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11 2023-12

CCE and FHS offered a course of “Stem Cells: the Seeds of Life, Health, and Beauty”


澳大持續進修中心與健康科學學院合辦 “幹細胞:生命、健康和美麗的種子” 課程

澳大持續進修中心與健康科學學院於12月10日合辦 “幹細胞:生命、健康和美麗的種子” 課程,共2個學時,課程獲醫療專業委員會認可為持續專業發展(CPD)培訓活動。課程對象為醫療人員,分別有藥劑師、護士、物理治療師、牙科醫生及職業治療師。




CCE and FHS offered a course of “Stem Cells: the Seeds of Life, Health, and Beauty”

CCE and FHS jointly organized and launched a course of 2-hour “Stem Cells: the Seeds of Life, Health, and Beauty” on 10 December. The students are the health professionals, including pharmacists, nurses, physiotherapists, dentists and occupational therapists. The course was approved by Conselho dos Profissionais de Saúde.

The course was taught by Prof. Ren-He XU, who is Associate Dean and Distinguished Professor of FHS. After the course, the students knew basic knowledge of stem cells, research milestones, current challenges, ethical issues and clinical application prospects. In order to meet the working schedule of the health professionals, the course was conducted in both face-to-face and online teaching. The course had been successfully completed with great recognition and positive feedbacks. The students, who attended the entire course, will be awarded a testimonial jointly issued by CCE and FHS.

Starting from 1 October 2023, the health professionals must obtain the credits required by participating in CPD activity within the license cycle.  The credits obtained in each cycle can only be applied for the immediate renewal or re-issuance for the license. During the transition period, the credits obtained from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2023 can be included in the immediate license cycle.

The information related to credits can be retrieved from Macao Health Bureau website (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/), Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau website (https://www.isaf.gov.mo/cpd/), Macao Academy of Medicine (https://www.am.gov.mo/) and Comissão de Especialidades de Enfermagem (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/CE).

CCE takes social responsibility to fulfill the needs of government departments and the Macao society, so as to be committed to providing continuous education courses for health professionals and improving their career development, as well as making positive contributions to the talent training of the Macao SAR.



CCE and FHS offered a course of “Stem Cells: the Seeds of Life, Health, and Beauty”2024-01-11T00:00:14+08:00
27 2023-11

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Innovative Thinking and Leadership for students of Foshan University


澳大持續進修中心為佛山科學技術學院學生舉辦 “創新思維與領導力” 專題培訓課程

澳門大學持續進修中心於11月25日至27日為來自佛山科學技術學院學生舉辧 “創新思維與領導力” 專題培訓課程。

為期三天的培訓課程講述 “領導力與戰略管理” 和 “領導者的公開演說技巧”。這些課程邀請到澳大的資深教授主講,讓學員們體驗了澳大國際化師資的優質教學。他們也參觀了圖書館和大學展館,瞭解澳大環境和感受澳大學生的學習生活。另外,他們到澳門金融管理局進行參訪和交流,以了解澳門金融體制的發展。豐富充實的內容獲得學生們一致的好評。



CCE organised Designated Training Course on Innovative Thinking and Leadership for students of Foshan University

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Innovative Thinking and Leadership for students of Foshan University during 25th to 27th November.

The three-day training covered topics lectured by UM professors, such as Leadership and Strategic Management, as well as Public Speaking Skills of Leaders. The students also visited UM Wu Yee Sun Library and UM Gallery. Positive feedbacks were received from the students. Also, they visited the Monetary Authority of Macao to know more information about the development of financial system in Macao.

