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So far jaeyang Yang Jia has created 1 blog entries.
11 2024-11

【IAS】Distinguished Guest Lecture – “Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History” by Professor Sida Liu (18 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)


Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) cordially invites you to participate in the Distinguished Guest Lecture, scheduled for 18 November 2024 (Mon). We are honoured to have Professor Sida Liu from the University of Hong Kong, explore the topic of “Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History.” We are also delighted to have Professor Di Wang, Associate Director of IAS and Chair Professor of FAH, as the discussant, and Professor Io Cheng Tong, Dean of FLL and Professor of Department of Macao Legal Studies, as the moderator for this lecture. Please find the details below:

  • Title: Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History
  • Organizer: Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Date: 18 November, 2024 (Mon)
  • Time: 4-5:30 PM
  • Language: English and Chinese
  • Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34 – G011)
  • Registration: https://go.um.edu.mo/o66j5gku

The study of the legal profession has traditionally relied on social science methods such as surveys, ethnography, and archival research. However, oral history offers a unique and underutilized approach. This talk introduces two ongoing oral history projects focused on the legal professions in Hong Kong and Macau. These projects aim to capture and preserve the narratives of senior alumni from the University of Hong Kong and the University of Macau. By documenting their personal stories, the projects examine their experiences in legal education, law practice, career development, and various professional and public service roles. The talk will highlight the methodologies employed, the challenges faced, and the preliminary findings that demonstrate the value of oral history in understanding the intricacies of legal careers and the broader implications for sociolegal scholarship.

We look forward to seeing you at this event! For more information about IAS, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.

Best regards,
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

Students who attend on-site will receive 1 SP and 15 CS for “Knowledge Integration” in the Whole Person Development Award.

【IAS】Distinguished Guest Lecture – “Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History” by Professor Sida Liu (18 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)2024-11-18T00:00:53+08:00
11 2024-11

Event Update:【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)




  • 主題:當代中國的規範體系:理論與制度結構
  • 語言:中文
  • 日期:2024年11月12日(星期二)
  • 時間:下午3時至4時半
  • 地點:澳門大學崇文樓演講廳 (E34 – G011)
  • 主持人:於興中教授(澳門大學環球法律學系講座教授、高研院院長)
  • 主辦:澳門大學人文社科高等研究院
  • Zoom會議:915 0429 9473 (密碼:241112)[更新]
  • 報名:https://go.um.edu.mo/c08y6sbr


現代國家和社會的治理首先表現為規範體系的治理。 「規範體系」的提出是應對國家和社會治理體系、治理能力現代化和法治化的需求。規範體系為國家機關、社會組織、政黨、公民個人等各類主體的行為創設規則,並遵循。透過對當代中國規範體系制度結構和理論問題的梳理和描述,可以展示各種規範類型的存在現狀,諸如法律規範、黨內法規、國家政策、社會規範等,都是當代中國社會中客觀存在的規範類型,在各自的不同場域中發揮其功能和作用。每種規範類型有其不同的性質,其規範來源也不相同。法律規範來自於有立法權的國家機關;黨內法規及其政策來自於執政黨組織;國家政策來自於國家政權機關;社會規範來自於社會本身以及各種各樣的社會組織機構。由其規範來源的不同,自然有其不同的法律地位、角色和功能。各種規範類型的有機組合而形成的一個有機體系,構成了當代中國規範體系的基本制度結構。在法治中國的建設過程中,我們應該準確地對各種不同的規範體係予以一個科學的、恰當的法律定位,並準確地界定各種不同的規範類型在社會治理結構和法治結構中的地位和角色及其相互關係,以建構一個具有當代中國特色的規範體系理論及其制度結構。


澳門大學人文社科高等研究院  謹啟

按時出席實體講座的學生可獲取1粒至叻星及15個cs「Knowledge integration 」

Event Update:【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)2024-11-12T00:00:44+08:00
8 2024-11

Event Update:【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)




  • 主題:當代中國的規範體系:理論與制度結構
  • 語言:中文
  • 日期:2024年11月12日(星期二)
  • 時間:下午3時至4時半
  • 地點:澳門大學崇文樓演講廳 (E34 – G011)
  • 主持人:於興中教授(澳門大學環球法律學系講座教授、高研院院長)
  • 主辦:澳門大學人文社科高等研究院
  • Zoom會議:915 0429 9473 (密碼:241112)[更新]
  • 報名:https://go.um.edu.mo/c08y6sbr


