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19 2024-02

Application for Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (Deadline: 25 Feb)





日期 : 32& 9  (星期六): 09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (共12小時)       

 導師 : 朱婉璧小姐 & 梁彩虹小姐, 心理輔導員

 語言 : 廣東話

 地點 : 待通知

 費用: 澳門幣100

  • 請於報名前確認是否能全程出席課程
  • 全程參加工作坊之學生無須繳付行政費
  • 一經報名,缺席或未能全程參加課程之學生, 會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,且需在期限前繳付上述費用,否則需支付3%的逾期手續費。



 截止報名日期: 2月25日 (星期日)


  • 如有查詢,請聯絡梁小姐:
    電話 : 8822 9000
    電郵 : sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) was an international certificate course originally developed in Australia in 2001.

Mental Health First Aid is a basic training course, aims at providing mental health related training to students to become Mental Health First Aiders so that they are able to provide assistance to their peers who are under emotional distress and to make referral to professional help accordingly.

By completing the 12 hours training, you will be rewarded with a certificate issued by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.

Date and time: 2 Mar & 9 Mar (Saturdays),  09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (12 hours in total)

Instructors: Marion CHU & Rainbow LEONG, Psychological Counsellors

Language: Cantonese

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Fee: Administrative fee MOP100

  • Please make sure you can attend the course before registration.
  • Students who participate in the whole course do not need to pay the fee.
  • Students who are absent for the whole or part of the course will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. Please settle the payment before the deadline. An overdue administrative charge of 3% on the amount due will be charged on the overdue amount after the due date.

Format: lecture, group discussions, role-play, video show and experiential exercises

Quota: 25

Registration: Please click Here or scan the QR code.

All successful participants will receive a confirmation email on or after  26 Feb 2024.

  • For enquires, please contact Ms. Rainbow Leong:
    Tel: 8822 9000
    Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo
Application for Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (Deadline: 25 Feb)2024-02-25T23:58:15+08:00
20 2023-10

【Invitation】2nd UM mental health public speaking final contest (2023/10/26)




  1. 張凌霄
  2. 王楚月
  3. 何凱城
  4. 詹睿欣
  5. 張嘉樂
  6. 程路達
  7. 李儒怡
  8. 張陳爾玥
  9. 楊子杰
  10. 陳煒軒
  11. 陶兆妤
  12. 王一荃





We are delighted to announce the finalist list for the 2nd UM Mental Health Public Speaking Contest and cordially invite all teachers and students to attend this exciting competition. The contest will be held on October 26, 2023, at 7:30 PM in the E31 Student Activity Centre Theatre.

Here is the list of finalists (in no particular order):

  7. LEI U I

These twelve contestants have shown outstanding performance in the preliminary rounds and have successfully advanced to the finals after rigorous selection and evaluation by the judging panel. They will showcase their unique perspectives on mental health issues during the finals.

To ensure everyone’s participation in this remarkable competition, we will start distributing tickets on October 16th (Monday). Please visit the Student Counselling Section(E31-2009) to collect your ticket as soon as possible, as the quantity is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Thank you for your attention and support! Let us all look forward to this fantastic Mental Health Public Speaking Contest on the evening of October 26th at 7:30 PM.

【Invitation】2nd UM mental health public speaking final contest (2023/10/26)2023-10-26T10:00:06+08:00
5 2023-10

Application for Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (Quota is full)





日期 : 1021 & 28 (星期六): 09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (共12小時)       

 導師 : 朱婉璧小姐 & 梁彩虹小姐, 心理輔導員

 語言 : 廣東話

 地點 : 待通知

 費用: 澳門幣100

  • 請於報名前確認是否能全程出席課程
  • 全程參加工作坊之學生無須繳付行政費
  • 一經報名,缺席或未能全程參加課程之學生, 會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,且需在期限前繳付上述費用,否則需支付3%的逾期手續費。



 截止報名日期: 10月17日 (星期二)


  • 如有查詢,請聯絡梁小姐:
    電話 : 8822 9000
    電郵 : sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) was an international certificate course originally developed in Australia in 2001.

Mental Health First Aid is a basic training course, aims at providing mental health related training to students to become Mental Health First Aiders so that they are able to provide assistance to their peers who are under emotional distress and to make referral to professional help accordingly.

By completing the 12 hours training, you will be rewarded with a certificate issued by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.

Date and time: 21 Oct & 28 Oct (Saturdays),  09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (12 hours in total)

Instructors: Marion CHU & Rainbow LEONG, Psychological Counsellors

Language: Cantonese

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Fee: Administrative fee MOP100

  • Please make sure you can attend the course before registration.
  • Students who participate in the whole course do not need to pay the fee.
  • Students who are absent for the whole or part of the course will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. Please settle the payment before the deadline. An overdue administrative charge of 3% on the amount due will be charged on the overdue amount after the due date.

Format: lecture, group discussions, role-play, video show and experiential exercises

Quota: 25

Registration: Please click Here or scan the QR code.

All successful participants will receive a confirmation email on or before 18 Oct 2023.

  • For enquires, please contact Ms. Rainbow Leong:
    Tel: 8822 9000
    Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo
Application for Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (Quota is full)2023-10-13T23:59:05+08:00
26 2023-09

Application for Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (Quota is full)





日期 : 1021 & 28 (星期六): 09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (共12小時)       

 導師 : 朱婉璧小姐 & 梁彩虹小姐, 心理輔導員

 語言 : 廣東話

 地點 : 待通知

 費用: 澳門幣100

  • 請於報名前確認是否能全程出席課程
  • 全程參加工作坊之學生無須繳付行政費
  • 一經報名,缺席或未能全程參加課程之學生, 會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,且需在期限前繳付上述費用,否則需支付3%的逾期手續費。



 截止報名日期: 10月17日 (星期二)


  • 如有查詢,請聯絡梁小姐:
    電話 : 8822 9000
    電郵 : sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) was an international certificate course originally developed in Australia in 2001.