Foshan University is a full-time public undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. It is a high-level university in Guangdong Province (a key discipline construction university) with master and doctoral degree programme.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Innovative Thinking and Leadership for students of Foshan University2023-12-27T00:01:12+08:00
30 2023-10

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for students of Huazhong Agricultural University


澳大持續進修中心為華中農業大學學生舉辦 “人工智能專題培訓課程”

澳門大學持續進修中心於10月26日至30日為來自華中農業大學學生舉辧 “人工智能專題培訓課程”。


華中農業大學為中國高等農業教育起點之一,是國家 “211工程” 和  “雙一流”  建設高校。


CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for students of Huazhong Agricultural University

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for students of Huazhong Agricultural University during 26th to 30th October.

The five-day training covered topics such as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Financial Technology and Blockchain, as well as Computational Cognitive Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. The students also visited UM Wu Yee Sun Library and UM Gallery. Positive feedbacks were received from the students.

Huazhong Agricultural University is a forerunner of agricultural higher education in China. It is a “Project 211 ” and “Double First-Class” university.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for students of Huazhong Agricultural University2023-11-30T00:02:21+08:00
27 2023-10

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for teachers of Guangdong University of Science & Technology


澳大持續進修中心為廣東科技學院老師舉辦 “人工智能專題培訓課程”

澳門大學持續進修中心於10月24日至27日為來自廣東科技學院老師舉辧 “人工智能專題培訓課程”。

為期四天的培訓內容豐富,課程包括 “人工智能與大數據”、“金融技術和區塊鏈”、“人工智能與機器學習的應用”、“人工智能與智能城市”及 “人工智能、物聯網與能源系統”,這些課程邀請到澳大的資深教授主講。老師們體驗了澳大國際化師資的優質教學,並參觀了圖書館和大學展館,瞭解澳大環境。豐富充實的課程獲得老師們一致的好評。在課堂上,老師們也和澳門大學教授有充分的互動分享和交流,因此對人工智能有了更深刻的領悟,老師們並表示未來有機會還要再來澳大學習。



CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for teachers of Guangdong University of Science & Technology

CCE organised a designated training course on Artificial Intelligence for teachers of Guangdong University of Science & Technology during 24th to 27th October.

The four-day training covered many topics, including Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Financial Technology and Blockchain, Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Smart City, as well as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Energy System. The teachers also visited UM Wu Yee Sun Library and UM Gallery. Positive feedbacks were received from the teachers. During the lectures, the teachers interacted with UM professors to share ideas and discussed issues about Artificial Intelligence.  They expressed that the training was excellent and are willing to visit UM in the future.

Guangdong University of Science & Technology is a full-time general undergraduate institution approved by the Ministry of Education. It focuses on Engineering with the combination of other majors, such as Management, Economics, Literature and Arts.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Artificial Intelligence for teachers of Guangdong University of Science & Technology2023-11-27T00:00:10+08:00
19 2023-10

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Research Writing Skills and Global Perspective for students of Capital Normal University


澳大持續進修中心為首都師範大學學生舉辦 科研寫作技巧及全球視野專題培訓課程

澳門大學持續進修中心於10月16日及17日為來自首都師範大學學生舉辧 “科研寫作技巧及全球視野專題培訓課程”。


首都師範大學是國家 “雙一流” 建設高校、北京市與教育部 “省部共建” 高校,是北京市人才培養的重要基地。


CCE organised Designated Training Course on Research Writing Skills and Global Perspective for students of Capital Normal University

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Research Writing Skills and Global Perspective for students of Capital Normal University during 16th to 17th October.

The two-day training covered topics regarding the relationship between Cross-cultural Communication and Global Perspective, and Research Writing skills in Structure, Theme and Related Considerations. The students also visited UM Wu Yee Sun Library and UM Gallery and positive feedback are received from students.

