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19 2024-11

The 22nd UM Scholar Research Forum: Statistics in Data Science Age [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]


日期 Date : 27 / 11 / 2024 (星期三 Wednesday)
時間 Time : 15:00 – 16:00
場地 Venue : 大學展館(E1)演講廳 University Gallery (E1) Auditorium
語言 Language : 普通話 Putonghua
報名 Registration: 按此連結 Link Here

  Registered on-site participants will be provided light refreshments after the talk.

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS “Knowledge Integration” Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*學生出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及10個 “Knowledge Integration” (即CS) 分數。

Supported by


The 22nd UM Scholar Research Forum: Statistics in Data Science Age [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]2024-12-19T00:00:17+08:00
8 2024-11

Invitation: Greater Bay Area Science Forum 2024 – Macao Forum


The Greater Bay Area Science Forum (GSF) serves as a high-end platform and communication hub with the aim to facilitate scientific research and technological innovation in the Greater Bay Area and to strengthen international exchange and collaboration in science and technology, so as to jointly advance the scientific development on a global scale.  The “Greater Bay Area Science Forum 2024 – Macao Forum” is a sub-forum held in Macao this year. With the theme of “Technology and Innovation – Diversified Development of Macao”, it gathers renowned local and foreign scientists, scholars, and technology enterprise experts for high-level exchange to promote scientific development and collaboration, as well as to realize the strategic positioning of GSF, that is, to be based in the Greater Bay Area, to create synergy with Hong Kong and Macao, and to stay open to the world.

We would like to invite all UM staff and students to participate. Details are as below:

Date: 18 November 2024 (Monday)
Time: 9:30-18:00
Venue: Multi-function Hall, UM Guest House (N1)
Programme Rundown: Click Here
Registration: Click here

大灣區科學論壇發揮高端平台與溝通樞紐作用,旨在促進大灣區科學研究及技術創新,加強國際科技交流合作,共同推進世界科學事業發展。「2024大灣區科學論壇澳門論壇」作為本年於澳門舉辦的分論壇,以「科創澳門  多元發展」為主題,匯聚國內外知名科學家、科研學者及科技企業專家等共同進行高層次交流,以推動科學發展與合作,實現大灣區科學論壇立足灣區、協同港澳、面向世界的戰略定位。



Invitation: Greater Bay Area Science Forum 2024 – Macao Forum2024-12-08T00:00:08+08:00
9 2024-10

External Activity: Invitation to Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR ─ Scientific Research Projects Result Exhibition and Academic Report, 2024







如有查詢,請與宋先生(電話:8822 4310 / 電郵: samsong@um.edu.mo)或關小姐(電話:8822 8380 / 電郵:christykuan@um.edu.mo)聯絡。


External Activity: Invitation to Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 25th Anniversary of the Macao SAR ─ Scientific Research Projects Result Exhibition and Academic Report, 20242024-10-19T00:00:24+08:00
13 2024-09

The 20th UM Scholar Research Forum: How Permeable is the Impermeable Graphene? [Light Lunch & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]


日期 Date : 24 / 09 / 2024 (星期二 Tuesday)
時間 Time : 11:00 – 12:00
場地 Venue : 大學展館(E1)演講廳 University Gallery (E1) Auditorium
語言 Language : 普通話 Putonghua
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

  Registered on-site participants will be provided light lunch after the talk.

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS “Knowledge Integration” Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*學生出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及10個 “Knowledge Integration” (即CS) 分數。

Supported by

The 20th UM Scholar Research Forum: How Permeable is the Impermeable Graphene? [Light Lunch & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]2024-09-25T00:00:16+08:00
26 2024-08

Introduction of Research Ethics Review System (RERS)


Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the RSKTO!

To streamline the research ethics review process, the University has subscribed an ethics review system to handle research ethics applications. After 2 months of soft launch, we are pleased to announce that the UM Research Ethics Review System (RERS) is now officially launched.

The RERS is a web-based system which provides a single platform for the submission, review, approval, amendment or extension of ethics application. It also streamlines the research ethics review process and facilitates effective communication among researchers, research ethics panel members and supporting colleagues.

The user guides of the RERS can be downloaded from RSKTO website. RERS link is also available at myUM Portal.

RSKTO is going to hold two briefing sessions to introduce RERS, which will be a sub-session in the Briefing of RSKTO Services to New Academic Staff (Bulletin).

Details of Briefing Sessions:






4 September (Wednesday)

Introduction of RSKTO services, common practices and norms   

15:00 – 15:30

E1 auditorium


Introduction of Research Service Management System (RSMS)

15:30 – 15:45

Introduction of Research Ethics Review System (RERS)

15:45 – 16:00


16:00 – 16:15

5 September (Thursday)

Introduction of RSKTO services, common practices and norms   

11:00 – 11:30

E1 auditorium


Introduction of Research Service Management System (RSMS)

11:30 – 11:45

Introduction of Research Ethics Review System (RERS)

11:45 – 12:00


12:00 – 12:15

Please register your preferred session with us through the link here before 2 September (Monday).

Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Isabel He at isabelhe@um.edu.mo, ext. 4347.


Looking forward to seeing you!


Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office (RSKTO)

Introduction of Research Ethics Review System (RERS)2024-09-26T00:00:06+08:00
23 2024-08

Briefing of RSKTO Services to New Academic Staff


Dear Colleagues,

In the 2024/2025 academic year, a batch of top scholars from around the world has newly joined UM. With the objective of assisting our new faculty members in adapting to the research environment of the University, RSKTO is going to hold two orientation sessions in which a general research landscape of the University and some common practices and norms will be introduced.  At the same time, the sessions are also open for current academic and administrative staff members who would like to learn more about our services.

Details of Orientation Sessions:

Date Time Venue Language
4 September (Wednesday) 3pm E1 auditorium Chinese
5 September (Thursday) 11am E1 auditorium English



Introduction of RSKTO services, common practices and norms 30-35 mins
Introduction of Research Service Management System (RSMS) 15-20 mins
Introduction of Research Ethics Review System 10-15 mins


Please register your preferred session with us through the link here before 30 August (Friday).

Should you have any queries, please contact Mr. Sam Song at ext.4310 or Ms. Christy Kuan on ext.8380.


Looking forward to seeing you!


Best regards,

Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office (RSKTO)

Briefing of RSKTO Services to New Academic Staff2024-09-23T00:00:14+08:00
19 2024-04

[Reminder] The 19th UM Scholar Research Forum: Natural Defense Shield: Deciphering the Two-component Chemical Defense System of Panax Plants [Light Lunch & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]


日期 Date : 23 / 04 / 2024 (星期二 Tuesday)
時間 Time : 11:00 – 12:00
場地 Venue : 大學展館(E1)演講廳 UM Gallery (E1) Auditorium
語言 Language : 普通話 Putonghua
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

  Registered on-site participants will be provided light lunch after the talk.

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS “Knowledge integration” Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*同學出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及10個 “Knowledge integration” (即CS) 分數。

Supported by

[Reminder] The 19th UM Scholar Research Forum: Natural Defense Shield: Deciphering the Two-component Chemical Defense System of Panax Plants [Light Lunch & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]2024-06-30T00:04:35+08:00
15 2024-04

The 19th UM Scholar Research Forum: Natural Defense Shield: Deciphering the Two-component Chemical Defense System of Panax Plants [Light Lunch & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]


日期 Date : 23 / 04 / 2024 (星期二 Tuesday)
時間 Time : 11:00 – 12:00
場地 Venue : 大學展館(E1)演講廳 UM Gallery (E1) Auditorium
語言 Language : 普通話 Putonghua
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

  Registered on-site participants will be provided light lunch after the talk.

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS “Knowledge integration” Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*同學出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及10個 “Knowledge integration” (即CS) 分數。

Supported by

The 19th UM Scholar Research Forum: Natural Defense Shield: Deciphering the Two-component Chemical Defense System of Panax Plants [Light Lunch & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]2024-06-30T00:04:35+08:00
22 2024-02

[Reminder] The 17th UM Scholar Research Forum: Responsible Investing in the Gaming Industry [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]


日期 Date : 26 / 02 / 2024 (星期一 Monday)
時間 Time : 15:00 – 16:00
場地 Venue : 大學展館(E1)演講廳 UM Gallery (E1) Auditorium
語言 Language : 英語 English
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

  Registered on-site participants will be provided light refreshments after the talk.

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS “Knowledge integration” Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*同學出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及10個 “Knowledge integration” (即CS) 分數。

Supported by

[Reminder] The 17th UM Scholar Research Forum: Responsible Investing in the Gaming Industry [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]2024-03-26T00:00:16+08:00
16 2024-02

The 17th UM Scholar Research Forum: Responsible Investing in the Gaming Industry [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]


日期 Date : 26 / 02 / 2024 (星期一 Monday)
時間 Time : 15:00 – 16:00
場地 Venue : 大學展館(E1)演講廳 UM Gallery (E1) Auditorium
語言 Language : 英語 English
報名 Registration : 按此連結 Link Here

  Registered on-site participants will be provided light refreshments after the talk.

  1. Students who attend the WHOLE activity and arrive ON TIME will be given 0.5 Smart Point and 10 CS “Knowledge integration” Points.
  2. Students who arrive late or leave early over 5 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  3. Students who leave the venue during the activity for over 10 minutes will NOT be given any Smart Point or CS Points.
  4. Students are required to check in/out of the activity with Student ID Card. For those who do not respect the activity or neglect working personnel’s guidance, SAO reserves the right to cancel his/her Smart Point or CS Points.

*同學出席整個活動及準時到達將獲得0.5粒至叻星及10個 “Knowledge integration” (即CS) 分數。

Supported by

The 17th UM Scholar Research Forum: Responsible Investing in the Gaming Industry [Light Refreshments & 0.5 Smart Point & 10 CS Points]2024-03-26T00:01:15+08:00
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