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19 2025-03

CCBS Seminar Series 2025: Research on the Neural Correlates of Social Cognitive Behavior from the Perspective of Interpersonal Interaction



時間: 15:00-16:00
地點: 聚賢樓一樓1005室
題目: 人際互動視角下的社會認知行為腦機制研究



語言: 普通話


CCBS Seminar Series 2025: Research on the Neural Correlates of Social Cognitive Behavior from the Perspective of Interpersonal Interaction2025-03-19T17:09:26+08:00
5 2025-03

CCBS Seminar Series 2025: Protein-Centric Amyloid Diseases and Nanomedicine


日期 Date:

時間 Time: 10:30-11:30
地點 Venue: N21-G013
題目 Title: Protein-Centric Amyloid Diseases and Nanomedicine
主講人 Speaker: Prof. Pu Chun KE
Monash University
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All students and staff are welcome

CCBS Seminar Series 2025: Protein-Centric Amyloid Diseases and Nanomedicine2025-03-05T09:42:19+08:00
3 2025-03

CCBS Seminar Series 2025: Computational Brain Sciences


日期 Date:

時間 Time: 15:30-16:30
地點 Venue: N1-1005
題目 Title: Computational Brain Sciences
主講人 Speaker: Prof. Anqi QIU
Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All students and staff are welcome

CCBS Seminar Series 2025: Computational Brain Sciences2025-03-03T11:28:06+08:00
17 2025-02

Seminar of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 2025

日期 Date: 18/02/2025
時間 Time: 10:00-11:00
地點 Venue: N1-1005
題目 Title:

Key Technologies for Digital Humans and Robots with Both Emotions and Intelligence

主講人 Speaker: Prof. Jufeng Yang
Professor, Nankai University
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All students and staff are welcome

Seminar of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 20252025-03-17T00:00:04+08:00
5 2025-02

Seminar of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 2025

日期 Date: 18/02/2025
時間 Time: 10:00-11:00
地點 Venue: N1-1005
題目 Title:

Key Technologies for Digital Humans and Robots with Both Emotions and Intelligence

主講人 Speaker: Prof. Jufeng Yang
Professor, Nankai University
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All students and staff are welcome

Seminar of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 20252025-03-05T00:00:53+08:00
17 2025-01

2025 CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk by Prof. Axel Rominger, University of Bern

日期 Date: 21/01/2025
時間 Time: 11:00-12:00
地點 Venue: N1-1004
題目 Title:

Clinical Perspective and Opportunities for Neuroimaging by means of PET

主講人 Speaker: Prof. Axel Rominger
University of Bern
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All students and staff are welcome

2025 CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk by Prof. Axel Rominger, University of Bern2025-01-28T00:00:22+08:00
11 2024-12

2024 CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk by Prof. Xujun Duan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

日期 Date: 19/12/2024
時間 Time: 15:00-16:00
地點 Venue: N1-1004
題目 Title:

Mapping Brain Functional and Structural Differences in ASD: Moving Toward Precision Treatment

主講人 Speaker: Prof. Xujun Duan
Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All students and staff are welcome

2024 CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk by Prof. Xujun Duan, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China2025-01-11T00:00:37+08:00
3 2024-12

The 2nd International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research was Successfully Held at the University of Macau


“The 2nd International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research” took place successfully at the University of Macau. This two-day event included two sessions: “The 2nd Macau Symposium on Data Science” on November 29 and “The 5th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences” on November 30. The symposium featured keynote speeches, guest presentations, and a poster session, all designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and academic exchange. A total of 29 presentations were delivered by renowned experts and scholars from diverse backgrounds sharing their latest research findings in data science and neuroscience, including 7 keynote speeches, 20 guest talks and 2 industrial talks, with over 300 participants in attendance.

The symposium was organized by the Institute of Collaborative Innovation (ICI) and its sub-centres: the Centre for Data Science (CDS) and the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS). It was sponsored by Nanjing Jianchuang Technology Company Limited and Lingbio Biotechnology Macau Company Limited. During the opening ceremony, Prof. Wei GE, Vice Rector (Research), delivered a speech introducing the mission and significance of ICI and expressed hopes for the successful conduct of the symposium.

A list of honorable guests attended the opening ceremony, including: Mr. Wai Meng CHE, Chief of the Project Transformation and Support Department of The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT); Ms. Rita Wu, Senior Officer of the Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT); Prof. George (Wencai) Du, Dean and Director of the Institute of Data Engineering and Science of the University of Saint Joseph (Macao); Prof. Lei ZHENG from the Macau University of Science and Technology; Prof. Pei SUN from the City University of Macau; Mr. Steven HE, Senior Expert; Ms. Zoey WANG, Account Director of HUAWEI Macau branch; Prof. Chengzhong XU, Interim Director of ICI, Prof. Zhen YUAN, Associate Director of ICI and Head of CCBS; and Prof. Ryan U, Head of CDS.

