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So far patricklou has created 2 blog entries.
17 2025-02

2nd Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Project “ICM NOVA 2024” (Deadline: 28 February 2025)


The following information is provided by NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures are to be handled by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

We are pleased to announce the opening of 2nd call for applications (staff mobility) regarding the Erasmus+ Mobility Project “ICM NOVA 2024” .

For 37 years, Europe has funded the Erasmus programme, which has enabled millions of European students to spend part of their studies at another Higher Education Institution (HEI) in an Erasmus programme country.

Since 2015, Erasmus+ have founded the International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects. Under the ICM a Higher Education Institution (HEI) in a Partner Country can send its students or staff to a partner HEI in a Programme Country, and vice versa.


Financial Support

ICM NOVA 2024 provides the following financial support to the grant holders:

  • Travel allowance
  • Stay allowance (the amount depends on the mobility’s direction); 
  • Visa (where necessary; with an upper limit) 
  • Insurance



Travel distances


Between 100 and 499 km

211 EUR

Between 500 and 1999 km

309 EUR

Between 2000 and 2999 km

395 EUR

Between 3000 and 3999 km

580 EUR

Between 4000 and 7999 km

1,188 EUR

8000 km or more

1,735 EUR

Important: these unit costs represent the linear distance between the city where the university of origin and the city where the host university are located. This is automatically calculated by the website indicated by the European Commission and cannot be subject to any change. The financial support allocated to the “travel distance” is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Programme and it contributes to the round-trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the scholarship holder must find other sources of funding.


Stay Allowance

STAFF mobility

(Academic Staff – STA / Administrative Staff – STT)

Mobility periods: 5 working days

The per diem amount for Staff:
– From the programme countries to the partner countries: 190 EUR
– From the partner countries to the programme countries: 170 EUR


Visa Allowance

NOVA will reimburse all scholarship holders for visa issuance costs, if necessary and required, up to a maximum of 50€.



NOVA will issue a health, accident and travel insurance to the selected student, academic and administrative staff, valid for the entire duration of the mobility period.


Information and Application
Online application is now open until 23:59 CET, 28 February 2025.

Interested staff members are kindly asked to visit the following links to access the online application portal and read the Application Guide with great attention to learn more details about the mobility.
***Please note that the applications are to be submitted by the applicants themselves***

Project Website https://www.up.pt/icmunl2024

Available Mobility Programmes

(please check if there is a programme that suits your profile and interest before applying)


Tip on searching for mobility programmes:

Direction: “IN-> to Portugal” 

Type of  Mobility: “Administrative Staff” or “Academic Staff”

Application Portal


Remarks on required documents:

  1. Statement of support (Support letter) from the Home University should be obtained from the applicant’s unit. It is also important to note that the letter should show the full name and title of the signee, and must be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.
  2. Statement of the home institution with a brief description of the applicant’s main activity is also to be obtained from the applicant’s unit, with description of the roles/functions/positions/tasks etc. It is also mandatory that this statement to be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.

Note: The final decision of granting the mobility scholarship will be made by a Selection Committee of the Project Consortium.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

2nd Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Project “ICM NOVA 2024” (Deadline: 28 February 2025)2025-03-01T00:00:51+08:00
23 2025-01

2nd Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” (Deadline: 24 February 2025)


The following information is provided by NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures are to be handled by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

We are pleased to announce the opening of 2nd call for applications (staff mobility) regarding the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” .

The Merging Voices (MV) initiative is a collaboration between four Portuguese institutions: NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA), Universidade do Porto (UP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), and Universidade do Algarve (UAlg).

The 7th edition of the Merging Voices project (2024-2027) builds upon the foundation of previous years, further strengthening cooperation with partner higher education institutions. It also seeks to expand opportunities for students with fewer resources to pursue studies in Portugal.

The MV 2024 aims to:

  • Continue fostering (inter)national collaboration among participating institutions, contributing to the fulfillment of each institution’s internationalization goals.
  • Further increase the international visibility and recognition of the high-quality education offered by Portuguese institutions, both within and outside Europe.
  • Offer students new and enriching mobility experiences beyond traditional destinations, promoting personal and academic growth.
  • Continue providing academic and administrative staff with formative mobility experiences that promote awareness and deepen understanding of partner institutions worldwide.

