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[Main Campus] Student Housing: Result of Postgraduate House Accommodation Application for NEW/ RETURNING students of the 2nd semester of Academic Year 2024/2025
mchu2025-01-02T00:00:31+08:00Dear Main Campus Postgraduate Students,
We would like to let you know that the result of the “Application of Postgraduate House (PGH) accommodation for NEW and Returning Postgraduate Students of the 2nd semester of AY2024/2025 (Main Campus Only)” will be sent to the applicant’s UM email account on 12 December 2024. Other related important information is as follows:
A. Schedule:
Move-in Period |
3 January 2025 – 31 January 2025 For new move-in students, students are required to complete the PGH move-in procedure within the first month of the relative stay period in person (i.e. on or before 31 January 2025). Otherwise, the bedspace will be cancelled automatically. A 1-month residence fee will be charged for this kind of case. |
Stay Period of 2nd Semester of AY2024/2025 |
3 January 2025 – 31 May 2025, move-out by 14:00 |
Payment Period of the PGH Residence Fee for 2nd Semester of AY2024/2025 |
A debit note will be issued to student’s ISW account (https://isw.umac.mo/siweb/) after 1 month following the completion of the move-in procedure. Please be reminded to settle the payment on time to avoid overdue penalties. |
B. PGH Residence Fee:
Room Type |
Location |
Residence Fee for the 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025 |
Suite |
South Zone – S1 |
25,700/per couple |
Single Room |
South Zone – S1 to S4 |
11,800/per student |
S2-S4 Shared Room |
South Zone – S2 to S4 |
7,200/per student |
W31-W32 Shared Room |
West Zone – W31-W32 |
5,900/per student |
Disabled Room |
South Zone – S2 (G/F) |
7,200/per student |
Notes for PGH Residence Fee:
a) Students whose application of PGH accommodation in the 2nd semester of AY2024/2025 is accepted will be required to pay their residence fee within the payment period stated in the schedule under Point A.
b) If NO residence fee is received by the payment deadline, the application will be cancelled automatically and NO bedspace will be reserved.
c) Students who have paid the PGH residence fee but decided NOT to move-in or continue staying for the 2nd semester of AY2024/2025, are required to send a written request to Student Resources Section (SRS) for approval before the start of the residence period (i.e. on or before 31 December 2024). Students who choose not to continue staying should also complete the move-out procedures on or before 31 December 2024, 14:00. For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to “PGH Refund Policy”.
d) Students, who have paid the PGH residence fee and decided to move-out from PGH within the first 3 months of the residence period of the 2nd semester of AY2024/2025 (i.e. 1 January 2025 to 31 March 2025), PGH residence fee will be refunded in proportion to students ONLY with reasons of graduation, deferment, withdrawal of study, exchange (with supporting documents), medical issues (with medical certificates from hospitals in Macao). For the amount of refundable residence fee, please refer to “PGH Refund Policy”. No refund will be given to the students who moved-out without aforesaid reasons or moved-out during the last 2 months of the residence period of the semester.
e) For details of the PGH residence fee, refund policy and other fees, please refer to this link (https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/accommodation-news-and-updates/).
C. Move-in procedure
New move-in residents are required to approach to the Management Company Office# to complete the move-in procedure.
# Location of the management company in each area:
– S1 to S4: S3-G003
– W32: W32-G003
– W31: G/F lobby
Required Documents: |
Procedures: |
1. Present your offer letter or student ID card to the Management Company staff. |
D. Remarks:
I. Please note that the number of bedspaces in PGH is limited, applicants should submit the application within the application period.
II. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
III. After renewal for existing PGH residents, the remaining bedspaces will be allocated to eligible applicants according to the approval criteria stipulated in the “Guidelines for Assessing the Applications for UM PGH Accommodation”.
IV. Students who are not offered bedspaces will be placed on a waiting list in a sequence decided according to the above-mentioned guidelines. If there are bedspaces released from students who fail to settle the payment or from students who cancel their applications, the bedspaces will be allocated according to the order of the waiting list, except for the situation mentioned in article 4 of the above-mentioned guidelines. Students will be informed of the offers by emails. Besides, those students might need to arrange off-campus accommodation themselves. For off-campus accommodation information, please refer to Student Resources Section (Student Housing) website (https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/accommodation-news-and-updates/).
V. Arrangement of various room types for applicants who have been approved for accommodation of the 2nd semester of AY2024/2025:
V.1 Suite:
a) Married couples are eligible for suites, only if both individuals are registered UM postgraduate students.
b) In case of the situation listed below, the other party of the marriage who gets approval for the application for PGH accommodation will be allocated to the bedspace in PGH buildings according to the gender.
