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12 2024-04

Call for Application: FDCT Funding Scheme for Innovation and Technology Promotion (2024 1st batch)


Dear Colleagues,

The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) is calling for application for the “Funding Scheme for Innovation and Technology Promotion (2024 1st batch) 科技創新提升計劃 (2024年度第一批)”. The application period is from now to 30 Apr 2024 (Internal submission deadline: 22 Apr 2024).

Maximum Funding Amount

Funding Duration



1 to 2 years

Assistant Professor or equivalent (including Research Assistant Professor)

*As of 12 Apr 2024, the applicant should have served as an Assistant Professor or equivalent in UM for not more than 5 years

For details, please refer to the link here.

Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Candy Leong (candyleong@um.edu.mo, ext. 4350) or Ms. Evonne Liu (yuxiliu@um.edu.mo, ext. 9929).

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office

Call for Application: FDCT Funding Scheme for Innovation and Technology Promotion (2024 1st batch)2024-05-12T00:01:09+08:00
24 2024-03

Call for Application: FDCT Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation – Type A and Type B (2024 1st batch)


Dear Colleagues,

The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) is calling for application for the “Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation科研及創新資助計劃” – Type A and Type B (2024 1st batch). The maximum applied amount is MOP3,000,000 for a maximum duration of 3 years. The application period is from now to 22 Apr 2024 (Internal submission deadline: 8 Apr 2024).

Types of Application:

  1. Type A: for research projects conducive to enhancing scientific research strength and cutting-edge original innovation ability;
  2. Type B: for research projects with application-oriented scientific research findings.

For details, please refer to the FDCT website (https://www.fdct.gov.mo/zh_tw/RIA.html).

Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Candy Leong (candyleong@um.edu.mo, ext. 4350) or Ms. Evonne Liu (yuxiliu@um.edu.mo, ext. 9929).

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office

Call for Application: FDCT Funding Scheme for Scientific Research and Innovation – Type A and Type B (2024 1st batch)2024-04-22T00:00:39+08:00
29 2024-02

Economic and Technological Development Bureau: “Patent Navigation Training”


 日期 Date:

14&15/03/2024 (週四、週五 Thursday and Friday)

時間 Time:


地點 Venue:

Rua Dr. Pedro José Lobo, nº 1-3, Ed. Banco Luso Internacional, 7º andar, MACAU

Trainers Information and Course Content:

國家知識產權局專利專家 – 龐志鵬張勇導師
Patent experts from China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) – Mr. Zhipeng Pang and Mr. Yong Zhang

課程安排及詳細導師資料請瀏覽以下網址或二維碼 Please visit the below website or scan the below QR code for more course details:

語言 Language:

普通話 Putonghua

對象 Audience:

All are welcome

報名 Registration:


Please download the registration form from the below website or QR code and email the completed registration form to dpda@dsedt.gov.mo on or before March 8. Successful applicants will be informed by email.

報名表格 Registration Form:

查詢 Enquiry:

Patent and Copyright Division, Intellectual Property Department, Economic and Technological Development Bureau

黃小姐 Ms. Wong(電話 Tel:8597 2614)
先生 Mr. Ho (電話 Tel:8597 2244 )


Economic and Technological Development Bureau: “Patent Navigation Training”2024-02-29T15:32:16+08:00
20 2023-11

RSKTO holds the “Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023” to foster collaboration among industry, university and research



研討會系列的第一場 “關於知識產權和技術轉移 – 專為科學家而設的一堂課”於 2023 年 11 月 16 日至 17 日舉行。澳洲昆士蘭科技大學客席教授 Philip Mendes為是次研討會的主講人。他作為技術交易律師執業了 30 多年。自 2000 年以來,Philip 在澳洲和亞洲舉辦了 200 多場與知識產權和商業化相關的研討會。第一場研討會期間,Philip Mendes討論了關於知識轉移的課題,包括如何實現學術出版目標以及知識產權保護和商業化目標、科學家在沒有保密協議的情況下可進行披露的程度、知識產權共同所有權的影響、尋找商業合作夥伴和被許可人的策略、商業化途徑、許可協議的注意事項等。

研討會系列的第二場“美國波士頓大學技術轉移專家的心得秘笈” 於2023年11月20日舉行。是次研討會的主講人為波士頓大學技術轉移辦公室前主任Ashley J. Stevens,他在早期技術轉移方面擁有30年的豐富經驗。Ashley J. Stevens在研討會上介紹了技術轉移的好處,分享了發明管理和行銷的技巧,並討論了如何進行技術估值和許可談判。



The “Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023” was successfully held by the Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office (RSKTO) of the University of Macau (UM) on 16, 17 and 20 November 2023.  Two renowned guest speakers were invited to share their experience and expertise in knowledge transfer. More than 40 professors, students and administrative staffs from numerous faculties and units including Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Business Administration, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, etc. participated in the Workshop Series and carried out in-depth discussions and exchanges with the speakers.

