About elvachan Chan Hio Cheng

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So far elvachan Chan Hio Cheng has created 0 blog entries.
21 2023-11

APAEM Seminar Series: National Interest in Private International Law: Rediscovery, Rationalisation and Theorisation (24 Nov)


APAEM would like to invite you to our latest seminar National Interest in Private International Law: Rediscovery, Rationalisation and Theorisation on Nov 24 (Fri), 2023 with the following details:

Theme: National Interest in Private International Law: Rediscovery, Rationalisation and Theorisation

Date & Time: Nov 24 (Fri), 2023; 14:00 – 16:00 (Macao time)

Speaker: Prof. King Fung TSANG

Moderator: Prof. Guangjian TU, Professor, Faculty of Law

Venue: E32-G003 & Online via Zoom

Language: English

Zoom link: https://umac.zoom.us/j/96751315499?pwd=STdXVVVuSzdtbEhLNzZrbXNncjVvZz09

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Elva Chan and Ms. Christie Choi at 8822 9927, 8822 8137 or apaem_info@um.edu.mo.

APAEM Seminar Series: National Interest in Private International Law: Rediscovery, Rationalisation and Theorisation (24 Nov)2023-12-21T00:00:12+08:00
8 2023-11

“APAEM Seminar Series: Evolution of Digital Marketing Channels in Hospitality and Tourism” (21 Nov) is open for registration


APAEM would like to invite you to our latest seminar APAEM Seminar Series: Evolution of Digital Marketing Channels in Hospitality and Tourism on 21 Nov, 2023 (Tuesday), with the following details:

Theme: APAEM Seminar Series: Evolution of Digital Marketing Channels in Hospitality and Tourism

Date & Time: 21 Nov, 2023 (Tue); 14:30 – 15:30 (Macao time)

Panelists: Ms. Zoe CHEN and Ms. Lynn LIU

Moderator: Prof. Rob LAW

Format: Online (via Zoom)

Language: English

For registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5vGNzQxlnrZ5RNs

This event aims to provide a forum for industry executives and academic researchers to interact and discuss the challenges and opportunities of digital marketing in hospitality and tourism. All interested parties are welcome!

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Elva Chan and Ms. Christie Choi at 8822 9927, 8822 8137 or apaem_info@um.edu.mo.

“APAEM Seminar Series: Evolution of Digital Marketing Channels in Hospitality and Tourism” (21 Nov) is open for registration2023-12-08T00:00:11+08:00
7 2023-11

APAEM Seminar Series: Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law · Foreign-Related Sections (15 Nov)


APAEM would like to invite you to our latest seminar Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law · Foreign-Related Sections on Nov 15 (Wed), 2023 with the following details:

Theme: Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law · Foreign-Related Sections

Date & Time: Nov 15 (Wed), 2023; 18:30 – 21:00 (Macao time)

Speaker: Prof. Qisheng HE

Moderator: Prof. Guangjian TU, Professor, Faculty of Law

Venue: E22- 3009

Language: Chinese

Zoom link: https://umac.zoom.us/j/99365603744?pwd=cDdnUzNBTVNjaUwvaEtYMVUrVEg4Zz09

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Elva Chan and Ms. Christie Choi at 8822 9927, 8822 8137 or apaem_info@um.edu.mo.

APAEM Seminar Series: Amendments to the Civil Procedure Law · Foreign-Related Sections (15 Nov)2023-12-07T00:00:11+08:00
18 2023-09

APAEM Seminar Series: Firm-Level Labor-Shortage Exposure (20 Sep)


APAEM would like to invite you to our latest seminar Firm-Level Labor-Shortage Exposure on Sep 20 (Wed), 2023 with the following details:

Theme: Firm-Level Labor-Shortage Exposure

Date & Time: Sep 20 (Wed), 2023; 10:00 – 10:50 (Macao time)

Speaker: Prof. Jarrad HARFORD

Moderator: Prof. Sili ZHOU, Associate Professor of Finance

Venue: Zoom Meeting

Language: English

Kindly scan the QR code on the poster for registration.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Elva Chan and Ms. Christie Choi at 8822 9927, 8822 8137 or apaem_info@um.edu.mo.

APAEM Seminar Series: Firm-Level Labor-Shortage Exposure (20 Sep)2023-10-18T00:01:05+08:00
7 2023-09

APAEM Seminar Series: Cross-Sectional Asset Prices under the Impact of Noise Trading Flows: A Factor Framework (11 Sep)


APAEM would like to invite you to our latest seminar Cross-Sectional Asset Prices under the Impact of Noise Trading Flows: A Factor Framework on Sep 11 (Mon), 2023 with the following details:

Theme: Cross-Sectional Asset Prices under the Impact of Noise Trading Flows: A Factor Framework

Date & Time: Sep 11 (Mon), 2023; 9:30 – 10:30 (Macao time)

Speaker: Prof. Yu AN

Moderator: Prof. Sili ZHOU, Associate Professor of Finance

Venue: E22-G008

Language: English

Kindly scan the QR code on the poster for registration.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Elva Chan and Ms. Christie Choi at 8822 9927, 8822 8137 or apaem_info@um.edu.mo.

APAEM Seminar Series: Cross-Sectional Asset Prices under the Impact of Noise Trading Flows: A Factor Framework (11 Sep)2023-10-07T00:00:08+08:00
30 2023-08

APAEM 2023 Issue 02 Newsletter is available now!


Dear All:

Thank you for your continuous support to the Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management (APAEM) at the University of Macau (UM). Please find our 2023 Issue 02 newsletter here for more details.

Best wishes,

Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management

APAEM 2023 Issue 02 Newsletter is available now!2023-09-30T00:01:04+08:00
30 2023-08

APAEM Seminar Series: Does the Threat of Securities Class Actions Add Value for Shareholders? Evidence from China’s 2020 Adoption of Securities Class Actions (07 Sep)


APAEM would like to invite you to our latest seminar Does the Threat of Securities Class Actions Add Value for Shareholders? Evidence from China’s 2020 Adoption of Securities Class Actions on Sep 07 (Thu), 2023 with the following details:

Theme: Does the Threat of Securities Class Actions Add Value for Shareholders? Evidence from China’s 2020 Adoption of Securities Class Actions

Date & Time: Sep 07 (Thu), 2023; 8:00 – 8:50 (Macao time)

Speaker: Dr. Warren Bailey

Moderator: Dr. Sili ZHOU, Associate Professor of Finance

Venue: Zoom Meeting

Language: English

Kindly scan the QR code on the poster for registration.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ms. Elva Chan and Ms. Christie Choi at 8822 9927, 8822 8137 or apaem_info@um.edu.mo.

APAEM Seminar Series: Does the Threat of Securities Class Actions Add Value for Shareholders? Evidence from China’s 2020 Adoption of Securities Class Actions (07 Sep)2023-09-30T00:01:05+08:00
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