– Either party of the marriage who have reached the maximum study period / received an eviction order / whose status have been changed to non-active, such as “graduated”, “withdrawal”, “deferred” and “inactive”, etc,
– Either party of the marriage did not submit the application for PGH accommodation;
– Either party of the marriage did not get the approval for the application for PGH accommodation;
– Either party of the marriage completes the move-out procedure.
c) SRS will assign the suite(s) randomly to successful applicants and no further adjustment would be allowed for room allocation.
V.2 Single room:
a) In case there are vacant single rooms, priority of single room allocation will be given to PhD applicants first. When the number of available rooms is insufficient, it will be decided by a draw.
b) SRS will assign the single room(s) randomly to successful applicants and no further adjustment would be allowed for room allocation.
V.3 S2-S4 shared room / W31-W32 shared room:
a) Applicants who have already matched with a student who is currently living alone in a shared room will be arranged first. In case of any inconsistent information, both students cannot stay together and will be allocated randomly by SRS.
b) For other shared room applicants, the SRS will assign a roommate according to student’s sleeping time. Students might be assigned a roommate who has a different sleeping schedule due to room availability on-site.
c) When the number of available rooms is insufficient, it will be decided by a draw.
d) Location arrangement of shared room(s): When the number of available bedspaces in the same location is insufficient, it will be decided by a draw. For applicants who are not successfully allocated to their preferred location, the SRS will assist to adjust their location according to actual conditions.
e) SRS will assign the shared room(s) randomly to successful applicants and no further adjustment would be allowed for room allocation.
VI. For successful applicants, their stay period for the assigned room type and bedspace will end on 31 May 2025. All bedspaces will be reallocated in June each year. The arrangement of various room types and bedspaces for the upcoming residence period will be subject to the announcement in due course. Rooms are not guaranteed and are subject to the final approval.
VII. Starting from 1 January 2025, only simple cooking in the pantry areas within PGH is permitted.
VIII. According to Article 39 of the Personnel Statue of UM and Article 18 of Chapter 7 of Regulations of the Personnel Affairs of the UM about the attribution of housing subsidy, UM staff is not eligible to receive the housing subsidy when he/she successfully applied for the housing provided by UM or any public entities, including the Student Dormitory (i.e. Postgraduate House).
IX. Room assignment is arranged by SRS. For any room with vacant bedspaces, SRS reserves all rights to assign other students to them at any moment.
X. For more information about Postgraduate House, Postgraduate House Resident Rules and Accommodation Fee and Charges, you may refer to the following link: https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/accommodation-news-and-updates/.
