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25 2025-02

Recruitment of Resident Tutors at UM’s Residential Colleges (RC) in Academic Year 2025/2026 (Application Deadline: 17:00, 14 March 2025)


RC invites applications for the position of Resident Tutors (RT). Successful candidates are expected to assume duty from end of July or early August of 2025.


All UM fulltime postgraduate students are eligible to apply. Excellent English proficiency, leadership experience, passionate, cheerful and approachable personalities, knowledgeable in performing arts, graphic design, photography, video editing, etc. will be an advantage.

Briefing session

Date & time: 12:00 – 13:00, 26 February, 2025 (Wednesday)

Venue: S3-G009 (TV room), Postgraduate House

Languages: English & Mandarin

Job description

RTs are expected to work at least 10 hours per week in RC. All appointed RT must undergo training held over three to four days in end of July or early August. Training will familiarize RTs and student leaders with their duties, and prepare them for a good beginning of the new semester. RTs play key roles in the UM Residential College System. Duties include:

  • assist in the implementation of the College vision and mission;
  • provide pastoral care to undergraduate students on his/her floor;
  • assist the delivery of college experiential learning and academic programs;
  • organize floor activities and meetings;
  • attend college events and activities;
  • get to know college members;
  • other duties assigned by College Master and academic staff.


  • A single room with full RC accommodation fee waiver
  • Participation in RC activities
  • Working experience (which will enrich your cv)

Application Procedures

1. Scan the QR code or via the URL below:






2. Submit the online application form on or before 14 March, 17:00

Points to note:

  1. Respective RCs will arrange interviews for shortlisted candidates in March – April 2025.
  2. Successful candidates must seek the approval of their major supervisor prior to taking up the position.

Please contact lcwcollege@um.edu.mo or 8822 9300 for queries.


UM Residential Colleges

Recruitment of Resident Tutors at UM’s Residential Colleges (RC) in Academic Year 2025/2026 (Application Deadline: 17:00, 14 March 2025)2025-02-25T17:06:11+08:00
24 2025-02

Recruitment of Resident Tutors at UM’s Residential Colleges (RC) in Academic Year 2025/2026 (Application Deadline: 17:00, 14 March 2025)


RC invites applications for the position of Resident Tutors (RT). Successful candidates are expected to assume duty from end of July or early August of 2025.


All UM fulltime postgraduate students are eligible to apply. Excellent English proficiency, leadership experience, passionate, cheerful and approachable personalities, knowledgeable in performing arts, graphic design, photography, video editing, etc. will be an advantage.

Briefing session

Date & time: 12:00 – 13:00, 26 February, 2025 (Wednesday)

Venue: S3-G009 (TV room), Postgraduate House

Languages: English & Mandarin

Job description

RTs are expected to work at least 10 hours per week in RC. All appointed RT must undergo training held over three to four days in end of July or early August. Training will familiarize RTs and student leaders with their duties, and prepare them for a good beginning of the new semester. RTs play key roles in the UM Residential College System. Duties include:

  • assist in the implementation of the College vision and mission;
  • provide pastoral care to undergraduate students on his/her floor;
  • assist the delivery of college experiential learning and academic programs;
  • organize floor activities and meetings;
  • attend college events and activities;
  • get to know college members;
  • other duties assigned by College Master and academic staff.


  • A single room with full RC accommodation fee waiver
  • Participation in RC activities
  • Working experience (which will enrich your cv)

Application Procedures

1. Scan the QR code or via the URL below:






2. Submit the online application form on or before 14 March, 17:00

Points to note:

  1. Respective RCs will arrange interviews for shortlisted candidates in March – April 2025.
  2. Successful candidates must seek the approval of their major supervisor prior to taking up the position.

Please contact lcwcollege@um.edu.mo or 8822 9300 for queries.


UM Residential Colleges

Recruitment of Resident Tutors at UM’s Residential Colleges (RC) in Academic Year 2025/2026 (Application Deadline: 17:00, 14 March 2025)2025-02-24T10:16:25+08:00
18 2024-06

Lui Che Woo College visited Lanzhou University from 21 to 27 May 2024



呂志和書院院長藍志雄教授帶領 14 名學生和書院導師李永康先生於2024年5月21 至27日踏上了到蘭州及甘肅省更大區域的文化學習之旅。他們沉浸在中國文化之中,並與蘭州大學的學生和教師在一個名為「弘揚、傳承、築夢—— 優秀傳統中國文化與心理學研習營」的活動中交流思想。