The first session of the Workshop Series, “What Scientists Need to Know about IP and Tech Transfer”, was conducted by Philip Mendes on 16 and 17 November 2023. Philip Mendes is an Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology in Australia and he practised as a lawyer in technology transactions for over 30 years. Since 2000, Philip has presented over 200 intellectual property and commercialization related workshops throughout Australia and Asia. During the workshop on 16 and 17 November 2023, Philip discussed topics on knowledge transfer including how to achieve both the academic publication objective as well as the intellectual property protection and commercialization objective, the extent to which scientists can make disclosures without a Confidentiality Agreement, implications of joint ownership of intellectual property, strategies to find commercial partners and licensees, commercialization pathways, important notes about License Agreements, etc.

The second session of the Workshop Series, “Experience Sharing from Boston University Tech Transfer Expert”, was delivered by Ashley J. Stevens on 20 November 2023. Ashley J. Stevens, former Director from Boston University’s Office of Technology Transfer in the United States, has 30 years of experience in structuring the transfer of early-stage technologies. Ashley went through the benefits of technology transfer, examined techniques on invention management and marketing, technology valuation and license negotiation.

“Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023” is the first workshop with the theme of knowledge transfer held by RSKTO this year, and relevant activities will continue to be organized in the future. RSKTO organized two IP seminars titled “Intellectual Property Overview & China Patent Basics” and “Introduction to Foreign Patent Applications and How to Create High-Quality Patents” in March and September this year respectively.

RSKTO has always been committed to promoting knowledge transfer and fostering collaboration among industry, university and research. It is hoped that through this workshop, participants can strengthen their understanding of knowledge transfer, thereby driving innovation and creating benefits to the society and economy.

RSKTO holds the “Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023” to foster collaboration among industry, university and research2023-12-20T00:00:12+08:00
14 2023-11

(Registration Deadline: 15 Nov) Invitation to the Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023 – “What Scientists Need to Know about IP and Tech Transfer” by Mr. Philip Mendes (16 and 17 Nov, N22-G002), and “Experience Sharing from Boston University Tech Transfer Expert” by Mr. Ashley J. Stevens (20 Nov, Zoom webinar)


Audience 對象  :  All are welcome 歡迎有興趣人士參加
Language 語言  : English 英語 

Registration 報名  : Link Here 按此連結

(Registration Deadline: 15 Nov) Invitation to the Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023 – “What Scientists Need to Know about IP and Tech Transfer” by Mr. Philip Mendes (16 and 17 Nov, N22-G002), and “Experience Sharing from Boston University Tech Transfer Expert” by Mr. Ashley J. Stevens (20 Nov, Zoom webinar)2023-12-01T00:00:12+08:00
11 2023-11

(Registration Deadline: 15 Nov) Invitation to the Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023 – “What Scientists Need to Know about IP and Tech Transfer” by Mr. Philip Mendes (16 and 17 Nov, N22-G002), and “Experience Sharing from Boston University Tech Transfer Expert” by Mr. Ashley J. Stevens (20 Nov, Zoom webinar)


Audience 對象  :  All are welcome 歡迎有興趣人士參加
Language 語言  : English 英語 

Registration 報名  : Link Here 按此連結

(Registration Deadline: 15 Nov) Invitation to the Knowledge Transfer Workshop Series 2023 – “What Scientists Need to Know about IP and Tech Transfer” by Mr. Philip Mendes (16 and 17 Nov, N22-G002), and “Experience Sharing from Boston University Tech Transfer Expert” by Mr. Ashley J. Stevens (20 Nov, Zoom webinar)2023-12-01T00:01:12+08:00
13 2023-09

IP Seminar – Introduction to Foreign Patent Applications and How to Create High-Quality Patents


日期 Date : 15 / 09 / 2023 (星期五 Friday)
時間 Time : 11:00 – 12:30
語言 Language : 普通話 Putonghua
對象 Audience : 歡迎有興趣人士參加 All are welcome
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

IP Seminar – Introduction to Foreign Patent Applications and How to Create High-Quality Patents2023-10-04T00:00:06+08:00
8 2023-09

IP Seminar – Introduction to Foreign Patent Applications and How to Create High-Quality Patents


日期 Date : 15 / 09 / 2023 (星期五 Friday)
時間 Time : 11:00 – 12:30
語言 Language : 普通話 Putonghua
對象 Audience : 歡迎有興趣人士參加 All are welcome
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

IP Seminar – Introduction to Foreign Patent Applications and How to Create High-Quality Patents2023-10-04T00:00:06+08:00
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