Beware of Dengue Fever
親愛的同事及同學們: 登革熱是一種由登革熱病毒引起的、經由白紋伊蚊傳播給人類的急性傳染病。登革熱的病徵包括發熱、頭痛、後眼窩痛、肌肉痛、關節痛及出疹。登革熱的潛伏期一般為 3 至 14 天,平均為 4 至 7 天。 本澳現時已錄得多宗本地及外地輸入登革熱個案,並出現持續上升趨勢。為降低感染風險,建議大家可採取以下措施防範登革熱: * 在家中使用紗窗、蚊帳或開冷氣等措施,減少被蚊叮咬機會; * 注意環境衛生,清除工作地點和家居周圍環境的積水,杜絕蚊蟲孳生; * 若前往登革熱流行地區,宜穿淺色長袖衫褲,在有空調或防蚊裝置的地方住宿,外出時使用驅蚊劑,防止被蚊叮咬; * 不論是否有外遊史,若有發熱、出疹等疑似登革熱症狀,應及時就醫,並告知醫生有關的居住地點或旅遊史; 若有疑問,可致電衛生局傳染病熱線28700800、瀏覽傳染病資訊網頁,或可參閱衛生局制定的預防登革熱指引。 安健及環境事務辦公室 (Ref: HSEO-H046/2024) |
Dear colleagues and students, Dengue fever is an acute mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by dengue viruses found in the Aedes Albopictus mosquitoes. Dengue fever is characterized by fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, rash, etc. The incubation period ranges from 3 to 14 days and is usually 4-7 days on average. Macau has recently recorded an increasing number of local and imported dengue fever cases. In order to lower the risk of dengue fever infections, we should take the following preventive measures: * Install screen windows and mosquito nets, or turn on air-conditioners to minimize the chance of mosquito bites. * Pay attention to environmental hygiene, remove stagnant water at work and at home to prevent mosquito breeding. * When travelling to dengue fever prevalent districts, wear light-colored long-sleeved clothing and pants. Reside at air-conditioned premises and use mosquito repellent when going outdoor. * When symptoms such as fever or rash appear, one should seek medical assistance promptly and inform the doctor of travel history to facilitate diagnosis. For enquires, kindly contact the Health Bureau hotline 28700800, visit the Infectious Disease Information website, or refer to the Guidelines on Prevention of Dengue Fever issued by the Health Bureau. Office of Health, Safety and Environmental Affairs |