現代國家和社會的治理首先表現為規範體系的治理。 「規範體系」的提出是應對國家和社會治理體系、治理能力現代化和法治化的需求。規範體系為國家機關、社會組織、政黨、公民個人等各類主體的行為創設規則,並遵循。透過對當代中國規範體系制度結構和理論問題的梳理和描述,可以展示各種規範類型的存在現狀,諸如法律規範、黨內法規、國家政策、社會規範等,都是當代中國社會中客觀存在的規範類型,在各自的不同場域中發揮其功能和作用。每種規範類型有其不同的性質,其規範來源也不相同。法律規範來自於有立法權的國家機關;黨內法規及其政策來自於執政黨組織;國家政策來自於國家政權機關;社會規範來自於社會本身以及各種各樣的社會組織機構。由其規範來源的不同,自然有其不同的法律地位、角色和功能。各種規範類型的有機組合而形成的一個有機體系,構成了當代中國規範體系的基本制度結構。在法治中國的建設過程中,我們應該準確地對各種不同的規範體係予以一個科學的、恰當的法律定位,並準確地界定各種不同的規範類型在社會治理結構和法治結構中的地位和角色及其相互關係,以建構一個具有當代中國特色的規範體系理論及其制度結構。


澳門大學人文社科高等研究院  謹啟

按時出席實體講座的學生可獲取1粒至叻星及15個cs「Knowledge integration 」

Event Update:【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)2024-11-12T00:00:45+08:00
8 2024-11

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness” by Professor Alec Stone Sweet (11 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)


Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) cordially invites you to participate in the UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture, scheduled for 11 November 2024 (Mon). We are honoured to have Professor Alec Stone Sweet from the University of Hong Kong, explore the topic of “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness.” We are also delighted to have Professor Xiaobo Zhai from the Department of Global Legal Studies of FLL, as the discussant / moderator for this lecture. Please find the details below:

  • Title: International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness
  • Organizer: Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Date: 11 November, 2024 (Mon)
  • Time: 4-5:30 PM
  • Language: English
  • Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34 – G011)

The talk will provide an overview of Prof. Stone Sweet’s new book, The Law and Politics of International Human Rights Courts (Oxford, August 2024). First, the book provides an account of the evolution of six regional human rights courts. In each, judges sought to overcome obstacles that threatened to neutralize the regime and render it irrelevant to the daily lives of the people. Second, it analyzes the emergence of a common “jurisprudence of effectiveness,” the express purpose of which has been to raise standards of rights protection in multi-level “transnational systems of justice.” A transnational system of justice is comprised of three components: a charter of rights; a court tasked with enforcing the charter; and the right of individuals to petition the court with a claim that their rights have been violated. The book analyzes the case law on diverse topics, covering both absolute rights (the right to life and prohibitions of torture and slavery) and qualified rights (self-determination, abortion and privacy, family law, and indigenous rights to property). Third, the book examines how state officials respond to the development of systems of transnational justice (STJs), including the extent to which have sought to weaken or destroy courts’ authority.

We look forward to seeing you at this event! For more information about IAS, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.

Best regards,
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

Students who attend on-site will receive 1 SP and 15 CS for “Knowledge Integration” in the Whole Person Development Award.

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness” by Professor Alec Stone Sweet (11 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)2024-11-11T00:00:44+08:00
5 2024-11

【IAS x LIB】Boya Book Launch – Prof. João Ilhão Moreira: “The Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration” was successfully conducted


The “Boya Book Launch” organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) and the UM Library was successfully held on October 28th at the University Gallery. Professor João Ilhão Moreira from the Department of Macao Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law at the University of Macau was invited to give a lecture on his new book, The Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration: Arbitrators’ Duties and the Emerging Arbitral Market. This lecture also invited Professor Xingzhong Yu, Chair Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Macau and Director of IAS to be the moderator, and Professor Guangjian Tu, Director of the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law at the University of Macau to be the discussant.