These objectives will be reached through mobility of students and academic staff. Mobility will continue to play a decisive role in the internationalization strategy of the institutions, and the new Merging Voices aims to reinforce it.

Financial Support

UMOVE(ME) provides the following financial support to the grant holders:

  • Travel allowance
  • Stay allowance (the amount depends on the mobility’s direction); 
  • Visa (where necessary; with an upper limit) 
  • Insurance



Travel distances


Between 100 and 499 km

211 EUR

Between 500 and 1999 km

309 EUR

Between 2000 and 2999 km

395 EUR

Between 3000 and 3999 km

580 EUR

Between 4000 and 7999 km

1,188 EUR

8000 km or more

1,735 EUR

Important Information: the “travel distance” represents the linear distance between the city where the university of origin and the city where the host university are located. This is calculated automatically by a website indicated by the European Commission and cannot be subject to any change. The financial support allocated to the “travel distance” is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Programme and is intended to contribute to the round trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the scholarship holder must find another source of funding.


Stay Allowance

STAFF mobility

(Academic Staff – STA / Administrative Staff – STT)

Mobility periods: 5 days

The per diem amount for Staff:
– From the programme countries to the partner countries: 190 EUR
– From the partner countries to the programme countries: 170 EUR


Visa Allowance

The consortium will reimburse all scholarship holders for visa issuance costs, if necessary and required, up to a maximum of 50€.



Every selected applicant will receive a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period.


Information and Application
Online application is now open until 00:00 CET, 24 February 2025.

Interested staff members are kindly asked to visit the following links to access the online application portal and read the Application Guide with great attention to learn more details about the mobility.
***Please note that the applications are to be submitted by the applicants themselves***

Project Website https://www.up.pt/mergingvoices2024

Available Mobility Programmes

(please check if there is a programme that suits your profile and interest before applying)


Tip on searching for mobility programmes:

Direction: “IN-> to Portugal” 

Type of  Mobility: “Administrative Staff” or “Academic Staff”

Application Portal


Application Guide

Guidelines for Applicants (2nd Call)

Remarks on required documents:

  1. Statement of support (Support letter) from the Home University should be obtained from the applicant’s unit. It is also important to note that the letter should show the full name and title of the signee, and must be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.
  2. Statement of the home institution with a brief description of the applicant’s main activity is also to be obtained from the applicant’s unit, with description of the roles/functions/positions/tasks etc. It is also mandatory that this statement to be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.

Note: The final decision of granting the mobility scholarship will be made by a Selection Committee of the Project Consortium.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

2nd Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” (Deadline: 24 February 2025)2025-02-24T00:00:45+08:00
15 2025-01

Peking University Summer School International 2025


The following information is provided by Peking University, China, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures and costs are to be borne by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

Programme Information

Name of Programme Peking University Summer School International 2025
Organiser Peking University
Where? Beijing, China
When? June – July 2025*
(the actual programme period depends on the candidates’ selection of courses)
Medium of Instruction English
Programme Brochure https://www.oir.pku.edu.cn/system/_content/download.jsp?urltype=news.DownloadAttachUrl&owner=1409797521&wbfileid=15713345
Official Programme Website
(for details, application and payment)




  1. The organiser reserevs the right to modify the activity dates and course information. The above information is for reference only; please consult the official programme website for the most updated information.
  2. The students are responsible for submitting their own applications as per instructions in the official website. There is no need to apply through UM Global Affairs Office.
  3. All costs incurred by the programme are to be borne by the students (including but not limited to programme fees, round-trip travel fees, insurance, and living expenses in Beijing); Global Affairs Office will NOT provide any financial support for this programme.