5 月 22 日的啟動儀式上,蘭州大學港澳臺事務辦公室副主任許希輝表示,希望通過這個機會加深兩校師生對優秀傳統中國文化的推廣和傳承的理解,促進學術交流,加強兩校在人才培養和科研合作方面的合作。呂志偉書院院長藍志雄教授表示,將心理學融入到對優秀傳統中國文化的研究中,可以使大學生在人際交往中變得更加愉悅、自信和樂觀,從而更好地完成學業。


Lui Che Woo College visited Lanzhou University from 21 to 27 May 2024

A group of 14 students and College Fellow, Mr. Lei Weng Hong from Lui Che Woo College (LCWC), led by College Master of LCWC, Prof. Lam Chee Shiong participated in a transformative cultural learning journey to Lanzhou and the greater Gansu region from 21 to 27 May 2024, engaging in an immersive experience of Chinese culture, and exchanging ideas with students and faculty from Lanzhou University in a study camp called “Promotion, Inheritance, and Dream Building – Study Camp on Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture and Psychology”.

Mental health has become an increasingly significant issue in today’s society, and the application of traditional Chinese culture in psychological therapy is gaining acceptance and recognition. This event, organized by the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs Office of Lanzhou University and hosted by the School of Basic Medicine of Lanzhou University, lasted for seven days, combining academic discussions with cultural visits.

In the launch ceremony on 22 May, Xu Xihui, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Affairs Office of Lanzhou University, expressed that the students and teachers from both universities would witness the brilliance of ancient Chinese civilization in the northwest, experiencing its profound cultural heritage. He hoped that this opportunity would deepen their understanding of the promotion and inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture, sparking intellectual exchanges and strengthening cooperation between the two universities in talent cultivation and scientific research. Prof. Lam, College Master of LCWC, stated that integrating psychology into the study of excellent traditional Chinese culture can make college students more cheerful, confident, and optimistic in interpersonal communication, thereby better completing their studies.

During the seven-day journey, twenty-two students and teachers from the University of Macau and Lanzhou University embarked on a journey along the ancient Silk Road, where they immersed themselves in the application of psychology through expressive arts techniques while exploring contemporary psychological wellbeing deeply rooted in traditional Chinese culture. They explored picturesque places such as the Baishiyan Cave, unveiling the past and present of the ancient Denisovans, appreciated the colorful Danxia landforms in the hinterland of the Qilian Mountains, and witnessed the rich ancient cultural heritage in the Mogao Grottoes and more. Students from Macao hope to deepen their understanding of excellent traditional Chinese culture through study activities in various places in Gansu Province. Additionally, they also had the opportunity to personally experience traditional Chinese medical practices like Gua Sha and acupuncture, enriching their understanding of traditional medical practices in Chinese culture. The organizers at Lanzhou University are greatly appreciated by the participants from LCWC for providing such a wonderful and engaging cultural immersion experience.

Lui Che Woo College visited Lanzhou University from 21 to 27 May 20242024-07-15T00:00:47+08:00
2 2024-04

Prof. Vincent Mak from University of Cambridge is appointed as Guest Fellow of Lui Che Woo College






麥教授正擔任期刊《生產與運營管理》的編輯評審委員會成員,以及期刊《信息系統研究》的分析創造力特刊的副編輯。他的研究領域涉及人群和企業在互動中做出戰略決策以及影響這些決策的經濟和心理因素。他的研究興趣包括親社會決策、管理者和消費者的行為決策、定價、實驗經濟學和博弈論。他的研究成果發表在科學、商業研究、心理學和經濟學等主要學術研究期刊上。他的研究曾受到《經濟學人》、《金融時報》、《獨立報》、《每日電訊報》、《泰晤士報》、《劍橋商業》、BBC 廣播四台和BBC劍橋郡電台等媒體的訪問及報導。他目前還是香港研究資助局研究影響基金委員會的成員。



We are delighted to announce the appointment of Prof. Vincent Wah Sung Mak’s as a Guest Fellow of Lui Che Woo College, University of Macau. This honorary appointment is reserved for individuals who possess exceptional expertise, extensive academic and professional background, and have made significant contributions to their respective fields.

Vincent Mak is a Professor of Marketing & Decision Sciences (with tenure) at Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), University of Cambridge. He is currently a member of the Senior Leadership Team at CJBS and was the Vice-Dean for Programmes & Research (2021-2023), Director (Associate Dean) of Programmes (2019-2021), and Deputy Director of Teaching (2016-2019) at Judge. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – from where he obtained his PhD – prior to joining the Judge. He also obtained undergraduate and master’s degrees from the University of Cambridge in natural sciences and applied mathematics/theoretical physics.