At the beginning of the lecture, Professor João Ilhão Moreira introduced his new book by introducing the concepts of profession and occupation, and pointed out that to what extent can arbitrators be classified as a profession. Then Professor Moreira mentioned the divergence of arbitration from other professions, such as accountants, lawyers and doctors, and proposed the regulatory differences between international commercial arbitrators and other professions, emphasizing the uniqueness of arbitrators as a profession. Professor Moreira also discussed the creation of the norms that regulate arbitrators and the enforcement of the norms that are applicable to arbitrators. Professor Moreira concluded that the system has been overall successful. In the field of commercial arbitration, the unique features of the arbitral ‘profession’ are therefore likely to continue to persist.

In the discussion session, Professor Guangjian Tu appreciated the new book and its contributions to the field of arbitration. He discussed the legal basis of international commercial arbitration and its enforcement, addressing the challenges of mediation in international arbitration. International commercial arbitration is still an important way to resolve transnational commercial disputes. Professor Tu also provided insights from both regional and historical perspectives on whether international commercial arbitration has truly reached internationalization. Finally, Professor Xingzhong Yu shared his views that it reflects the specialization of modernization, and he was optimistic about the future of the entire system.

During the Q&A session, the audience engaged in an in-depth discussion on the independence and impartiality of arbitrators and the way to enhance the international recognition of arbitration. Professor Moreira further elaborated on the challenges faced in international commercial arbitration, including the cost and efficiency, and the enforcement of professional and regulatory norms applicable to arbitrators.

The lecture is not only a celebration of Professor Moreira’s new work, but also an in-depth exploration of current issues and future development in the field of international commercial arbitration. It provided a deeper understanding of the complexity of international commercial arbitration and a more comprehensive understanding of its effectiveness and limitations as a tool for resolving international commercial disputes. The event encouraged active discussion and reflection and enhanced the impact of the new book.

由澳門大學人文社科高等研究院(高研院)和澳門大學圖書館聯合舉辦之博雅新書發布會於10月28日在大學展館成功舉辦。本次發布會邀請來自澳門大學法學院澳門法學系的João Ilhão Moreira教授為其新作《The Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration: Arbitrators’ Duties and the Emerging Arbitral Market》進行分享,同時亦邀請法學院涂廣建教授擔任與談人,高研院院長、法學院講座教授於興中教授擔任主持人。

發佈會伊始,João Ilhão Moreira教授通過引入專業職業和普通職業兩者的概念來引出新書的内容,介紹了國際仲裁員是否也屬於一種專業職業。隨後,他談論到國際商事仲裁員與其他專業人士(如會計師、律師和醫生)的區別,以及介紹了國際商事仲裁員與其他專業規則的不同,強調仲裁者作為一個職業群體的獨特性。最後,Moreira教授提到了規範仲裁員的準則是如何建立的,他還描述了如何執行適用於仲裁員的規範。Moreira教授總結道,這一制度在整體上是成功的,至少在商事仲裁領域,仲裁專業的獨特之處可能會繼續存在。




【IAS x LIB】Boya Book Launch – Prof. João Ilhão Moreira: “The Regulation of International Commercial Arbitration” was successfully conducted2024-11-30T00:02:01+08:00
5 2024-11

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)




  • 主題:當代中國的規範體系:理論與制度結構
  • 語言:中文
  • 日期:2024年11月12日(星期二)
  • 時間:下午3時至4時半
  • 地點:澳門大學崇文樓演講廳 (E34 – G011)
  • 主持人:於興中教授(澳門大學環球法律學系講座教授、高研院院長)
  • 主辦:澳門大學人文社科高等研究院
  • 報名:https://go.um.edu.mo/c08y6sbr


現代國家和社會的治理首先表現為規範體系的治理。 「規範體系」的提出是應對國家和社會治理體系、治理能力現代化和法治化的需求。規範體系為國家機關、社會組織、政黨、公民個人等各類主體的行為創設規則,並遵循。透過對當代中國規範體系制度結構和理論問題的梳理和描述,可以展示各種規範類型的存在現狀,諸如法律規範、黨內法規、國家政策、社會規範等,都是當代中國社會中客觀存在的規範類型,在各自的不同場域中發揮其功能和作用。每種規範類型有其不同的性質,其規範來源也不相同。法律規範來自於有立法權的國家機關;黨內法規及其政策來自於執政黨組織;國家政策來自於國家政權機關;社會規範來自於社會本身以及各種各樣的社會組織機構。由其規範來源的不同,自然有其不同的法律地位、角色和功能。各種規範類型的有機組合而形成的一個有機體系,構成了當代中國規範體系的基本制度結構。在法治中國的建設過程中,我們應該準確地對各種不同的規範體係予以一個科學的、恰當的法律定位,並準確地界定各種不同的規範類型在社會治理結構和法治結構中的地位和角色及其相互關係,以建構一個具有當代中國特色的規範體系理論及其制度結構。