Application Period

31 May 2025

Reminder: the organiser reserves the right to modify the application period without prior notice


Contact and Enquiry

PKU International Students Division, Office of International Relations, Peking University



Peking University Summer School International 20252025-01-15T10:12:43+08:00
10 2025-01

Peking University 2025 Globex Julmester Summer Programme


The following information is provided by Peking University, China, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures and costs are to be borne by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

Programme Information

Name of Programme 2025 Globex Julmester Program
Organiser Peking University
Where? Beijing, China
When? 27 June – 18 July 2025
Medium of Instruction English
Official Programme Website
(for details, application and payment)


  1. The organiser reserevs the right to modify the activity dates and course information. The above information is for reference only; please consult the official programme website for the most updated information.
  2. The students are responsible for submitting their own applications as per instructions in the official website. There is no need to apply through UM Global Affairs Office.
  3. All costs incurred by the programme are to be borne by the students (including but not limited to programme fees, round-trip travel fees, insurance, and living expenses in Beijing); Global Affairs Office will NOT provide any financial support for this programme.


Application Period

15 January 2025 to 15 April 2025

Reminder: the organiser reserves the right to modify the application period without prior notice


Contact and Enquiry


Peking University 2025 Globex Julmester Summer Programme2025-01-10T14:46:45+08:00
6 2025-01

Open for Application: “Jiao.Tong Global Virtual Classroom” 2025 (Deadline: 17:00, 05/02/2025)




  項目名稱 主辦單位 項目日期 活動地點 項目語言 項目名額 附件資訊


上海交通大學 2025年春季 線上 英語


Spring 2025 Course Syllabus Jiao Tong Global Virtual Classroom (ALL)


Spring 2025 Global Virtual Classroom Course List




  1. 本項目所修得之學分不可轉換至澳門大學。
  2. 主辦院校有權按實際申請情況,修改課程日期、教學內容及考核安排等事宜,請於申請時注意並尊重主辦單位的安排。
  3. 一旦獲主辦院校錄取及學生本人確認參與後,學生不得隨意退出項目。任何缺乏正當及充分理由退出項目的情況將會被記錄在案,將影響學生將來申請其他交流或學期交換項目。




















Ms. Lina TAO 陶麗娜老師
Office of Global Partners & Relations
International Affairs Division
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)


Open for Application: “Jiao.Tong Global Virtual Classroom” 2025 (Deadline: 17:00, 05/02/2025)2025-02-05T13:00:29+08:00
3 2025-01

1st Call for Applications : Erasmus+ Project “Mobile24” (Staff Mobility) [Deadline: 15 February 2025]


The following information is provided by University of Porto, Portugal, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures are to be handled by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

We are pleased to announce the opening of 1st call for applications (staff mobility) regarding the Erasmus+ Project MOBILE24.

The Erasmus+ programme aims to boost skills and employability, as well as modernising Education, Training, and Youth work.

Coordinated by the University of Porto, Portugal, the MOBILE24 Project, approved in August 2024 and financially supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme, aims at fostering the mutual enrichment and a better understanding between Portugal and specifically 17 partner countries and regions, through student, academic and administrative staff mobility.

This call for application for University of Macau will provide ONE outgoing staff scholarship quota (for UM staff to undertake mobility in University of Porto). The length of mobility is 5 working days and the mobility can be realised latest by July 2027*.

*Remark: considering the time for the selection and administrative procedures, the mobility should start in or after July 2025. The actual mobility period is subject to further coordination between the hosting institution and the selected candidate.

About the MOBILE24 Project

The MOBILE24 Project runs until July 2027 to provide funded mobility opportunity for staff and/or students between University of Porto and its partner institutions.

This application call provides UM with one staff scholarship quota for a 5-working day mobility in University of Porto, for conducting either administrative or academic activities.


Financial Support

The successful staff applicant will be entitled for a financial support package which includes: 1) Travel subsidy, 2) Subsistence (per diem), and 3) Insurance in Portugal. Please note that the financial support will only be granted after their arrival at the host institution. The applicant will need to pay for their round-trip air-ticket, accommodation, visa (if necessary), and other personal travel and living arrangement in advance.



Travel distances Amount
Between 100 and 499 km 211 EUR per participant
Between 500 and 1999 km 309 EUR per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 km 395 EUR per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 km 580 EUR per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 km 1188 EUR per participant
8000 km or more 1735 EUR per participant

Important Information: the “travel distance” represents the linear distance between the city where the university of origin and the city where the host university are located. This is calculated automatically by a website indicated by the European Commission and cannot be subject to any change. The financial support allocated to the “travel distance” is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Programme and is intended to contribute to the round trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the scholarship holder must find another sources of funding.