Prof. Vincent Wah Sung Mak has been appointed  as a Guest Fellow of Lui Che Woo College (LCWC)

Vincent is on the Editorial Review Board of the journal Production & Operations Management and is an Associate Editor of the journal Information Systems Research’s Special Issue on Analytical Creativity. His research lies in how people and firms make strategic decisions as they interact with each other, and what economic and psychological factors influence those decisions. His research interests cover prosocial decisions, managerial and consumer behavioural decision making, pricing, experimental economics, and game theory. His work has appeared in major academic research journals in science, business research, psychology, and economics. He has been interviewed by or has his research featured in media outlets including The Economist, The Financial Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The Times, Cambridge Business, BBC Radio 4, and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, among others. He is also currently a member of the Research Impact Fund Committee at the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.  

Vincent’s pedagogical experience ranges from undergraduate to MBA, executive, and PhD-level teaching. He was previously an award-winning case writer at the University of Hong Kong’s Centre for Asian Business Cases (now the Asia Case Research Centre), producing over 20 business cases which have been used worldwide. His consulting work includes a study of online/offline retail prices and price comparison websites, as well as a consumer survey study on the functioning of the market for Internet access, both commissioned by the European Commission.

We are confident that Prof. Mak’s wealth of knowledge and expertise will enrich the educational experience of our college students during his tenure as a Guest Fellow. Please join us to welcome Prof. Mak to our UM LCWC Family!

Prof. Vincent Mak from University of Cambridge is appointed as Guest Fellow of Lui Che Woo College2024-04-28T00:00:05+08:00
24 2024-01

Lui Che Woo College of the University of Macau and College of Alice & Peter Tan of National University of Singapore performed a Virtual Sharing Session on 17 January 2024


澳門大學呂志和書院和新加坡國立大學Alice & Peter Tan 書院的24位學生領袖於2024年1月17日齊聚一堂進行了一場精彩的線上分享會。 此次分享會著重深入探討大學大使的角色和挑戰,並討論在各自的住宿式學院、大學和城市生活和學習的經驗。

呂志和書院院長藍志雄教授與Alice & Peter Tan 書院導師Kevin MCGAHAN博士先後致開幕辭。 在分享期間,雙方書院的學生領袖積極討論及交流兩地文化和生活方式的見解和軼事,為分享會增添氣氛。


Twenty-four student leaders from Lui Chi Woo College (LCWC), University of Macau, and College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT), National University of Singapore performed an online sharing session on 17 January 2024. The purpose of the sharing session is to explore the role and challenges of college ambassadors and discuss the living and studying experience in their respective residential colleges, universities, and cities.

Master of LCWC, Prof. Desmond LAM, and Fellow of CAPT, Dr. Kevin MCGAHAN gave an opening remark respectively. During the session, the student leaders from the colleges proactively discussed and exchanged their insights on their culture and lifestyle, which highlighted the atmosphere of the event.

For the student leaders of LCWC, the session was particularly significant because it provided them an opportunity to engage in a cultural exchange with other students from overseas universities, and fostered a strong bond between the two colleges. In addition, they look forward to visiting each other’s colleges in the future so that they will have a deeper understanding of their communities.

Lui Che Woo College of the University of Macau and College of Alice & Peter Tan of National University of Singapore performed a Virtual Sharing Session on 17 January 20242024-02-23T00:00:17+08:00
12 2023-12

Lui Che Woo College visited Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Minerva College on 19 November 2023






A delegation of Lui Che Woo College (LCWC) led by College Master, Prof. Desmond Lam visit Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen) and Minerva College on 19 November 2023. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen the collaborative relationship and mutual understanding between two parties.

During the visit, students of LCWC participated in a workshop about intangible cultural heritage. Through the discussion and interaction, they had a deeper understanding about heritage preservation, which enhanced the cross-cultural exchange of the parties. In addition, College Master, Prof. Lam and Home Master of Minerva College, Prof. David Chan shared their perspectives with each other on college education, and explored more possibilities on the collaboration of students’ learning opportunities.

In addition to the academic engagement, students of LCWC had a site visit on the library and other facilities in the campus, which allowed them to know more about the unique architectural style of the campus.

In summary, the visit not only allowed them to have a better understanding of the education environment and resources of the university, but also strengthened the collaboration between LCWC and other colleges in the Greater Bay Area, which served as solid foundation for the collaborative projects of student exchange program in the future.

