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24 2024-09

【ELC- EWCC】Fall 2024 Academic Workshop #1: “Listening for Freshmen: Surviving English Lectures” , September 24 (Tue), 16:30-18:00


The EWCC is thrilled to present an inspiring series of English academic workshops this September and October. This year’s theme, “Words Shape World”, empowers students to discover the transformative power of language. As we embrace new students this semester, our workshops aim to seamlessly integrate them into university life.

Workshops include:

  1. Listening for Freshmen: Surviving English Lectures
  2. Avoiding Plagiarism
  3. Practical Writing: Describing Data
  4. Effective Presentation Skills
  • Date: September to October
  • Time: 16:30 – 18:00

Participate to earn smart points, and complete all four workshops to receive an EWCC Certificate of Completion. Enhance your skills and maximize your academic journey with us!

Students who are of interest, please registered here:


For more details about each workshop, please refer to the poster


Best regards,

English Writing and Communication Centre 


~~Follow EWCC on Social media!~~

Academic Workshop 1: Listening: Listening for Freshmen: Surviving English Lectures

Workshop Descriptions: 

In the diverse academic landscape, college students often encounter challenges in developing proficient listening skills, particularly in English lecture settings. Additionally, with the increasing importance of global communication, English has become a critical component of academic and professional success. To address these needs, we propose implementing a Listening and Language Learning Support Workshop for college students seeking to improve their listening comprehension and language proficiency. This workshop aims to help university students improve their listening and note-taking skills for the purpose of listening to academic lectures. Students will learn techniques for improving their understanding and skills for taking more effective notes, with hands-on practices.

  • Facilitator: Stella SIO – EWCC tutor
  • Date: 24 September 2024 (Tuesday)
  • Time: 16:30-18:00
  • Targeted Participants: all UM students
  • Level(s): Students with all levels of English proficiency are welcome to participate.

Students who are of interest, please registered here:


~~Follow EWCC on Social media!~~


【ELC- EWCC】Fall 2024 Academic Workshop #1: “Listening for Freshmen: Surviving English Lectures” , September 24 (Tue), 16:30-18:002024-10-31T00:02:50+08:00
16 2024-09

【ELC- EWCC Invitation】 English Writing and Communication Centre Promotional Booth at E6 , September 17 (Tue), 11:30-13:30


Dear students,

The English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC) is going to hold its Annual Promotional Booth themed Write and Win with EWCC on Tuesday, September 17! This event is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about writing centre consultation services, discover what will come up during Words Shape World Writing Month, and participate in fun activities like board games, lucky draws for trivia.

Below is the schedule:

Date: September 17 (Tuesday)
Time: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Venue: Booth in E6 Learning Commons
Activity: Board Games & Lucky Draws
Facilitator: Writing Centre Tutors

Writing centre will be providing Elysee desserts, beverages. 

No registration is required, but do note that snacks  will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. So be sure to drop by early at E6 G learning commons booth!


Best regards,

English Writing and Communication Centre 


~~Follow EWCC on Social media!~~


英語寫作及諮詢中心將於9月17日(星期二)舉辦年度推廣展位,主題為 Write and Win with EWCC! 這是同學們了解寫作中心諮詢服務的絕佳機會,還可探索 “Words Shape World Writing Month” 即將推出的學術活動,並參加精彩的桌遊和幸運抽獎!


時間:上午11:30 – 下午1:30
地點:E6 G層 共享學習區展位
活動:桌遊 & 幸運抽獎

現場還會提供 Elysee 甜點、飲品。

別錯過這次與大家共度愉快時光的機會,一起來E6 G層學習共享區展位參與並享用美味點心吧!活動無需預先報名,過來參加活動即可!




【ELC- EWCC Invitation】 English Writing and Communication Centre Promotional Booth at E6 , September 17 (Tue), 11:30-13:302024-10-13T00:00:19+08:00
26 2024-08

FAH-ELC: English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC) is now open and welcoming appointments!






