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9 2024-09

Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management Held First Advisory Committee Meeting



group photo 

On September 4th, the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management (DRTM) held its first Advisory Board Meeting at the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau. The opening ceremony was attended by 19 advisory board members from the tourism and hospitality management fields, Prof. Li MIAO (Head of the DRTM), Prof. Davis Ka Chio FONG (Director of Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming), and other executive committee members, faculty and students from the department.

opening ceremony

After the opening ceremony, Prof. Amy Siu Ian SO and Prof. Lawrence Hoc Nang FONG hosted a roundtable discussion. During the meeting, advisory board members discussed key topics such as current changes in tourism demand, future trends of tourism industry, the development of Macau’s tourism industry, and the application of artificial intelligence in tourism. The roundtable discussion also saw enthusiastic participation from faculty and students. 

roundtable discussion

Following the discussion, Prof. Jun YU, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration attended the event and took a group photo with advisory board members, executive committee members, and faculty members. 

on-site photo

After the group photo session, the advisory board members and executive committee members held an internal meeting to discuss “industry-university-research” cooperation and provide suggestions for the department’s future development.

advisory board meeting


The advisory board members include:

  • Professor Kaye CHON (Dean of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, Chair Professor and Walter & Wendy Kwok Family Foundation Professor in International Hospitality Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Professor Jigang BAO (Professor, School of Tourism Management, Director, Monitoring Centre for Sustainable Tourism Observatories of United Nations Tourism and Center for Tourism Planning and Research, Head of Academic Committee of School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University)
  • Professor Lis TUSSYADIAH (Professor of Intelligent Systems in Service, Dean of Surrey Business School, University of Surrey)
  • Professor David CÁRDENAS (Dean of the William Fisk Harrah College of Hospitality, University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
  • Dr. Buddy LAM (Director of Corporate Affairs, Galaxy Entertainment Group)
  • Mr. Chong Nin SAM (Advisor, Sands China Limited)
  • Ms. Wendy YU (Executive Vice President of Human Resources, MGM)
  • Dr. Barry Ip(Vice President of Learning and Advancement, Wynn Resorts Limited)
  • Ms. Hoi Kei HO (Owner Representative, Hilton Zhuhai Hotel)
  • Ms. Porcia LEUNG(Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, SJM Resorts)
  • Mr. Osborn LO (President of Macau Federal Commercial Association of Convention & Exhibition Industry)
  • Dr. Raymond LO (Senior Vice President, General Manager of Altira Macau & Mocha Clubs, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited)
  • Mr. Jie ZHU (Deputy General Manager of Zhuhai Da Heng Qin Group Company Limited)
  • Mr. Luis HEREDIA (President of Board of Directors of the Macau Hotel Association)
  • Dr. Kin Chung CHEUNG (Chairman of China Travel Service (Macao) Limited, General Manager of Macau CTS Hotel Management (International) Limited)
  • Mr. Jones CHAO (Vice President of Human Resources, SJM Resorts)
  • Mr. Benjamin HONG (Executive Director of Learning & Talent Development, MGM)
  • Ms. Angelina LEI (Senior Manager, Corporate Social Responsibility Community Relations, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited)
  • Ms. Sandy CHAN (Senior Manager of Learning and Advancement, Wynn Resorts Limited)


9月4日,綜合度假村及旅遊管理學系首次專家顧問委員會會議在澳門大學工商管理學院順利舉行。19名來自海內外的旅遊及款客服務管理領域的顧問委員會專家、綜合度假村及旅遊管理學系系主任苗莉教授(Prof. Li MIAO)、博彩研究所所長馮家超教授(Prof. Davis Ka Chio FONG)、和學系執行委員會其他成員以及在校師生參加開幕儀式。


開幕儀式結束後,蘇小恩副教授(Prof. Amy Siu Ian SO)和馮學能副教授(Prof. Lawrence Hoc Nang FONG)主持圓桌會議。會上,顧問委員會專家圍繞當前旅遊業的需求變化、發展趨勢、澳門旅遊業發展和人工智能在旅遊業的應用等重點話題展開探討和發表意見,本次圓桌會議也獲得了學系師生的踴躍參與。