Subsistence (per diem)

Mobility Type: STAFF mobility (STA or STT)

Mobility period: 5 working days, within the period 2025-July 2027

Origin Host Country Amount
Macao, China Portugal 190 EUR x 5 days = 950 EUR



Every selected applicant will receive a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period provided by the University of Porto.

Information and Application

All necessary information regarding the project, as well as the application procedures and requirements are outlined in the [Guidelines for Applicants_MOBILE 24] and [FAQs].

You are strongly encouraged to read the guidelines and FAQs before submitting your application.

Applicants are required to submit their application through the MOBILE24 Project website. Please create a new user account and follow the instructions to submit all the required documents by the [Deadline: 23:59 CET, 15 February 2025]



1) Staff members should seek endorsement from the Dean/Director/College Master/Head of Unit before submitting the application.

2) Please note that the application procedures are to be handled by the applicants themselves.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

1st Call for Applications : Erasmus+ Project “Mobile24” (Staff Mobility) [Deadline: 15 February 2025]2025-02-15T00:00:38+08:00
27 2024-11

Call for application: Study Trip on Northern Guangdong Culture (Deadline: 2 Dec 2024)







該項目以韶港澳三地學者協同指導為主線, 以專題講座、 服務體驗、 參觀考察、 分享座談、 聯歡晚會等形式進行, 讓學生體驗瑤族風情, 瞭解民族發展。 計畫讓學生走進韶關乳源瑤族人家, 從語言、 婚姻、 服飾、 喪葬、 歌舞、 運動、 瑤繡等方面還原瑤族風俗, 從中體會瑤民族歷史文化的發展, 瞭解瑤族的思想道德觀念、 宗教信仰、 文化藝術等。 與韶關市乳源瑤族自治縣民族實驗學校深入交流,同學習、 同生活、 同歡樂。 探訪摩崖石刻、 追尋千年瑤寨遺風, 實地考察丹霞山、石塘古村, 學習及實踐堆花米酒非遺文化等瞭解粵北的自然及人文地理。 通過與粵北人民的親身相處, 讓活動參與各方進行心與心的交流, 培養港澳青年學生的人文情懷及社會責任感。















附  件




  • 澳大全日制學生
  • 持澳門或香港居民身份證及回鄉證
  • 活動結束前修業完成的應屆畢業生除外



1. 本項目不設申請費用。

2. 學生需要承擔並自行安排:

  1. 往返活動地點的交通
  2. 個人保險
  3. 其他個人消費

3. 在活動期間的食宿費、出遊車費和門票等由主辦單位承擔




由澳門大學及主辦院校共同進行選拔。 全球事務部將根據申請材料審核申請擇優推薦。




1. 請準備下表中列出的文件,並按照清單中的順序將文件轉換及合成為一個pdf.格式檔案 (提示:可使用Acrobat或其他pdf編輯軟件處理), 並按照以下格式: “姓名拼音_學生號碼”命名該pdf.檔案 (例:”CHAN_TAI_MAN_AB123456″ / “ZHANG_XIAOWEN_CD654321”)

2. 於2024年12月2日中午12時正電郵方式發送至 gao.enquiry@um.edu.mo。(電郵標題:”申請2024年”鬧市邊的過山瑶”—粵北瑤族文化歷史專題考察”)


1 個人履歷 以中文撰寫
2 最近一個學期之成績單或成績記錄 副本 可登入https://myum.um.edu.mo中,從學生資訊網上服務的
”E-Academic Report”打印

3 身份證 副本 證件的正反兩面必須在同一頁上
4 回鄉證 / 通行證 副本 證件的正反兩面必須在同一頁上
5 學生證 副本 證件的正反兩面必須在同一頁上



地址:N6行政樓 G018室
電話:8822 4386 
Call for application: Study Trip on Northern Guangdong Culture (Deadline: 2 Dec 2024)2024-12-02T13:00:01+08:00
6 2024-11

1st Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” (Deadline: 22 November 2024)


The following information is provided by NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, and posted by the Global Affairs Office (UM) for your viewing.