請同學瀏覽UMMoodle, 以澳大帳號進行登記及預約


電話:8822 2588



Dear Students,

The English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC), a sub-unit of the English Language Centre (ELC) of Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH), offers one-on-one consultation service to UM students to help them with their writing and communication skills.

Students are welcome to bring in their writing or speaking projects of any genre at any stage of their work creation processes.

For Fall 2024, the Centre opens from August 22, 2024. Zoom and face-to-face consultations are both available this semester.

Students can make appointments on UMMoodle.

For more details, please see the attached posters or visit the Writing Centre homepage: https://ewcc.elc.um.edu.mo/


For enquiries:

Tel: 8822 2588

Email: ewcc@um.edu.mo


Best Regards,

English Language Centre

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

FAH-ELC: English Writing and Communication Centre (EWCC) is now open and welcoming appointments!2024-09-23T00:00:13+08:00
18 2024-07

FAH-ELC Summer English Programme 2024 Successfully Completed


FAH-ELC Summer English Programme 2024 Successfully Completed

The English Language Centre (ELC) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FAH) recently organized the three-week Summer English Programme 2024 (June 26 to July 16). The programme aimed to equip students with Academic English skills to help them adapt to UM’s study environment, which uses English as the medium of instruction. The participating students commented that the programme significantly improved their confidence in academic abilities and enhanced their four language competencies.

This year’s programme included a series of intensive face-to-face courses with interactive learning activities that included projects such as developing a promotional video, writing and speaking journals, and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) modules in which students of different UM faculties learn and practice using their subject-specific basic vocabulary through in-context passages and videos. Besides, an online study platform from Hong Kong was also employed to provide additional exercises that help students further develop their grammatical knowledge.

The programme was completed on Tuesday, 16 July. Students were assessed using an innovative e-portfolio approach alongside other more traditional methods. It was noticeable that students were able to demonstrate their new-found English confidence, knowledge and academic skills, which will be beneficial for their future study at UM. Overall, the Summer English Programme 2024 was a successful initiative that provided UM’s incoming first-year students with the necessary skills and resources to thrive in the English-medium academic environment.

Best Regards,

English Language Centre

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

FAH-ELC Summer English Programme 2024 Successfully Completed2024-07-31T00:01:01+08:00
26 2024-06

FAH-ELC: A Warm Welcome from the ELC to the Incoming UM Students for the Summer English Programme 2024


A Warm Welcome from the ELC to the Incoming UM Students for the Summer English Programme 2024

About 270 students from Macau and surrounding areas who plan to enter the University of Macau in August will be participating in the ELC’s 3-week Summer English Programme that began today (26 June). The programme aims to prepare the students for university-level academic language, skills and study expectations. Supported by experienced English language instructors, the programme will assist the students in transitioning from high school to university.

The Summer English Programme 2024 will focus on improving the students’ English language proficiency and skills necessary for academic and faculty-specific language environments. To achieve this goal, the programme will utilize Oxford EAP – A course in English for academic purposes (Elementary/A2) as the main textbook, together with tailor-made supplementary materials for instruction and support via Moodle and other accessible technology platforms. In addition, to further support students’ development on grammar and vocabulary, the programme will adopt an English blended learning platform developed by i-Learner which is a leading education platform based in Hong Kong.

The instructors also encourage student engagement through interactive and academic learning activities that are connected to the language skills and vocabulary within the curriculum. Additionally, the programme will address student motivation, learning, and assessment through integration of student-produced digital projects, and an E-portfolio that will showcase their work over the 3 weeks.

The ELC hopes that the Summer English Programme 2024 will provide the students with a solid foundation for their ongoing studies at the University of Macau. As always, the ELC is committed to supporting student success at the university.


Best Regards,

English Language Centre

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

FAH-ELC: A Warm Welcome from the ELC to the Incoming UM Students for the Summer English Programme 20242024-07-31T00:03:00+08:00
21 2024-05

Spring 2024 “i-Learner English for Universities Marathon Competition” Successfully Concludes: ELC Honours Top Students


On May 14, 2024, the English Language Centre (ELC) celebrated the conclusion of the “i-Learner English for Universities Marathon Competition” by awarding top-performing students. 