Capital Normal University is a national “Double First-class” university, a province-ministry co-constructed university collaboratively constructed by Beijing and the Ministry of Education, and is an important base for talent training in Beijing.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organised Designated Training Course on Research Writing Skills and Global Perspective for students of Capital Normal University2023-11-21T00:00:09+08:00
14 2023-09

CCE launched 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Talent Introduction and Teacher Team Building for Administrative Executive and Faculty Management of Shenzhen University



澳大持續進修中心分別於9月5日至7日 (第一班) 及9月12日至14日 (第二班) 為深圳大學舉辦兩班 “人才引進和師資隊伍建設培訓”。澳大副校長(行政事務)徐建博士分別出席兩班開幕式並致歡迎詞。深圳大學副校長李永華教授和副校長徐晨教授分別出席開班儀式。參與培訓的學員包括深圳大學不同學院的副院長及多個行政部門高層主管,兩班共40餘人。

為期三天的培訓,由澳大資深教授與專家主講,課程安排緊湊,內容包括 “高等教育學術質素保障的理念和實踐”、 “澳門高校與產業如何吸引高端人才回流”、 “科研團隊管理與青年科研人才的引進與培養” 及 “疫情下的有效教學”。除了實用的課程安排之外,學員和澳大教授之間的互動分享及交流,更讓課程豐富充實。此外學員也分別參訪澳大中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室以及美獅美高梅度假村藝術導賞。培訓課程獲得學員一致的好評,亦表示此行獲益良多,在結業禮上,澳大持續進修中心主任劉丁己教授感謝深圳大學的信任與支持,並歡迎未來繼續來澳大交流。



CCE launched 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Talent Introduction and Teacher Team Building for Administrative Executive and Faculty Management of Shenzhen University

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) launched 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Talent Introduction and Teacher Team Building for Shenzhen University. The two classes were conducted from 5th to 7th September and from 12th to 14th September respectively. Dr. Claudia XU, Vice Rector (Administration) of University of Macau, attended the 2 classes of opening ceremony and delivered the welcome speech. Prof. Yonghua LI and Prof. Chen XU, Vice Rectors of Shenzhen University, participated in the opening ceremony of each class. 40 participants in total were in the 2 classes, they were deputy deans from different faculties and executives from administrative departments of Shenzhen University.

During the three-day training, the participants attended various professional lectures, such as The concept and practice of academic quality assurance in higher education: On the growth and evaluation of college teachers, How Macao universities and industries attract high-end talents back: attracting talents, cultivating talents, using talents and retaining talents, Management of scientific research team and introduction and training of young scientific research talents and Effective teaching under the epidemic: Make good use of online distance learning platform to develop high-quality curriculum plans. During these courses, the participants and UM professors shared information and discussed issues, which made the course content rich and substantial. The participants also visited State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (University of Macau) and participated in a guided art tour at MGM Cotai Resort. They expressed that the arrangement was excellent. In the closing ceremony, Prof. Matthew Ting Chi LIU, Director of CCE, thanked for the support of Shenzhen University, and welcomed them to visit UM again in the future.

Shenzhen University was established in 1983 with the approval of the Ministry of Education. It adheres to the educational characteristics of “Special Zone University, Window University, and Experimental University”. It has developed rapidly in recent years. Currently, 17 subjects have entered the top 1% of the ESI subject rankings in the world. More than 43,000 people have made important contributions to talent training in the Greater Bay Area and the country’s modern construction.

CCE continues to develop training programmes with quality mainland universities to promote collaboration between UM and higher education institutions in Mainland China.

CCE launched 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Talent Introduction and Teacher Team Building for Administrative Executive and Faculty Management of Shenzhen University2023-10-16T00:00:07+08:00
31 2023-08

CCE organises a training course on “Teacher’s Teaching Method and Teaching Mode Innovation” for teachers of Foshan University


澳大持續進修中心為佛山科學技術學院老師舉辦 “教師教學方法與教學模式創新” 培訓課程

澳門大學持續進修中心於8月30日至31日為來自佛山科學技術學院老師舉辧 “教師教學方法與教學模式創新” 培訓課程。

為期二天培訓的課程內容豐富,課程包括善用網上遙距教學平臺展開優質課程計劃、案例教學與課堂管理、“創意Creativity” 課程建設經驗及分享,以及雙語教學的設計與實踐,這些課程邀請到澳大的資深教授主講。老師們體驗了澳大國際化師資的優質教學,豐富充實的課程獲得老師們一致的好評。



CCE organises a training course on “Teacher’s Teaching Method and Teaching Mode Innovation” for teachers of Foshan University

CCE organises a training course on “Teacher’s Teaching Method and Teaching Mode Innovation” for teachers of Foshan University during 30th to 31st August.