Mental Health First Aid is a basic training course, aims at providing mental health related training to students to become Mental Health First Aiders so that they are able to provide assistance to their peers who are under emotional distress and to make referral to professional help accordingly.

By completing the 12 hours training, you will be rewarded with a certificate issued by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.

Date and time: 21 Oct & 28 Oct (Saturdays),  09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (12 hours in total)

Instructors: Marion CHU & Rainbow LEONG, Psychological Counsellors

Language: Cantonese

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Fee: Administrative fee MOP100

  • Please make sure you can attend the course before registration.
  • Students who participate in the whole course do not need to pay the fee.
  • Students who are absent for the whole or part of the course will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. Please settle the payment before the deadline. An overdue administrative charge of 3% on the amount due will be charged on the overdue amount after the due date.

Format: lecture, group discussions, role-play, video show and experiential exercises

Quota: 25

Registration: Please click Here or scan the QR code.

All successful participants will receive a confirmation email on or before 18 Oct 2023.

  • For enquires, please contact Ms. Rainbow Leong:
    Tel: 8822 9000
    Email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo
Application for Mental Health First Aid Standard Course (Quota is full)2023-10-13T12:01:08+08:00
4 2023-09

Survey Invitation to all students: Psychological Wellness Survey (Deadline: 20 Oct, Friday )


Dear Students,

Psychological Counselling Centre of Student Affairs Office provides free counselling service to UM students. We hope to understand students’ general well-being through this questionnaire so we can offer suitable service to our students. All responses that you provide will be kept confidential. The information will be used for analysis and for providing counselling service only. Please click the below link directly or to scan the QR code to fill out the “Psychological Wellness Survey”.

To fill out the survey, please click this link (https://pnc.sao.um.edu.mo), log-in with your student ID (First 7 digits) and password

The deadline of this survey submission is 20 October 2023 (Friday).

For any enquiry, please contact the Psychological Counselling Centre (Tel: 88229000; email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo).

Thank you very much!

Psychological Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Office




用学生证编号 ( 首7位字符)及密码登入,便可填写问卷。是次问卷调查的截止日期为2023年10月20日(星期五)。




Survey Invitation to all students: Psychological Wellness Survey (Deadline: 20 Oct, Friday )2023-10-19T15:00:06+08:00
21 2023-08

Survey Invitation to all Master and PhD students: Psychological Wellness Survey (Deadline: 29 Sep )


Dear Students,

Psychological Counselling Centre of Student Affairs Office provides free counselling service to UM students. We hope to understand students’ general well-being through this questionnaire so we can offer suitable service to our students. All responses that you provide will be kept confidential. The information will be used for analysis and for providing counselling service only. Please click the below link directly or to scan the QR code to fill out the “Psychological Wellness Survey”.

To fill out the survey, please click this link (https://pnc.sao.um.edu.mo), log-in with your student ID (First 7 digits) and password

The deadline of this survey submission is 29 September 2023 (Friday).

For any enquiry, please contact the Psychological Counselling Centre (Tel: 88229000; email: sao.counsellor@um.edu.mo).

Thank you very much!

Psychological Counselling Centre

Student Affairs Office




用学生证编号 ( 首7位字符)及密码登入,便可填写问卷。是次问卷调查的截止日期为2023年9月29日(星期五)。




Survey Invitation to all Master and PhD students: Psychological Wellness Survey (Deadline: 29 Sep )2023-09-30T15:00:04+08:00
6 2023-02

Application for Mental Health First Aid – Standard Course





日期 : 225 & 34 (星期六): 09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (共12小時)       

 導師 : 朱婉璧小姐 & 梁彩虹小姐, 心理輔導員

 語言 : 廣東話

 地點 : 待通知

 費用: 澳門幣100

  • 請於報名前確認是否能全程出席課程
  • 全程參加工作坊之學生無須繳付行政費
  • 一經報名,缺席或未能全程參加課程之學生, 會收到學校發出的電子繳費單,且需在期限前繳付上述費用,否則需支付3%的逾期手續費。



 截止報名日期: 2月21日 (星期二)


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) was an international certificate course originally developed in Australia in 2001.

Mental Health First Aid is a basic training course, aims at providing mental health related training to students to become Mental Health First Aiders so that they are able to provide assistance to their peers who are under emotional distress and to make referral to professional help accordingly.

By completing the 12 hours training, you will be rewarded with a certificate issued by The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.

Date and time: 25 Feb & 04 Mar (Saturdays),  09:30-12:30, 13:30-16:30 (12 hours in total)

Instructors: Marion CHU & Rainbow LEONG, Psychological Counsellors

Language: Cantonese

Venue: To Be Confirmed

Fee: Administrative fee MOP100

  • Please make sure you can attend the course before registration.
  • Students who participate in the whole course do not need to pay the fee.
  • Students who are absent for the whole or part of the course will receive an e-debit note issued by the University. Please settle the payment before the deadline. An overdue administrative charge of 3% on the amount due will be charged on the overdue amount after the due date.

Format: lecture, group discussions, role-play, video show and experiential exercises

Quota: 25

Registration: Please click Here or scan the QR code.

All successful participants will receive a confirmation email on or before 22 Feb 2023.

Application for Mental Health First Aid – Standard Course2023-02-20T23:59:55+08:00
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