In line with ELC’s mission to empower our students to succeed in the English-medium university studies and in life by engaging them in English, academic and global skills learning, our teachers encourage students to develop independent learning habits outside of the English classrooms. The competition is one of many co-curricular activities ELC designed to increase students’ exposure to the English environment and boost the learning outcomes. This competition has attracted over 1,600 students to participate. Among them, 700 students completed more than their course requirement of 24 lessons, demonstrating their effort to independent learning beyond the classroom. In the writing competition, our students submitted an impressive 18,000 pieces of writing within the eight-week period. A total of 489 students submitted at least 24 pieces of writing, averaging three pieces per week!

The award ceremony commenced with a speech by Prof. Katherine Chen, Director of the English Language Centre, commending students’ diligence and talents. The winners, selected based on lesson completion and performance, were awarded with certificates of achievement and corresponding prizes. The champion of the whole competition, Lo Sam Wun, a year-2 student from UE3, set a new record for winners by completing 165 lessons, with an average score of 97 out of 100. Most winners this round have completed significantly more lessons than last year’s winners! We hope our students’ newfound grits in independent English learning will continue to grow!

Follow is a list of the winners:




Lessons completed


Lo Sam Wun (UE3)

Year 2, FSS


1st Place in E5

Tao Zhaoyu

Year 1, FAH


1st Place in E4

Ni Hanxiang

Year 1, FAH


1st Place in UE 3

Hui Joey

Year 4, FSS


1st Place in UE 2

Wu Keng Weng

Year 1, FST


1st Place in UE 1

Yang Yunhan

Year 1, FED


2nd Place

Wong Chong Hei (E5)

Year 2, FST


2nd Place

Magne Dina Julião Neves (E5)

Year 1, FST


3rd Place

Nick Jia Ming Liu (UE3)

Year 1, FSS


3rd Place

Cheong Io Lam (E5)

Year 1, FST


The writing competition showcased remarkable talent across different levels of study: Lao Iek Chit from UE1 wrote a captivating descriptive writing on recalling his first day of school; Leong Chi Hou from UE2 demonstrated exceptional skills in a creative writing task, with an engaging plot and interesting characters; Chen Weiqi from UE3 showed precise and appropriate language for the academic context, using a good range of vocabulary.

Best writers:





Champion in UE 1

Lao Iek Chit

Year 1, FAH


Champion in UE 2

Leong Chi Hou

Year 1, FST


Champion in UE 3

Cheng Weiqi

Year 1, FST



As always, feedbacks from students are very positive:

Ms Tao: Thanks to the ELC for introducing the i-Learner platform to us. By joining this contest, I find great improvements in my English, particularly in grammar and reading. At first, I just wanted to compete for the award, but gradually, I found myself enjoying the process of learning at my own pace.

Mr Chen: This is the second time I’ve presented at the marathon ceremony on behalf of my friend. I am inspired to complete more lessons and hope that next semester, I’ll be the one coming to receive the award myself!

Mr Liu: The variety of exercises and multimedia resources on the i-Learner platform cater to different learning styles. I appreciate ELC for designing innovative approaches to help us learn English.  Indeed, I have a much more enjoyable experience by joining this contest!


Reflecting on this semester’s competition, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants and winners of the “i-Learner English for Universities Marathon Competition”. The ELC looks forward to hosting more engaging activities in the future. Stay tuned for more!


Champion of the i-Learner English for Universities Marathon Competition

Winners of writing competition

Group photo

Spring 2024 “i-Learner English for Universities Marathon Competition” Successfully Concludes: ELC Honours Top Students2024-06-01T00:00:12+08:00
3 2024-05

【ELC-EELC2010 Project Photo Sharing 】Make it Park Easy


Proposed by a student group enrolled in the Academic English: Project-based Learning course (EELC2010)“ParkEZ” is a comprehensive parking optimization program implemented at the University of Macau to address challenges posed by unregulated parking of e-scooters and bicycles on campus, particularly in the E6 area. The project aims to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment while providing convenient parking spaces for e-scooter and bicycle owners and it has gained support from the university community.