Lui Che Woo College visited Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Minerva College on 19 November 20232023-12-31T00:03:13+08:00
5 2023-12

Lui Che Woo College Visited Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd and BGI Genomics on 18 November 2023





The special enterprise visit organized by Lui Che Woo College (LCWC) to Dongguan and Shenzhen on 18 November 2023 provided students with valuable insights into two prominent companies in the technology industry: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd and BGI Genomics.

During the morning session at Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen Huawei European Town, the students had the opportunity to learn about Huawei’s corporate culture, which emphasizes innovation, collaboration, and a customer-centric approach. They gained a deeper understanding of the company’s impressive development history, starting from its humble beginnings to its current status as a global leader in telecommunications and technology. The session conducted by Shanghai HiSilicon provided insights into employment prospects within Huawei and its subsidiaries, exposing students to diverse career opportunities in the industry and the skills and qualifications required for those roles. Exploring the facilities and architecture of Huawei European Town allowed students to witness firsthand the dynamic and vibrant atmosphere that fosters creativity and technological breakthroughs.

In the afternoon, the group visited BGI Genomics (BGI) in Shenzhen, which is a renowned institution at the forefront of genetic research. The students learned about the latest trends and advancements in the field of genetics, which included breakthroughs in gene sequencing, genetic engineering and genomic medicine. BGI’s commitment to explore the potential of genetics in various fields, such as healthcare, agriculture, and environmental science, left a profound impression to the students. In addition, various training programs and research projects available at BGI and its affiliated institution, BGI College, were introduced to our students. This allowed them to develop a keen interest in genetics and related fields and gain a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities for further study and specialization.

In summary, the visit to Huawei European Town and BGI provided our students a holistic view of the latest technological advancements and research opportunities. It nurtured their curiosity, expanded their knowledge, and instilled a sense of enthusiasm which contributed to the ever-evolving world of technology as well as their understanding of China’s top enterprises.

Lui Che Woo College Visited Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd and BGI Genomics on 18 November 20232023-12-30T00:00:12+08:00
14 2023-11

LCWC Students’ Patriotic and Cultural Trip to the Pearl River Delta Region on 28 to 29 October 2023


為培養澳門大學學生的愛國主義精神和文化交流,並慶祝《中華人民共和國愛國教育法》頒布,呂志和書院於2023年10月28至29日組織了一次中國廣東省珠江三角洲歷史之旅。 這次富有意義的旅行旨在加深學生對我國近代史和廣東省在中華人民共和國成立過程中所發揮的重要作用的了解,進一步提升負責任的公民意識和文化意識。

在為期兩天的行程中,呂志和書院師生參觀了多個著名的紅色革命學習基地,並沉浸在該地區豐富的歷史意義中。 第一天的行程包括參觀孫中山故居紀念館、孫中山研究院、中山民俗博物館、黃埔軍校舊址。 這些標誌性的地標為人們了解革命鬥爭提供了寶貴的見解,為國家獨立鋪平了道路,並凸顯了孫中山先生的領導能力。 第二天,師生遊覽了鴉片戰爭博物館、林則徐博物館、威遠砲台等三處重要古蹟。 透過對這些景點的訪問,學生們全面了解了國家在衝突時期所面臨的挑戰以及中國人民捍衛主權的頑強精神。

這次旅行非常成功,並成為培養愛國精神和增強學生對中華傳統的自豪感的催化劑。 讓我們的學生了解珠江三角洲地區的歷史意義和廣東省的豐富文化,有助於他們對自己作為負責任的公民的角色有更廣闊的認識。 隨著我國的不斷進步,這類型的出訪可以激勵我們的年輕一代擁抱我國的優秀傳統,為社會做出有意義的貢獻,並積極參與這段邁向更繁榮的旅程。

In an effort to foster patriotism and cultural engagement among UM students, and celebrate the issue of the “P.R.C. Patriotic Education Law”, Lui Che Woo College (LCWC) organised a historical trip to the Pearl River Delta region in Guangdong Province, China from 28 to 29 October 2023. This meaningful trip aimed to deepen students’ understanding of the nation’s modern history and the vital role played by Guangdong Province in the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and to further promote responsible citizenship and cultural awareness.

In this two-day trip, students and staff of LCWC visited several renowned Red Revolution learning bases and immersed themselves in the rich historical significance of the region. On the first day, the itinerary included visits to the Sun Yat-sen Former Residence Memorial Hall, Sun Yat-sen Research Institute, Zhongshan Folk Museum, and The Former Site of Whampoa Military Academy. These iconic landmarks provided valuable insights into the revolutionary struggles that paved the way for the nation’s independence and highlighted the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. On the second day, the group explored three important historical sites, such as the Opium War Museum, Lin Zexu Museum, and Weiyuan Fort. Through these visits, students gained a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by the nation during times of conflict and the tenacity displayed by the Chinese people in defending their sovereignty.