Please note that the application procedures are to be handled by the applicants themselves. For more information, please refer to the information below.

We are pleased to announce the opening of 1st call for applications (staff mobility) regarding the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” .

The Merging Voices (MV) initiative is a collaboration between four Portuguese institutions: NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA), Universidade do Porto (UP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), and Universidade do Algarve (UAlg).

The 7th edition of the Merging Voices project (2024-2027) builds upon the foundation of previous years, further strengthening cooperation with partner higher education institutions. It also seeks to expand opportunities for students with fewer resources to pursue studies in Portugal.

The MV 2024 aims to:

  • Continue fostering (inter)national collaboration among participating institutions, contributing to the fulfillment of each institution’s internationalization goals.
  • Further increase the international visibility and recognition of the high-quality education offered by Portuguese institutions, both within and outside Europe.
  • Offer students new and enriching mobility experiences beyond traditional destinations, promoting personal and academic growth.
  • Continue providing academic and administrative staff with formative mobility experiences that promote awareness and deepen understanding of partner institutions worldwide.

These objectives will be reached through mobility of students and academic staff. Mobility will continue to play a decisive role in the internationalization strategy of the institutions, and the new Merging Voices aims to reinforce it.

Financial Support

UMOVE(ME) provides the following financial support to the grant holders:

  • Travel allowance
  • Stay allowance (the amount depends on the mobility’s direction); 
  • Visa (where necessary; with an upper limit) 
  • Insurance



Travel distances


Between 100 and 499 km

211 EUR

Between 500 and 1999 km

309 EUR

Between 2000 and 2999 km

395 EUR

Between 3000 and 3999 km

580 EUR

Between 4000 and 7999 km

1,188 EUR

8000 km or more

1,735 EUR

Important Information: the “travel distance” represents the linear distance between the city where the university of origin and the city where the host university are located. This is calculated automatically by a website indicated by the European Commission and cannot be subject to any change. The financial support allocated to the “travel distance” is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Programme and is intended to contribute to the round trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the scholarship holder must find another source of funding.


Stay Allowance

STAFF mobility

(Academic Staff – STA / Administrative Staff – STT)

Mobility periods: 5 days

The per diem amount for Staff:
– From the programme countries to the partner countries: 190 EUR
– From the partner countries to the programme countries: 170 EUR


Visa Allowance

The consortium will reimburse all scholarship holders for visa issuance costs, if necessary and required, up to a maximum of 50€.



Every selected applicant will receive a health, accident and travel insurance valid during the entire mobility period.


Information and Appliation
Online application is now open until 23:59 CET, 22 November 2024.

Interested staff members are kindly asked to visit the following links to access the online application portal and read the Application Guide with great attention to learn more details about the mobility.
***Please note that the applications are to be submitted by the applicants themselves***

Project Website https://www.up.pt/mergingvoices2024

Available Mobility Programmes

(please check if there is a programme that suits your profile and interest before applying)


Tip on searching for mobility programmes:

Direction: “IN-> to Portugal” 

Type of  Mobility: “Administrative Staff” or “Academic Staff”

Application Portal


Application Guide

Application Guide

Remarks on required documents:

  1. Statement of support (Support letter) from the Home University should be obtained from the applicant’s unit. It is also important to note that the letter should show the full name and title of the signee, and must be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.
  2. Statement of the home institution with a brief description of the applicant’s main activity is also to be obtained from the applicant’s unit, with description of the roles/functions/positions/tasks etc. It is also mandatory that this statement to be dated, stamped, and signed by the Dean/Director/Head/representative of equivalent power of endorsement.

Note: The final decision of granting the mobility scholarship will be made by a Selection Committee of the Project Consortium.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

1st Call for Application (Staff Mobility): Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Project “Merging Voices 2024” (Deadline: 22 November 2024)2024-11-23T00:00:56+08:00
24 2024-09

AEARU Academic Workshop: Research Collaboration in East Asian Universities (27 Sep, 14:30-16:00)


Global Affairs Office cordially invites you to attend The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) Academic Workshop. Invited speakers from AEARU member institutions will explore and share their insights on forging and strengthening research collaboration in East Asia higher education institutions.

