenges in data science, cognitive sciences, and brain sciences. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, innovative solutions can emerge for complex problems. More significantly, the symposium’s objective is to facilitate dynamic discussions and exchanges among scholars and to share recent findings in cognitive neuroscience and data science through 2 sub-sessions led by Head of Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS) and Head of Centre for Data Science (CDS) respectively. More than 45 speakers from various backgrounds will share experiences and insights, featuring plenary sessions, keynotes, and poster presentations, driving forward the frontiers of data science and cognitive and brain sciences.

Sub Session 1:  4 September 2023

The 1st Macau Symposium on Data Science

Time: 9:00am – 6:00pm

Venue: N1 – Multifunction Hall, Ground Floor



Sub Session 2:  8 and 9 September 2023

The 4th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Time: 9:00am – 6:00pm

Venue: N1 – Multifunction Hall, Ground Floor



All academic staff, students and interested parties are cordially invited.

The 1st International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research2023-09-23T00:00:05+08:00
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