The parking spaces ParkEZ group created

To regulate and optimize parking behavior, the student group implemented several measures. They conducted observations and calculated the precise number of required parking spaces. Additionally, they meticulously planned the layout of these spaces, considering aisle width and vehicle size to maximize convenience and efficiency. The group designed visually appealing posters to raise awareness about responsible parking practices, as well as set up an informative booth to engage with the community and provide insights into changes made within the parking area. Furthermore, they established a dedicated website serving as a centralized hub for all relevant parking information, along with creating an engaging video presentation and an Instagram account aimed at further promoting responsible parking habits.

ParkEZ booth

Students took part in the booth actively

During their project, the student group effectively demonstrated both the practicality and efficacy of their participation in the Academic English: Project-based Learning course (EELC2010). This particular course focuses on developing essential skills such as academic writing, academic speaking, and critical thinking abilities while fostering teamwork dynamics among students. Through experiential learning, students apply these skills to observe, collect information, persuade, and create impactful written and spoken projects.

“By participating in the EELC2010 course, we gained valuable skills in presentation and recognized the impact a small team can have on our campus. Most importantly, it encouraged us to identify areas that need improvement in our daily lives and inspired us to strive for positive change,” said Chen Hailun, the group leader of this project. “It kindled my love for UM as well.”

With the implementation of this project, the campus can look forward to improved parking efficiency, orderly parking of electric scooters and bicycles, and a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone.

The website of ParkEZ: https://zoning.great-site.net

Text: Chen Hailun

Photo: Chen Hailun

【ELC-EELC2010 Project Photo Sharing 】Make it Park Easy2024-05-30T00:00:10+08:00
30 2024-04

【ELC-EELC2010 Photo Sharing 】Better communication: A Successful Cross-Group Carnival


Uniting Local and non-local Students at University of Macau

Last Friday, students from EELC2010-003, Better Communication team, successfully organized a Cross-Group Carnival aimed at promoting communication and cooperation between local and non-local students. This event provided students with a platform to strengthen their connections through a series of interactive games and dessert-making experiences.

This event attracted enthusiastic participation from students from all over the world, not only students from Macao, but also students from Mainland China, Japan and Malaysia. This event brought together a variety of languages and cultures, providing a diverse and liberal communication platform for participants.

Interactive games were an important part of the Carnival. In order to ensure that all participants can get in touch with as many new friends from different regions as possible, the organizers took great care in controlling the ratio of local students to non-local students in each activity. Through different grouping arrangements, participants could make new friends from different regional backgrounds during the activities, so that each participant could enjoy spending time with students from different regions.

The program started with a warm-up game called “Remember Me.” Through this simple but interesting warm-up game, participants created individual gestures that others had to repeat when their names were called out. The game was meant to be a way for participants to remember a wonderful night and new friends long after the event was over. As the game progressed, participants were challenged to keep focus and memorize the previous gestures. This not only tested the participants’ concentration and memory, but also built bonds through friendly competition.

“Remember Me” was followed by another interactive game, “Don’t Fall,” which was a group competition game where each group had to discuss how to utilize the few yoga bricks available to them to walk together from a designated starting point to a designated finishing point.

Annie, one of the Carnival organizers, said that “the use of yoga bricks symbolizes the limited resources and abilities we have. Through cooperation and support for each other, we can overcome challenges and reach common goals.”

The game of “Don’t Fall” also symbolizes that even though there are many cultural differences and language barriers between local and non-local students, students from different regions can support each other in a multicultural environment and try to maintain a balance without giving up easily.

This Carnival also included a dessert-making activity where students learned and experienced the process of making Strawberry “Dafu” together. Dafu implies a meaning of happiness and cheerfulness, and by making and tasting this dessert together with their partners, happiness was passed on to each participant. This activity was another opportunity for local and non-local students to gather together and build friendship.