澳門大學人文社科高等研究院  謹啟

按時出席實體講座的學生可獲取1粒至叻星及15個cs「Knowledge integration 」

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)2024-11-12T00:00:45+08:00
5 2024-11

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness” by Professor Alec Stone Sweet (11 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)


Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) cordially invites you to participate in the UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture, scheduled for 11 November 2024 (Mon). We are honoured to have Professor Alec Stone Sweet from the University of Hong Kong, explore the topic of “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness.” We are also delighted to have Professor Xiaobo Zhai from the Department of Global Legal Studies of FLL, as the discussant / moderator for this lecture. Please find the details below:

  • Title: International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness
  • Organizer: Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Date: 11 November, 2024 (Mon)
  • Time: 4-5:30 PM
  • Language: English
  • Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34 – G011)
  • Registration: https://go.um.edu.mo/wgceg4uv

The talk will provide an overview of Prof. Stone Sweet’s new book, The Law and Politics of International Human Rights Courts (Oxford, August 2024). First, the book provides an account of the evolution of six regional human rights courts. In each, judges sought to overcome obstacles that threatened to neutralize the regime and render it irrelevant to the daily lives of the people. Second, it analyzes the emergence of a common “jurisprudence of effectiveness,” the express purpose of which has been to raise standards of rights protection in multi-level “transnational systems of justice.” A transnational system of justice is comprised of three components: a charter of rights; a court tasked with enforcing the charter; and the right of individuals to petition the court with a claim that their rights have been violated. The book analyzes the case law on diverse topics, covering both absolute rights (the right to life and prohibitions of torture and slavery) and qualified rights (self-determination, abortion and privacy, family law, and indigenous rights to property). Third, the book examines how state officials respond to the development of systems of transnational justice (STJs), including the extent to which have sought to weaken or destroy courts’ authority.

We look forward to seeing you at this event! For more information about IAS, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.

Best regards,
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

Students who attend on-site will receive 1 SP and 15 CS for “Knowledge Integration” in the Whole Person Development Award.

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness” by Professor Alec Stone Sweet (11 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)2024-11-11T00:00:45+08:00
30 2024-10

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness” by Professor Alec Stone Sweet (11 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)


Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) cordially invites you to participate in the UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture, scheduled for 11 November 2024 (Mon). We are honoured to have Professor Alec Stone Sweet from the University of Hong Kong, explore the topic of “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness.” We are also delighted to have Professor Xiaobo Zhai from the Department of Global Legal Studies of FLL, as the discussant / moderator for this lecture. Please find the details below:

  • Title: International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness
  • Organizer: Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Date: 11 November, 2024 (Mon)
  • Time: 4-5:30 PM
  • Language: English
  • Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34 – G011)

The talk will provide an overview of Prof. Stone Sweet’s new book, The Law and Politics of International Human Rights Courts (Oxford, August 2024). First, the book provides an account of the evolution of six regional human rights courts. In each, judges sought to overcome obstacles that threatened to neutralize the regime and render it irrelevant to the daily lives of the people. Second, it analyzes the emergence of a common “jurisprudence of effectiveness,” the express purpose of which has been to raise standards of rights protection in multi-level “transnational systems of justice.” A transnational system of justice is comprised of three components: a charter of rights; a court tasked with enforcing the charter; and the right of individuals to petition the court with a claim that their rights have been violated. The book analyzes the case law on diverse topics, covering both absolute rights (the right to life and prohibitions of torture and slavery) and qualified rights (self-determination, abortion and privacy, family law, and indigenous rights to property). Third, the book examines how state officials respond to the development of systems of transnational justice (STJs), including the extent to which have sought to weaken or destroy courts’ authority.