圓桌會議討論環節結束後,澳門大學工商管理學院余俊院長(Prof. Jun YU)出席活動,並與顧問委員會專家、執行委員會成員和學系教學人員交流并合影留念。





  • Kaye CHON教授(香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院院長)
  • 保繼剛教授(聯合國世界旅遊組織旅遊可持續發展管理與監測中心主任,中山大學旅遊發展與規劃研究中心主任,中山大學旅遊學院學術委員會主任)
  • Iis TUSSYADIAH教授 (薩里大學商學院院長)
  • David CÁRDENAS教授(內華達大學William F. Harrah 酒店管理學院院長)
  • 林志成博士(銀河娛樂集團企業事務董事)
  • 沈頌年先生 (金沙中國有限公司顧問)
  • 余婉瑩女士(美高梅人力資源行政副總裁)
  • 葉華信博士 (永利澳門及永利皇宮人才培育及發展副總裁)
  • 賀凱琪女士(珠海希爾頓酒店業主代表)
  • 梁珮兒女士(澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司企業品牌發展及市場推廣高級副總裁)
  • 盧宏駿先生(澳門會展產業聯合商會會長)
  • 盧敬恆博士(新濠博亞娛樂有限公司高級副總裁兼新濠鋒及摩卡娛樂場總經理)
  • 祝杰先生(珠海大橫琴集團有限公司副總經理)
  • Luis HEREDIA先生(澳門酒店協會理事長)
  • 張健中博士(澳門中國旅行社股份有限公司董事長,澳門中旅(國際)酒店管理有限公司總經理)
  • 鄒柏先生 (澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司人力資源副總裁)
  • 洪冰先生(美高梅人力資源發展及培育總監)
  • 李婉珺女士(新濠博亞娛樂有限公司社區關係及項目高級經理)
  • 陳敏英女士(永利澳門及永利皇宮人才培育及發展高級經理)
Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management Held First Advisory Committee Meeting2024-09-06T17:19:13+08:00
3 2024-04

Invitation to the tourism garden party “Let’s go pal” by the students from the course lRTM3005 of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration


Dear teachers and students,

To promote the development of Macau’s tourism industry and allow students to apply what they have learned, we will be holding a garden party titled “Let’s go pal” at the Outdoor Plaza of SAO (E31) in the University of Macau on April 9th, 2024. We cordially invite you to participate in this exhibition.

Let’s go Pal, with the theme of helping students find travel partners and providing them with relevant travel information, aims to create a platform to encourage the exchange of travel information, sharing travel experiences, learning travel knowledge, broadening their horizons, and finding suitable travel partners. This event aims to raise UM students’ attention to the tourism industry, enhance their interest in travel and tourism, and deepen their understanding of the industry.

 The event is held in the style of a garden party, with five booths and one reception desk.

  • Entrance reception desk
  • Travel guide booth
  • International students booth
  • F&B booth (Provide free food for students to finish the booth activities)
  • Game booth
  • Performance stage

Date: April 9th(Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 pm – 20:30 pm
Venue: Outdoor Plaza of SAO E31, University of Macau
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, and English

Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
Faculty of Business Administration

Invitation to the tourism garden party “Let’s go pal” by the students from the course lRTM3005 of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration2024-04-10T00:00:29+08:00
21 2023-04

Invitation to the charitable exhibition “Thousands Sides of Macau Tourism” by the students from the course IRTM3002 of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration





本次展會對公眾免費開放,所有收入將捐贈給澳門明愛(Caritas de Macau),用於支援其社會福利服務與人道救援等工作。 我們希望通過本次展會,不僅能夠推動澳門旅遊業的發展,也能夠傳遞愛心和關懷。

日期: 4月21日 (週五), 24日 至 26日 (週一至週三)
時間: 10:00 am – 7:30 pm
地點: 澳門大學工商管理學院款客服務實驗室 (E22-1029室)
語言: 普通話, 廣東話及英語


Dear teachers and students,

In order to promote the development of Macau’s tourism industry and allow students to apply what they have learned, we will be holding a charitable exhibition titled “Thousands Sides of Macau Tourism” at the Hospitality Laboratory of the Faculty of Business Administration (E22-1029) in the University of Macau on April 21st, 24th to 26th, 2023. We cordially invite you to participate in this exhibition.

The exhibition will showcase six aspects of Macau’s tourism: cultural heritage, gastronomy, MICE & Entertainment, integrated resorts, sustainable development, and future outlook. In addition, we will have games and souvenir booths at the venue. By attending the exhibition, you will have the opportunity to gain insight into the development achievements and future challenges of Macau’s tourism industry, increase your knowledge, broaden your horizons, and have fun.

The exhibition is free and open to the public, and all proceeds will be donated to Caritas de Macau to support their social welfare services and humanitarian relief work. We hope that through this exhibition, we not only promote the development of Macau’s tourism industry but also convey love and care.

Date: April 21st (Friday), 24th to 26th (Monday to Wednesday)
Time: 10:00 am – 7:30 pm
Venue: Hospitality Laboratory (E22-1029), Faculty of Business Administration, University of Macau
Language: Mandarin, Cantonese and English

Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management
Faculty of Business Administration

Invitation to the charitable exhibition “Thousands Sides of Macau Tourism” by the students from the course IRTM3002 of the Department of Integrated Resort and Tourism Management, Faculty of Business Administration2023-04-27T00:00:08+08:00
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