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3 2023-04

2023 Summer Luggage Storage Result


(Chinese translation can be found below for reference 下方有中文譯本供參考)

Dear Postgraduate Students,

Please note that the Postgraduate House (PGH) Summer Luggage Storage Service Application Result 2023 is attached below:

2023 Summer Luggage Storage Result

A. Luggage Storage Schedule:

If the luggage boxes are not retrieved on or before the assigned date, an administrative fee and penalty fee will be charged. Please refer to “Point D Late Retrieval Penalty” for the details of the penalty scheme.

2nd Semester of Academic Year 2022/2023 PGH Last Move-Out Date

Luggage Store-in Period

Luggage Retrieval Date

31 May 2023, before 14:00

20 May 2023 to 31 May 2023

Before 31 Aug 2023

B. Luggage Storage Arrangement:

I. Each eligible student may apply for a maximum of THREE (3) storage spaces. Any additional paid storage space(s) needs to be approved by SRS.
II. PGH Summer Luggage Storage fee is MOP50 per storage space. Students can pay luggage storage fees by Cash (no change), Macau pass and Union Pay “Quick Pass” (Only for Bank of China accounts)
III. Students are required to store all luggage in one time. It is not allowed to store-in for the second time, even the storage quota is not used up.
IV. Students are required to pack their belongings into a bag/box for placing on a floor area or a layer of rack with dimensions of approximately 60cm (Length) x 30cm (Width) and 60cm (Height).
V. All eligible students need to pack and move their luggage(s) by themselves. NO helper assistance will be provided for moving the bag(s)/box(es).
VI. The summer storage service is NOT provided to summer stay students.
VII. Successful applicants for the summer luggage storage are required to download and fill in the summer luggage forms before storing luggage. The forms can be found in the Luggage Moving Procedure.
VIII. Eligible students are required to retrieve their stored luggage within the designated Luggage Retrieval Period. Any retrieval of luggage before 31-August is charged MOP 50/ storage space, no matter if any early retrieval of luggage.
IX. Eligible students are responsible for padlocking their luggage boxes. Electronics, consumable goods (such as food, drinks, cash), valuables, fragile goods and illegal goods are NOT allowed in the luggage boxes. UM will inform the authorities for any grounded suspicion of illegal goods.
X. Late application will NOT be accepted and considered. Any decision made by SRS shall be final.

C. Luggage Moving Procedure:
I. Students who are approved for summer luggage storage are required to fill-in the “2023 Summer Luggage Application Form” & “2023 Summer Luggage Declaration Form” and bring the forms and luggage to S2-G017 (opposite S1-150 pax).
II. For students who are not available during the storage period, they are required to fill in the “2023 Summer Luggage Authorization Form” (in the table below) and authorize another UM student to process the procedure.

Type of Forms


2023 PGH Summer Luggage Confirmation Form

2023 PGH Summer Luggage Confirmation Form

2023 PGH Summer Luggage Declaration Form

2023 PGH Summer Luggage Declaration Form

2023 PGH Summer Luggage Authorization Form

2023 PGH Summer Luggage Authorization Form

D. Late Retrieval Penalty:

I. An Administrative Fee of MOP100 will be charged for any late retrieval between 1 Sep to 30 Sep 2023.
II. An Administrative Fee of MOP100 and a penalty fee of MOP100 per storage space per month will be charged for any late retrieval between 1 Oct – 31 Dec 2023, with a maximum penalty of MOP300 per month and a total maximum penalty of MOP900 in addition to the MOP100 administrative fee.
III. The Administrative Fee & Penalty Fee will be charged through E-debit Note or by cash upon retrieval of luggage.
IV. SRS has the right to dispose of any stored luggage after the last overdue storage date on 31 Dec 2023.
V. Students have to bear by themselves on any loss of luggage and UM will not be responsible for any loss of luggage.

PGH Overdue Summer Luggage Storage Fee (1 SEP – 31 DEC 2023)




Luggage Retrieval Date

Administrative fees



1 Sep – 30 Sep 2023 (Grace Period)



No Penalty, only administrative fees

1 Oct – 31 Dec 2023


MOP100 per luggage space per month

Max. penalty MOP300 per month. In addition to the penalty, students will need to pay the administrative fee of MOP100.




Max. total payable fee is MOP1,000

Thank you for your kind attention.

PGH Student Housing
Student Affairs Office – Student Resources Section
PGH S3, G/F, Room G002
Tel: 8822 2660
Email: sao.pgh@um.edu.mo





2023 年暑期行李儲存結果

A. 行李儲存時間表

注意:如果在指定日期或之前未取回行李,則將收取行政費和罰款。詳情請參閱 “D點延遲提取行李處罰

2022/2023 學年第二學期退宿日






B. 行李儲存安排

一. 每個符合資格申請行李寄存的學生最多可以申請3個儲存空間。任何額外的收費儲存空間都需要由SRS負責人的批准。
二. 研究生宿舍暑期行李寄存費為每個儲存空間澳門元50元。請注意,學生可以通過澳門通,銀聯 “閃付” 和現金(無兌換不設找贖)進行支付。行李儲存費用應在寄存行李時支付。
三. 學生們只能將行李存放一次。即使儲存配額沒有用完,也不允許第二次儲存。
四. 學生必須將物品放在袋/箱中,放在地板上或架子上,尺寸約為60厘米(長)×30厘米(寬)和60厘米(高)。
五. 所有符合條件的學生都需要自己 收拾和搬運行李。將不提供協助搬運袋子/盒子服務。
六. 成功申請暑期住宿的學生不會提供暑期行李儲存服務。
七. 成功申請暑期行李寄存人必須在搬入行李之前下載並填寫相關暑期行李寄存表格。 該表格可在“行李搬運程序”中找到。
八. 符合條件的學生需要在指定的行李取回期限內取回其存放的行李。任何在8月31日前提取其存放的行李的收費一律是澳門元50元 /存儲空間,不論是否提前提取行李。
九. 學生有責任鎖好行李箱。行李箱中禁止存放電子產品、消耗品(例如食物、飲料、現金),貴重物品,易碎品和違禁品。澳門大學將就任何懷疑非法的物品通知當局。
十. 逾期申請將不予考慮和受理。 學生資源處做出的任何決定均為最終決定。

C. 行李儲存程序
一. 在行李儲存結果公佈獲得批准的學生必須填寫 “2023暑期行李確認表” 和 “2023暑期行李聲明表”,學生其後將表格和行李帶到S2-G017(在S1-150人功能房對面)
二. 對於未能親自儲存行李的學生,他們需要填寫 “2023暑期行李授權表” (表格在下方),並授權另一名澳大學生處理該程序。




2023研究生宿舍暑 期 行 李 寄 存 確 認 表





D. 延遲提取行李處罰

一. 202391日至930之間的任何延遲提取行李將收取澳門元100元的行政費

. 2023101日至1231期間提取行李,將收取行政費澳門元100元,另外每個儲存空間每月澳門元100元的罰款(每月最高罰款澳門元300元,及累積罰款最高為澳門元900元)。

三. 行政費和罰款費將通過電子賬單收取或在提取行李時以現金收取。

四. 學生資源處有權在2023年12月31日 (最後逾期儲存日期) 之後處置所有逾期儲存的行李。

五. 學生必須自己承擔行李損毀的任何費用,而澳門大學將不對行李損毀承擔任何責任。












沒有罰款, 只有逾期提取行李的行政費









學生事務部 – 學生資源處
電話: 8822-2660
電郵: sao.pgh@um.edu.mo



2023 Summer Luggage Storage Result2023-04-29T00:00:12+08:00
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