The two-day training covered many topics, including Making Good Use of Distance Learning Platform to Develop High-quality Lesson Plan, Case Teaching and Classroom Management, “Creativity” Course Structure Experience and Sharing, and Bilingual Teaching in Design and Practice. We received positive feedback from teachers.

Foshan University is a full-time public undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. It is a high-level university in Guangdong Province (a key discipline construction university) with master and doctoral degree programme.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organises a training course on “Teacher’s Teaching Method and Teaching Mode Innovation” for teachers of Foshan University2023-10-02T00:00:06+08:00
30 2023-08

CCE organises a training course on Interdisciplinary programme – New Media, Technological Innovation, Art and Innovation and Entrepreneurship for students of Jinhua Polytechnic


澳大持續進修中心為金華職業技術學院學生舉辦跨學科應用專題新媒體、科技創新、藝術與創新創業” 培訓課程

澳門大學持續進修中心於8月28日至8月30日為來自金華職業技術學院的學生舉辧 “跨學科應用專題 – 新媒體、科技創新、藝術與創新創業” 培訓課程。




CCE organises a training course on Interdisciplinary programme – New Media, Technological Innovation, Art and Innovation and Entrepreneurship for students of Jinhua Polytechnic

CCE organised a training course on Interdisciplinary programme – New Media, Technological Innovation, Art and Innovation and Entrepreneurship for students of Jinhua Polytechnic during 28th to 30th August.

The three-day training covered many topics, including Cross-cultural New Media and Advertising Marketing, Technological Innovation and Regional Economic Growth, Technological Innovation Empowers Art Design and Aestheti, and Internet Characteristic Finance and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The students also visited UM Wu Yee Sun Library and UM Gallery. We received positive feedback from students.

Jinhua Polytechnic is one of the first batch of higher vocational colleges approved by the Ministry of Education. It has been listed as a national model school, a national high-quality school, a key school in Zhejiang Province, and a national “double high” school A-level construction unit, as well as advanced unit of national vocational education.

CCE continues to carry out high-quality training courses to strengthen educational cooperation between UM and universities in mainland.

CCE organises a training course on Interdisciplinary programme – New Media, Technological Innovation, Art and Innovation and Entrepreneurship for students of Jinhua Polytechnic2023-10-02T00:00:06+08:00
28 2023-08

CCE and ICMS offer CPD course for health professionals


澳大持續進修中心與中華醫藥研究院合辦 “持續專業發展(CPD) 培訓活動” 課程

澳大持續進修中心與中華醫藥研究院於8月合辦持續專業發展 (CPD) 培訓活動課程,以提升醫療人員知識水平,促進醫療發展及市民的健康。該課程為臨床實踐中的科學發現與研究:從組學到治療,共12學時,由陳修平教授和王穎副教授講課,對象為醫療人員,當中有醫生、護士和醫務化驗師。課程的內容有腸道菌群與潰瘍性結腸炎、基因組學與腸道疾病、維生素 C 的抗癌之路及SCI 論文的寫作與投稿。



關於 “持續專業發展培訓活動” 學分的訊息,可瀏覽澳門衛生局網頁(www.ssm.gov.mo)、藥物監督管理局網頁 (https://www.isaf.gov.mo/cpd/)、澳門醫學專科學院網頁 (http://www.am.gov.mo) 以及護理專科委員會網頁(https://www.ssm.gov.mo/CE)。