The trip was a great success. It served as a catalyst for fostering patriotism and developing a greater sense of pride in our students with regard to their Chinese heritage. By Exposing our students to the historical significance of the Pearl River Delta region and the cultural richness of Guangdong Province,  they gained a broader perspective of their role as responsible citizens. As the People’s Republic of China continues to progress, trips like these can inspire our younger generation to embrace their heritage, contribute meaningfully to the society, and participate actively in the ongoing journey towards a more prosperous future.

LCWC Students’ Patriotic and Cultural Trip to the Pearl River Delta Region on 28 to 29 October 20232023-12-13T00:00:11+08:00
27 2023-10

Strengthening Bonds: UM-LCWC Renews Partnership with Teikyo University


2023年10月20 日,日本帝京大學和澳門大學雙方校長簽訂了帝京大學(TU)和澳門大學呂志和書院(UM-LCWC)雙方之間的學術和教育合作協議。期待明年帝京大學師生訪問呂志和書院。同樣,展望明年暑期書院師生前往東京進行交流。相信雙方師生會就跨文化學習交流得益不少。

On 20th October 2023, Teikyo University (TU) and University of Macau – Lui Che Woo College (UM-LCWC), represented by each respective President/Rector, signed a MOA to develop academic and educational cooperation between our two institutions. We look forward to welcoming students and professors from TU to LCWC next year. Similarly, LCWC will initiate student and staff exchange to Tokyo next summer. Students and staff from each side can benefit greatly from such cross-cultural learning exchanges.

Strengthening Bonds: UM-LCWC Renews Partnership with Teikyo University2023-11-26T00:00:10+08:00
2 2023-08

Lui Che Woo College Students Dedicated Time and Talent in Summer Camp Program at Guangzhou and Ruyuan County




夏令營還包括6天在乳源縣的義教服務,在呂志和書院書院導師孫斯斯博士的帶領下,院生們致力為該縣學生提供有關學業和生活技能方面的教學服務。過程中,他們與內地、香港和澳門的學生一起組織了互動工作坊,為該縣學生提供了有趣的課程教學、並舉辦了體育和繪畫比賽。 當中教授的課程課程涵蓋了醫學、語言和文化等學科,增強了學生在該領域上的理解和自信心。


Cooperating with Sun Yat-Sen University, a group of five highly motivated LCWC students embarked on an enriching 10-day summer camp program from July 13 to 22, 2023 at Guangzhou and Ruyuan County. This program offered hands-on experience at Zhongshan Eye Centre and Cancer Center, volunteer teaching at Ruyuan High School, and facilitated exchanges between students from 13 renowned universities from Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau.

During the first four days, students visited the Sun Yat-Sen University Specimen Exhibition Hall for Human Anatomy, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center and the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center. Under the careful guidance of experienced professionals, students were given a unique opportunity to explore the medical world. Throughout the program, the students participated in a variety of educational activities including interactive seminars, workshops, and demonstrations. They witnessed the cardiopulmonary resuscitation, observed surgical demonstration, and were introduced to advanced diagnostic tools used in modern medicine. The hands-on experience provided our students with rare insight into the complexities of modern medical procedures.

In addition to the academic component, the summer camp program also included a 6-day volunteer teaching at Ruyuan County, aimed at providing educational support to high school students at Ruyuan County.

Led by Resident Fellow Dr. SUN Sisi, the five LCWC student volunteers dedicated their time, talent, and resources to help the students of Ruyuan County to excel academically and gain essential life skills. Over the course of the six-day service learning, together with students from Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, the LCWC student volunteers organized interactive workshops, delivered engaging lectures, and conducted sports and painting competitions. These sessions covered a wide range of subjects, including medical science, language, and culture, that aim to enhance the students’ understanding and confidence in these areas.

This program has been a transformative experience for LCWC students, enhancing their knowledge integration skill, leadership skill and service awareness. The memories created and knowledge imparted will undoubtedly shape the future of the Ruyuan County’s students, inspiring them to pay it forward and contribute positively to society in their own unique ways.


Lui Che Woo College Students Dedicated Time and Talent in Summer Camp Program at Guangzhou and Ruyuan County2023-09-01T00:01:02+08:00
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