XI. SRS has the right to make the final decision.
For enquiries, please contact Student Housing office on 8822 2660 during office hours or email to sao.pgh@um.edu.mo. Thank you for your kind attention.
Student Housing
Student Resources Section
Student Affairs Office
PGH S3, G/F, Room G002
Tel: 8822-2660
Email: sao.pgh@um.edu.mo
A. 時間表:
入住期間 |
2025年1月3日 至 2025年1月31日 請新入住同學必須在住宿期第一個月內親自辦理的入住宿舍手續。否則,研究生宿舍將取消學生的住宿申請,並會收取一個月的住宿費。 |
2024/2025學年第二學期住宿期 |
2025年1月3日 至2025年5月31日 (下午14:00 前退宿) |
2024/2025學年第二學期的住宿費用繳費期 |
電子繳費單將於入住一個月後通過學生資訊系統 (https://isw.umac.mo/siweb/) 發送至學生的帳戶。請務必按照繳費以免產生逾期罰款。 |
B. 研究生宿舍住宿費用:
房型 |
位置 |
2024/2025學年第二學期住宿費用 |
套房 (供一對夫婦) |
南一座 |
25,700/每對夫婦 |
單人房 (供一名宿生) |
南一座至南四座 |
11,800/每人 |
S2-S4雙人房 (供兩名宿生) |
南二座至南四座 |
7,200/每人 |
W31-W32雙人房 (供兩名宿生) |
西三十一座至西三十二座 (相鄰兩房的四名宿生共用一衛浴) |
5,900/每人 |
無障礙房 (只供肢體障礙宿生; 供一名宿生) |
南二座 (位於地面層) |
7,200/每人 |
a) 若申請人的2024/2025學年第二學期住宿申請獲臨時受理,學生必須在A點時間表中列明的繳費期內繳納住宿費用。
b) 校方如果在繳費期限前未收到任何住宿費用,申請將被自動取消,且將不保留床位。
c) 若學生已繳納住宿費後決定2024/2025學年第二學期不入住或不續住,學生應在住宿期開始之前 (即2024年12月31日或之前) 通過書面郵件通知向學生資源處取消研究生宿舍的住宿,不續住之宿生亦應於2024年12月31日14:00或之前完成退宿手續。有關退款事宜,請參閱《退費條款》。
d) 若學生已繳納住宿費後決定在2024/2025學年第二學期住宿期首三個月內遷離宿舍 (即2025年1月1日至2025年3月31日),住宿費用僅退還予因下列原因遷離宿舍的同學:畢業﹑休學、退學、外出交流 (需附相關證明文件)﹑醫療原因 (需附上由澳門醫院發出的健康狀況證明書)。有關退款金額,請參閱《退費條款》。其它原因遷離宿舍的學生 或 於住宿期的最後兩個月遷離宿舍的學生,住宿費將不獲退還。
C. 入住宿舍手續
# 各區管理公司位置:
– S1至S4:南三座地面層003室 (S3-G003)
– W32:西三十二座地面層003室 (W32-G003)
– W31:西三十一座地面層大堂
需要文件: |
流程: |
1. 向管理公司工作人員出示您的錄取通知書 / 學生證。 * 請在入住日後 3 天內將入住登記表和設備清單交還給管理公司#。 如果沒有收到入住登記表,您的房卡將被停用。 如果沒有收到設備清單,則視作默認房間設備狀況良好,您將承擔任何設備損壞的責任。 |
D. 申請人注意事項:
I. 由於研究生宿舍床位有限, 請務必於申請日期內進行申請。
II. 任何過期申請將不獲受理。
III. 安排續住現住宿生床位後,餘下的宿位將按《研究生宿舍住宿申請審批指引》中規定的審批準則分配予2024/2025學年第二學期合資格之申請人。
IV. 不獲安排宿位的學生將被列入候補名單,名單按上述《指引》規定的審批順序排列。若已獲批宿位的申請人逾期繳費或取消申請,其宿位將按候補名單依序遞補 (上述《指引》第四條所指的情況不在此限),學生資源處將以電郵通知候補名單上獲批宿位的申請人。此外,不獲安排宿位的學生有可能需自行安排校外住宿。有關校外住宿的基本資訊,請參閱學生資源處 (學生住宿) 網頁 (https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/accommodation-news-and-updates/)。
V. 就獲批2024/2025學年第二學期住宿申請人之各類房型安排:
V.1 套房:
a) 套房只限夫婦雙方都是澳大註冊研究生申請。
b) 如出現以下情況,夫婦中獲批准研究生宿舍住宿的另一方將按其性別分配至研究生宿舍內的其他房型。
– 婚姻的任何一方修讀年期屆滿、被勒令遷離宿舍或其學生狀態轉為非在學,如“畢業”、“退學”、“休學”、“不在學”等;
– 婚姻的任何一方未提交研究生宿舍住宿申請;
– 婚姻的任何一方研究生宿舍住宿申請未獲得批准;
– 婚姻的任何一方完成研究生宿舍遷離手續。
c) 套房將由學生資源處隨機分配,獲分配套房的申請人不允許更改房間。
V.2 單人房:
a) 若有空餘單人間,單人間分配以博士生優先,當出現同分但空餘房間數量不足時,將以抽籤方式作決定。
b) 單人間將由學生資源處隨機分配,獲分配單人間的申請人不允許更改房間。
V.3 S2-S4雙人房/W31-W32雙人房:
a) 優先安排已經自行與目前單獨住在雙人間的宿生匹配的申請人。如果發現任何不一致的信息,則兩個學生不能安排至同一房間,並由學生資源處隨機分配。
b) 其他雙人間申請人,學生資源處將參考學生提供的作息時間安排室友。視乎現場實際空餘的雙人間宿位情況分配,學生有可能獲分配一個與其作息時間不一致的室友。
c) 當空餘套房數量不足時,將以抽籤方式作決定。
d) 雙人房居住區域安排:當同一區域空餘宿位數量不足時,將以抽籤方式作決定。未能成功分配至意向區域的申請人,將按照實際房間情況由學生資源處調整居住區域。
e) 雙人房將由學生資源處隨機分配,獲分配雙人房的申請人不允許更改房間。
VI. 獲批准本學年第二學期住宿之申請人,其分配的房型及床位之住宿期限到2025年5月31日止。所有床位將於每年6月重新分配。下一住宿期的各類房型及床位分配安排將按當時公佈為準。 房型不保證能成功分配,以最終批准為準。
VII. 自2025年1月1日起,研究生宿舍範圍內宿生只允許於茶水間進行簡單煮食。
VIII. 按照《澳門大學人員通則》第三十九條及《澳門大學人事管理規章》第七章第九條,澳門大學工作人員若於享有由澳大或任何公共實體所提供的房屋 (包括學生宿舍,如研究生宿舍) 則無權享有房屋津貼。
IX. 房間分配由學生資源處安排。對於任何空置床位,學生資源處保留任何時候分配床位之最終決定權。
X. 有關研究生宿舍、宿舍規則及規條以及宿舍費用,請參閱以下網頁:https://srs.sao.um.edu.mo/accommodation-news-and-updates/。
XI. 學生資源處保留最終決定權。
如有查詢,請在辦公時間內致電8822 2660與學生住宿辦公室聯繫或發送電子郵件至sao.pgh@um.edu.mo。謝謝。
學生事務部 – 學生資源處