CCE and ICMS offer CPD course for health professionals

CCE and ICMS jointly organized and launched a course for “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training Activity” in August to improve the knowledge of health professionals, promote the medical development and the health of citizens. The joint course is “Scientific Discovery and Research in Clinical Practice: from Omics to Therapy” with a total of 12 hours. The course is lectured by Prof. Xiuping CHEN and Prof. Ying WANG. The students are the health professionals, including doctors, nurses, and laboratory technologists. The course contents include gut flora and ulcerative colitis, genomics and intestinal diseases, vitamin C’s anti-cancer path, and writing skills and submission for SCI papers.

The course has been successfully completed with great recognition and feedback from students. The students, whose attendance rate reaches 80% of the whole course, will be awarded a testimonial jointly issued by CCE and ICMS.

Starting from 1 October 2023, the health professionals must obtain the credits required by participating in CPD activity within the license cycle.  The credits obtained in each cycle can only be applied for the immediate renewal or re-issuance for the license. During the transition period, the credits obtained from 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2023 can be included in the immediate license cycle.

The information related to credits can be retrieved from Macao Health Bureau website (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/), Pharmaceutical Administration Bureau website (https://www.isaf.gov.mo/cpd/), Macao Academy of Medicine (https://www.am.gov.mo/) and Comissão de Especialidades de Enfermagem (https://www.ssm.gov.mo/CE).

CCE takes social responsibility to fulfill the needs of government departments and the Macao society, so as to be committed to providing continuous education courses for health professionals and improving their career development, as well as making positive contributions to the talent training of the Macao SAR.

CCE and ICMS offer CPD course for health professionals2023-09-30T00:01:06+08:00
25 2023-08

CCE organises 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of University of South China


澳大持續進修中心為南華大學學生舉辦兩班 醫藥與健康科學專題培訓課程

澳門大學持續進修中心為南華大學的學生舉辦兩班 “醫藥與健康科學” 專題培訓課程,此培訓為線下結合線上課程,合共三個月,由澳大資深教授主講。第一班及第二班線下課程分別於8月14日至18日及8月21日至8月25日進行。

為期五天的線下培訓,課程安排緊湊且充實,內容包括 “基因與生物資訊學基礎與前沿介紹”、 “癌症和神經退行性疾病中的自噬溶酶體途徑”、 “生物醫學科技:生命科學與健康的奧秘”及 “中醫藥在大健康產業中的應用與發展”。學員們除了體驗到澳大國際化師資的全英優質教學外,還參觀了澳大動物研究核心實驗中心和基因組學、生物信息學及單細胞分析核心實驗中心,並由學生公關大使帶領參觀了圖書館、大學展館和書院,了解澳大科研環境和感受澳大學生的學習生活。此外,學員還參訪了澳門鏡湖醫院。



CCE organises 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of University of South China

The University of Macau (UM) Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) organised 2 classes of 3-month Designated Training Course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of University of South China, this programme is combined with offline and online training. The two classes of the offline training are conducted from 14th to 18th August and from 21st to 25th August respectively.

During the five-day offline training, the students attended various professional lectures, topics include Genetic and Biometrics: Introduction of Foundation and Frontier, Autophagy Lysosome Pathway in Cancers and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Wonders in Life Science and Health: Biomedical Science, and Chinese Medicine in the Healthcare Industry: Application and Development. The students also visited different units of UM, including the Animal Research Core, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Single Cell Analysis Core, UM Wu Yee Sun Library, UM Gallery, and a residential college. Outside UM, the students visited the Kiang Wu Hospital. Many of the students say they are impressed with the international teaching quality at UM and are willing to come back to UM for further studies.

CCE continues to develop training programmes with quality mainland universities to promote collaboration between UM and higher education institutions in Mainland China.

CCE organises 2 classes of Designated Training Course on Medicine and Health Sciences for students of University of South China2023-09-26T00:00:05+08:00
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