The grand finale of the event was “Guardian Angel.” The Carnival organizers paired a local student with a non-local student in advance, and the participants had to guess who they thought was their guardian angel by inviting this person to come forward to receive their Dafu. The other person had the option of accepting the Dafu or rejecting it. When a participant finds their guardian angel, they take a Polaroid photo as a souvenir. This session brought fun and excitement to the students while deepening their connection with their guardian angels. Through this activity, students could understand and support each other, build a closer relationship and at the same time leave a precious memory.

The success of the Cross-Group Carnival was due to the enthusiastic participation of the students and the excellent planning by all members of the Better Communication Team, Dr. Alice Lee and the ELC office. Together, they created a colorful and interactive environment where every participant could enjoy the fun and meaning of intercultural communication.

Karin and Sylvia, event participants from Japan and Malaysia, said, “The organizers were very thoughtful, the planning was great and fun, and it was great to meet new people at the event. It was such a wonderful evening!”

At the end, all members of the Better Communication team would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all the participants, professors and supporters. This event not only enriched the students’ university life, but also promoted cross-group communication on campus!

By Zhilin (Annie) Zhang

【ELC-EELC2010 Photo Sharing 】Better communication: A Successful Cross-Group Carnival2024-05-29T00:00:11+08:00
26 2024-04

【ECAC-ELC 】Photo Sharing : “Online Culture Workshop”


To introduce alternative and independent learning methods of learning English online, the English Co-Curriculum Activities Committee of the English Language Centre (ECAC -ELC), with the facilitation of ELC Instructor, Dr. Jean-Paul DuQuette, organized the “Online Culture Workshop” on 17 April 2024. It provided a chance for participants to unwind and relax while still engaging in a meaningful English learning experience.

During the activity, Dr. DuQuette started by explaining and exemplifying how other approaches including use of websites, applications and games can also facilitate improvement in language learning in addition to classroom English learning. Next, he introduced an exciting way to optimize natural use of English skills in daily life.  Students were taken to Second Life, an online platform in which participants could create their own virtual world identity, design their avatars, and interact in English with people from different parts of the world. To help the participants to further build their interest, Dr. DuQuette invited the students to a virtual English lesson area where they experienced a unique online environment and learning setting. In this virtual classroom, participants can imitate their daily actions as well as do even more, such as cosplaying a fictional creature, doing a challenging dance or joining a word-guessing game.  From this workshop, students learned and experienced the online culture with realistic interpersonal interactions.

It was an exciting opportunity to see an online virtual world firsthand and explore its features. It helped participants to become aware of the various ways one can now learn and practice English. Now that technology has developed, it is time to embrace online learning!

Written by ECAC Student Ambassadors: Hoi Ut, Athena, and Lei Cheok Kei, Claire.

【ECAC-ELC 】Photo Sharing : “Online Culture Workshop”2024-05-31T00:01:11+08:00
23 2024-04

【ELC-EWCC】Festive Chatroom : “Harvest Day”, 29 April (Monday) , 15:30-16:30


The English Communicate and Writing Centre  (EWCC) is excited to announce the upcoming chatroom, themed “Harvest Day” , a vibrant and engaging event designed to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures and languages at our center.

Scheduled for this semester, the chatroom will provide a unique platform for students to share stories and traditions associated with harvest festivals from around the world. Whether you are a lover of festivities, eager to learn more about global cultures, or simply looking to connect with fellow students in a festive setting, the Harvest Day Chatroom is the perfect opportunity for you.

Join us for an afternoon of lively discussions, cultural exchanges, and the chance to forge new friendships. This event is not only a celebration of the harvest season but also an enriching experience that broadens our understanding of the diverse community we are proud to be part of. Do not miss out on this wonderful gathering! Mark your calendars and bring your curiosity and enthusiasm. We look forward to seeing you there and sharing in the bounty of knowledge and joy that this season brings.

  • Date: 29 April 2024 (Monday)
  • Time: 15:30-16:30
  • Venue: English Communicate and Writing Centre (E7-1022)

For further inquiries, please feel free to email us at fah_elc_ells@um.edu.mo

【ELC-EWCC】Festive Chatroom : “Harvest Day”, 29 April (Monday) , 15:30-16:302024-04-30T00:00:07+08:00
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