All UM staff and students are welcome. Please use the link the Details section to register for the workshop.



Date: 27 September 2024 (Friday)

Time: 14:30-16:00

Venue: G010 Ho Yin Conference Hall, N6 Administration Building

Registration: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0jGQnPEDEWD3oXA


List of Speakers:

  • Prof. Toshiya Ueki | Executive Vice President for General Affairs, International Affairs, and Academic Resources | Tohoku University
  • Prof. Zhimin Chen | Vice President | Fudan University
  • Prof. Yong Chan Kim | Vice President for International Affairs | Yonsei University






The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) is a regional organization founded in January 1996, with the goals of forming a forum for the presidents of leading research-oriented universities in East Asia and of carrying out mutual exchanges between the major universities in the region. Expectations are that this regional union, on the basis of common academic and cultural backgrounds among the member universities, will contribute not only to the development of higher education and research but also to the opening up of a new era leading to cultural, economic and social progress in the East Asian region.

Learn more: http://www.aearu.org/index.html



AEARU Academic Workshop: Research Collaboration in East Asian Universities (27 Sep, 14:30-16:00)2024-09-28T00:00:06+08:00
23 2024-09

Reminder: (1 Smart Point) Seminar Invitation: NanoBiomaterials and Neurosciences: Uniting for a Breakthrough Era! (26 Sep, 14:30-16:00)


Distinguished Seminar:

NanoBiomaterials and Neurosciences: Uniting for a Breakthrough Era!

Smart Point (SP) Awarding Rules and Promotion:

1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given one Smart Point
2. Students who arrive late or leave early within 10 minutes will be given only half a Smart Point
3. Students who arrive late or leave early over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
4. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 15 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point
5. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect the staff’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point

We are pleased to announce an upcoming distinguished seminar by Prof. Ana Paula Pêgo, from Institute of Research and Innovation in Health (i3S), University of Porto, Portugal. In this seminar, Prof. Pêgo will share the research work of the i3S and her team, and discuss the latest trends in the fields of nanobiomaterals and neuroscience.

All UM staff and students are welcome. Please visit the link below or scan the QR code on the poster to register for the event:

Date: 26 September 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 14:30-16:00

Venue: Lecture Hall G013, N21 Research Building

Registration link: https://umac.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eScFyMqv8ApveYe (or, scan the QR code on the poster)

Hope to see you there!

About the Speaker

Ana Paula Pêgo got her Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, in 2002. In 2003 she moved to INEB – Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica, where she became a Principal Investigator in 2012. In 2015, INEB joined the i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Universidade do Porto), where Ana Paula Pêgo leads the nanoBiomaterials for Targeted Therapies (nBTT) Group.

By using nanomedicine strategies the nBTT Group, aims at providing in situ and in a targeted manner the required signals to promote nervous tissue regeneration. The research on new biomaterials for application in neurosciences includes the development of new polymers for the design of alternative vectors to viruses for efficient nucleic acid delivery, the preparation of nerve grafts for spinal cord injury treatment and the design of brain tissue engineered platforms. Societal and ethical issues that concern Regenerative Medicine and NanoMedicine are also topics in which Ana Paula Pêgo is involved.

She has been appointed the Scientific Director of the Bioimaging Centre for Biomaterials and Regenerative Therapies of INEB and she is an Invited Associate Professor at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS) of the University of Porto.

Currently Ana Paula Pêgo is a member of the Board of Directors of i3S, being the Head of Strategy & Creation of Value Unit, is the President of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB), serves as an Associate Editor of Biomaterials (Elsevier journal) and is part of the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science (AAAS). 

Learn more: https://www.i3s.up.pt/personal-info.php?id=316&idg=37

Reminder: (1 Smart Point) Seminar Invitation: NanoBiomaterials and Neurosciences: Uniting for a Breakthrough Era! (26 Sep, 14:30-16:00)2024-09-27T00:00:06+08:00
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