The 2nd Macau Symposium on Data Science (Session One) featured 3 keynote speakers, 6 invited talks and 2 industrial talks. The discussions covered a range of topics, including big data analytics and processing, data mining and management, legal aspects of data science, the application of AI in healthcare, and various machine learning algorithms and techniques. This variety aligns with the interdisciplinary focus of our Centre and supports the holistic development of our students. The keynote presentations featured the following distinguished speakers: Prof. Sourav S. Bhowmick from Nanyang Technological University shared his insights on managing Conflicts-of-Interest through data-driven approaches, highlighting the evolution of socio-technical data systems research into practical applications. Prof. Huaqing Hong from Shanghai International Studies University explored the pivotal role of big data learning analytics in driving meaningful educational transformation, emphasizing evidence-based pedagogy and its potential to improve decision-making in teaching and learning. Prof. Yanzhi Li from City University of Hong Kong presented his research on integrating business domain knowledge into offline reinforcement learning to enhance personalized recommendation systems.

The 5th Macau Symposium on Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Session Two) included 4 keynote speeches and 14 invited talks addressing a range of topics, including cognitive neuroscience related to addiction and decision-making, language and cognition, child development and cognitive aging, visual perception, neuroimaging, and psychiatric and neurological disorders. Key presentations included: Prof. Sheng HE from the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences discussed his research on feedback processing in the human brain; Prof. Tianzi JIANG from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences) shared the Brainnetome’s atlas, from research background to its applications in understanding cognitive mechanisms and diagnosing brain diseases; Prof. Tatia Mei Chun LEE from the University of Hong Kong shared her recent studies on how loneliness is a significant threat to the wellbeing of older adults from behavioral and neural perspectives; Prof. Patrick C.M. WONG from The Chinese University of Hong Kong delivered a presentation on forecasting language development using neural data, covering topics from hypothesis testing to model generalization.

The symposium also features a poster session, showcasing 35 posters. To encourage the participation of young scholars, the poster committee selected the best posters (two first prizes, five second prizes, five third prizes, and eight merit awards) as a form of recognition.

The Institute of Collaborative Innovation is dedicated to promoting interdisciplinary research among higher education institutions in the Greater Bay Area and beyond, cultivating innovative talents, and creating an environment that is conducive to innovative thinking, innovative capabilities and innovative industries, and promoting cooperation among industry, academic and research. This symposium is one of the institute’s efforts to achieve its objectives, bringing together experts from academia, government, and society to discuss the latest trends and challenges in data science, cognitive neuroscience, and brain science, and to facilitate discussions and exchanges among scholars.




第二屆澳門數據科學研討會(分會一)共有3場主題演講、6埸嘉賓演講及2場行業講座。討論的主題包括大數據分析與處理、數據探勘與管理、法律方面的數據科學、人工智能在醫療保健中的應用,以及各種機器學習演算法和技術。這些多樣化的議題契合了我們中心的跨學科定位,同時有助於學生的全面發展。主題演講分別為:新加坡南洋理工大學Sourav S. BHOWMICK教授討論了他對於通過數據驅動的方法管理利益衝突的見解,並強調了從社會技術數據系統研究到其實際影響的轉變;上海外國語大學洪化清教授探討了大數據學習分析在促進教育轉型的關鍵作用,重點關注實證教學法及其在教學與學習中增強決策能力的潛力;香港城市大學李彥志教授介紹了將商業領域智識整合到離綫強化學習從而增強個性化推薦系統的研究。





The 2nd International Symposium on Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Innovation Research was Successfully Held at the University of Macau2025-01-03T00:00:30+08:00
24 2024-10

CCBS Seminar Series 2024 Talk by Dr. Fred Paas, Erasmus University Rotterdam

日期 Date: 08/11/2024
時間 Time: 15:00-16:00
地點 Venue: N22-G002
題目 Title: Cognitive Load Management Strategies to Enhance Learning: Supporting Learners of All ages
主講人 Speaker: Dr. Fred Paas
Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience: All students and staff are welcome

CCBS Seminar Series 2024 Talk by Dr. Fred Paas, Erasmus University Rotterdam2024-11-24T00:00:57+08:00
3 2024-10

CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk by Professor Giulio Jacucci, University of Helsinki

日期 Date: 7 October 2023 (Monday)
時間 Time: 13:00 – 14:00
地點 Venue: N21-G013
題目 Title: Emerging Cultures in Social Virtual Reality
主講人 Speaker: Professor Giulio Jacucci, University of Helsinki
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All are welcome

報名 Registration:

Click here to register 


日期 Date: 9 October 2023 (Wednesday)
時間 Time: 11:00 – 12:00
地點 Venue: N21-G013
題目 Title: Applications of Generative AI in Extended Reality
主講人 Speaker: Professor Giulio Jacucci, University of Helsinki
語言 Language: English
對象 Audience:

All are welcome

報名 Registration:

Click here to register 


CCBS Cognitive Neuroscience Talk by Professor Giulio Jacucci, University of Helsinki2024-10-31T00:02:35+08:00
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