We look forward to seeing you at this event! For more information about IAS, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.

Best regards,
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

Students who attend on-site will receive 1 SP and 15 CS for “Knowledge Integration” in the Whole Person Development Award.

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “International Human Rights Courts: The Dilemma of Effectiveness” by Professor Alec Stone Sweet (11 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)2024-11-11T00:00:45+08:00
30 2024-10

【IAS】Distinguished Guest Lecture – “Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History” by Professor Sida Liu (18 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)


Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (IAS) cordially invites you to participate in the Distinguished Guest Lecture, scheduled for 18 November 2024 (Mon). We are honoured to have Professor Sida Liu from the University of Hong Kong, explore the topic of “Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History.” We are also delighted to have Professor Di Wang, Associate Director of IAS and Chair Professor of FAH, as the discussant, and Professor Io Cheng Tong, Dean of FLL and Professor of Department of Macao Legal Studies, as the moderator for this lecture. Please find the details below:

  • Title: Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History
  • Organizer: Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Date: 18 November, 2024 (Mon)
  • Time: 4-5:30 PM
  • Language: English and Chinese
  • Venue: Lecture Hall, Cultural Building (E34 – G011)

The study of the legal profession has traditionally relied on social science methods such as surveys, ethnography, and archival research. However, oral history offers a unique and underutilized approach. This talk introduces two ongoing oral history projects focused on the legal professions in Hong Kong and Macau. These projects aim to capture and preserve the narratives of senior alumni from the University of Hong Kong and the University of Macau. By documenting their personal stories, the projects examine their experiences in legal education, law practice, career development, and various professional and public service roles. The talk will highlight the methodologies employed, the challenges faced, and the preliminary findings that demonstrate the value of oral history in understanding the intricacies of legal careers and the broader implications for sociolegal scholarship.

We look forward to seeing you at this event! For more information about IAS, please visit the website of IAS at https://ias.um.edu.mo/. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at ias.programme@um.edu.mo.

Best regards,
The Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

Students who attend on-site will receive 1 SP and 15 CS for “Knowledge Integration” in the Whole Person Development Award.

【IAS】Distinguished Guest Lecture – “Understanding the Legal Profession through Oral History” by Professor Sida Liu (18 November 2024; 4-5:30 PM)2024-11-18T00:00:53+08:00
30 2024-10

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)




  • 主題:當代中國的規範體系:理論與制度結構
  • 語言:中文
  • 日期:2024年11月12日(星期二)
  • 時間:下午3時至4時半
  • 地點:澳門大學崇文樓演講廳 (E34 – G011)
  • 主持人:於興中教授(澳門大學環球法律學系講座教授、高研院院長)
  • 主辦:澳門大學人文社科高等研究院


現代國家和社會的治理首先表現為規範體系的治理。 「規範體系」的提出是應對國家和社會治理體系、治理能力現代化和法治化的需求。規範體系為國家機關、社會組織、政黨、公民個人等各類主體的行為創設規則,並遵循。透過對當代中國規範體系製度結構和理論問題的梳理和描述,可以展示各種規範類型的存在現狀,諸如法律規範、黨內法規、國家政策、社會規範等,都是當代中國社會中客觀存在的規範類型,在各自的不同場域中發揮其功能和作用。每種規範類型有其不同的性質,其規範來源也不相同。法律規範來自於有立法權的國家機關;黨內法規及其政策來自於執政黨組織;國家政策來自於國家政權機關;社會規範來自於社會本身以及各種各樣的社會組織機構。由其規範來源的不同,自然有其不同的法律地位、角色和功能。各種規範類型的有機組合而形成的一個有機體系,構成了當代中國規範體系的基本製度結構。在法治中國的建設過程中,我們應該準確地對各種不同的規範體係予以一個科學的、恰當的法律定位,並準確地界定各種不同的規範類型在社會治理結構和法治結構中的地位和角色及其相互關係,以建構一個具有當代中國特色的規範體系理論及其製度結構。


澳門大學人文社科高等研究院  謹啟

按時出席講座的學生可獲取1粒至叻星及15個cs「Knowledge integration 」

【IAS】UM Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture – “Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure” by Professor Zuoxiang Liu (12 November 2024; 3-4:30 PM)2024-11-12T00:00:45+08:00
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